View Full Version : nightmares

19th January 2011, 08:27 PM
I have started having nightmares (I think due to starting energy body work)

One of my nightmares last night:

i was in my lounge and my family were with me, I was looking out the window and I noticed my brick wall (that has only recently been built) had been kicked down, then a face appeared at the window it was a man and he had a baseball bat in his hand, this was very scary

i then saw him over the road with a spray can writing things on my neighbours wall, I then went upstairs and got my old baseball bat out, when I went out to challenge him he was easy to overcome

strange dream!!!!

any ideas??

i seem to be having nightmares every night..lets see what tonight brings !

19th January 2011, 08:35 PM
I think this may be bringing up a fear of having your defenses down. The act of meditating and trancework is a form of "lowering the veil" and it may make you feel vulnerable. The fact that the character in your dream was easy to defeat tells me that your subconscious is telling you that you're safe. But you are conscious of feeling your awareness opening up, and this is understandably fear-causing.

19th January 2011, 08:52 PM
If it's associated with beginning energy work, I think your subconscious is responding to the intention to begin consciously developing. Spiritual development sometimes entails courage because one way it happens is by confronting the deep aspects of your psyche.

The brick wall may denote earth, suggesting that you have begun working with the root chakra and, therefore, dealing with issues of security, self-esteem, survival and social order.

i was in my lounge and my family were with me, I was looking out the window and I noticed my brick wall (that has only recently been built) had been kicked down, then a face appeared at the window it was a man and he had a baseball bat in his hand, this was very scary

The recently built brick wall might signify a number of other things. It may be a self-protective barrier that translates into a series of beliefs or behaviours that you believe keep you safe.

The man may represent your fears or a shadow aspect that is suppressed by the barriers you construct to keep yourself safe and acceptable. This shadow aspect may be demanding some acknowledgment, understanding and expression because he is a legitimate aspect of you that wants to be fully integrated into your personality.

i then saw him over the road with a spray can writing things on my neighbours wall, I then went upstairs and got my old baseball bat out, when I went out to challenge him he was easy to overcome

By taking up the bat, you essentially acknowledge that he's you, you're him. In doing so, you overcome your fearful enemy by acknowledging and giving him expression. Notice you went "upstairs" to get your bat? This would suggest an upward movement in consciousness.

Looks like we've simultaneously posted again, CF.

20th January 2011, 10:22 AM
really interesting reply's thank you very much, I would tend to be able to relate to your suggestions. I had another vivid dream last night but it was not scary it felt good, my best friend was in it, he had dark patches on his face which was strange, over his eyes I think, but the whole dream was calm.

I think maybe as I overcome the fears in the last nightmare then maybe I was given a peaceful dream because of that, I can definitely feel alive and more concious in my dream body since starting energy work again, feels like I am starting to be alive once more!!

Any ideas on the dark patches to the face?

20th January 2011, 03:17 PM
If the dark patches were over his eyes I would say he's a metaphor for not being able to see. Is he not interested in this type of experience, or doesn't know you are?

20th January 2011, 08:45 PM
If the dark patches were over his eyes I would say he's a metaphor for not being able to see. Is he not interested in this type of experience, or doesn't know you are?

he does know I am, but he is not really into this only interested from an outside perpective...lets see what happens tonight, im off to do some energy work

20th January 2011, 09:40 PM
Isn't you avatar a little 'nightmarish'? You seem to indentify with forces of predator and prey. If that's where your mind is, then certainly these forces will occupy your dreams.

Just idle thoughts...

21st January 2011, 10:35 AM
Isn't you avatar a little 'nightmarish'? You seem to indentify with forces of predator and prey. If that's where your mind is, then certainly these forces will occupy your dreams.

Just idle thoughts...

LOL, I am one of the most chilled out peaceful people around..the avatar is of a man called Ian brown who is famous in the UK, he is also a pretty cool chilled out guy
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: