18th January 2011, 04:13 PM
Every time when I go deep in meditation, large rushes of energy comes running through my body. This causes the whole of the body to tense up. When I try to relax, the energy waves disappear.
The energy acts as if it has been built up, it is kinda like a wave crashing onto a shore. First there is an anticipation of the energy coming (wave builds up) and then the rush comes, with me tensing up (wave crashes onto shore). If that analogy makes sense.
I have no idea how to tackle this problem.
Anyone got any tips?
18th January 2011, 04:49 PM
What do you focus on when meditating?
18th January 2011, 05:24 PM
Anyone got any tips?
You can try to learn to ignore it, if you can't you can consider making the sensations the focus of your meditations.
18th January 2011, 05:39 PM
What do you focus on when meditating?
I turn my attention back on myself, and towards the silence within. I also sometimes experience a brief sensation of falling before these rushes come. They tend to bring me back up again, to a surface level of consciousness, where I can just open my eyes and get up.
Just now one of them turned into a pleasurable wave. I believe they might have something to do with a blocked central channel or blocked heart chakra...
It seems I am slowly coming to embrace these waves, slowly slowly. The key seems to be complete acceptance and relaxation combined.
18th January 2011, 11:27 PM
Hello, John.
The falling seems to indicate the depth of the trance where you encounter this phenomenon. I know that when I get the depth of a trance to a certain point, I will get energy running on its own at such a strength, that the blockages in my legs begin to jerk. This would always propel me out of trance.
Years ago, 2006ish, when I started on trance training, this sensation would make my leg jump up from the bed when encountered. Years later when experimenting with the Gateway Experience tapes again I would encounter it in lesser fashion. The undesirable awakening would always be triggered by the energy hitting the resistance within the blockages.
My experience is that when spontaneous increased energy flow hits a blockage, a spontaneous experience of the blockage is the result. In case of a muscle blockage impacting the circuit this would result in jerks and spasms, but any kind of blockage can be triggered and cause any kind of sensation with an analogous effect, depending on the nature of the blockage.
19th January 2011, 03:55 PM
That might be the issue here, thanks. More insight will come soon, I feel!
Aunt Clair
20th March 2011, 03:16 PM
Every time when I go deep in meditation, large rushes of energy comes running through my body.
Sometimes kundalini events can build up like waves of energy each time the magician is working metaphysically or magically these become a bit stronger until the full event is ripe. Blockages can cause this too. Deep cleansing down from crown to toes gently followed by raising energy upwards should help you to remove blockages and prepare for any future K events. Robert's full spinal bounce is an excellent exercise to aid in this regard.
20th March 2011, 04:06 PM
Every time when I go deep in meditation, large rushes of energy comes running through my body.
Sometimes kundalini events can build up like waves of energy each time the magician is working metaphysically or magically these become a bit stronger until the full event is ripe. Blockages can cause this too. Deep cleansing down from crown to toes gently followed by raising energy upwards should help you to remove blockages and prepare for any future K events. Robert's full spinal bounce is an excellent exercise to aid in this regard.
I have found a blockage in my left foot which might be related...
Lately there has been some progress made here. Really relaxing into the rushes seemed impossible at first, but now it gets easier and easier. This makes the energy rushes come more smoothly, stay longer, and this really lights up the whole energy body.
A combination of a few psychological issues seems to be behind all of this. The rushes always come in correlation with a thought that's mostly build on shame, and on not being good enough. These two things have dominated my life up until very recently. I haven't allowed myself to make mistakes, or being a beginner at things, both which is vital to being true to myself.
At the core is the belief that the thoughts causing this suffering are true, and that the projection of that reality is the real one. But if it was, I wouldn't be suffering. I am gradually beginning to see through these false beliefs and that there is a distance between the mind and the self. But the most important thing for me right now is to be able to accept myself as I am.
21st March 2011, 03:46 PM
Hi John,
the capacity for a child to intake external stimulus increases slowly. adults can often be redelivered to just this kind of inability to 'be' in overwhelming external activity.
so, on this one hand is this external intake of sensory impulses great and small, which we for the most part take for granted.
and on the other is our interior being, wherein is our 'real' reactive and respondant state. this we find in our meditation, our unique world, the box of 64 crayons that colors our externally sensed 'reality'.
so we meditating, ask ourself, what from within unceasingly feeds this 'monstrosity' that minds/colors at will, the established external sense of 'reality'?
furthermore, if we enter into the proper flow of 'from within to without', shifting our attentive focus from forward to reverse, from out-looking to inward-dwelling; what have we actuated in and of this posi-trac transmission?
Enoch speaks of wheels upon wheels upon wheels..., all churning in the minding of our 'world'. out-looking as we are, we focus upon a mere one taijitu of balanced harmonious yin and yang. can we, inward-dwelling, imagine an infinite procession of taijitu, aligned and enmeshed with such refined rest and peace, such silent running, stealthily productive of 'wave' upon wave, even a moon to raise the tidal impetus of our desirous 'centric' being that unceasingly does?
'centric' is the key word there, as one is ever in the center of their activity, both within and without, so much so that they are one and the same zero point of integrating integral, often pummeled by waves, yet ever unmovable and unchangeable from this com-positional conductor of every orchestrated movement impulsing toward center from all around, an all-around which has no differential sight of 'within and without', as these divisions and separations are the seeming properties of waves dually bounding through and crashing toward center's heart break.
the point of sentient being, the hush in the center of great reverberating 'noise' deeply sounded, even as that which minds is silent running. such a one might imagine words of old exclaiming in an outcry, "Peace! Be Still!", where in and of, all angling (L) and angeling (eL) functions cease movement, having heard The One utter the command of clarity for peace sake.
what happens when 'all' ceases movement, when 'everything' is suddenly as restful 'no-thing'? much ado about nothing
wonderment would have the true voice heard, for without this true centric voice heard, myriad voices churn in the production of reality's sake; for better of for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer...etc.
yes, it is a marriage of duality, in perfected procession (doing within for f$ck's sake). however, it is a marriage of duality, not of perfect being (for love's sake). to say, that there is a marriage in the state of perceived and un-minded separation, yes...even divorce.
therefore, function being first, also is there dysfunction which follows. doesnt matter whether 'being' outlookingly points in blame, or whether one point inward of blame. tis a matter of forgiveness, of understanding the bare bones of 'sake'.
identifying this inward causal origin, the out-looked upon secondary reality of effects is clearly seen as by-product of a deeper product inward-dwelling; a separation between Beloved and Lover, in a seeming battle between dark and light, of illusion vs. real.
both product and following by-product are dysfunctional at 'best', as if Lady and Lord have turned their very backs upon oneanother....oh my. She is off doing Hers and He is off doing His, and within and without, out-looked and inward-dwelling have concretized as two seeming domains of reality; and the Land and the King are un-oned, no Kingdom.
where is that chalice of ancient days, O' Holy Grail of Lore, in a fore-thought handed down? oh Aesculapius with your snaked staff, look there in Her scorned accused wrathful hands, as She milks the very toxin of days into the cup of resolving understanding, the dregs of lives lived in vain turbulence, to be drank to it's ends.
yes, it was that She fessed up, immediately, "it was I" who took from the forbidden fruit. yet, even as He blindly followed "without" question, knowing as well the ills fore-warned, did He deny His culpability, immediately, "it was Her" whom tempted me.
thus having denied a will as if it were against a will extinguished, then by those very words, so mote it be. and even today, woeful as we humanly are, the excuse rings just as ever-false, "I am 'only' human", and in that is will torn asunder to consequentially reap the choice of denying one's own gift of inward-dwelling free will.
here we enter into the realm of 'permission' vs. 'permissiveness', of function vs. dysfunction, of owning vs. blaming...etc. oh how the waves of a deceitful heart beat against me! oh how a mind that has replaced a willful heart murders the very breathing mine in and of myself.
oh great aesculapius, physician heal thyself, for you have diminished thyself greatly. turn to her back, implore her to turn, that the cup she has long prepared for you can heal all that "will" be, so it will be as "well". Her face (inward Moon)alas seen without shame and guilt of your reflection (inward Sun) forced onto her alone to bear as burden of proof accused, She the fore-given alas un-accused...forgiven.
and a dank and dreary court enlivens, maidens and servants join hands in and of peace dancing to a remembered song long forgotten. she and he in reunion of pregnant potentiality, the child as YOU, ever and anon.
she'll be comin around the mountain when she comes. that is, unless you kind sir, move that mountain which twain the two is your blame. in her hands is the answer, even as his hands quest far and wide without her truly in and of it free of accusatory blame.
when the two snakes are finished, the 'sus' in Je-sus remains as 'uu' in wedded bliss of V; V for peace, V for a victory willfully received through surrendering ill-will to defeat. the very V that is EVE; and in the garden re-turned are U...as ONE, as YOU were, as it were, no longer is... 'as it is'....divided and beleaguered Arjuna on his knees within a Chariot rei(G)ned by His stead held of mighty steeds (7) functionally controled.
though with respect to vows (vow-els), begin with 'ii', a courting toward reunion by her charge led, that "I" may walk down the aisle in re-gatherance of all 'thought' to have been lost. and these two as one 'O' fled the tabernacle of their mysterious forgetfulness, a honeyMoon reflective of a Sun's projecting undying love, once a-gain.
be wary Brother, there is a (FA-T-AL) difference between a Steely Eyed Magus and a Starry Eyed Fool. for one is the master of illusion (disguise through self-denial), and other is no-thing more or less than real/equal for a Universe all 'in' all unconditionally loved...mutually so 'of' a Union. "...when "I" go A-Cross that river...She is comfort by my side..."
"I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine"
*within the next two links, take note of the Kinethesia and Intuition, as they are the same, centrality of our sense of whole being
7 senses: http://academics.tjhsst.edu/psych/oldPs ... index.html (http://academics.tjhsst.edu/psych/oldPsych/senses/index.html)
also agreeable (seven senses): http://www.unique-design.net/library/word/sense.html#7
"Blessed is he who has crucified the world, and who has not the world to crucify him." Jesus, The Book of Jeu
21st March 2011, 07:43 PM
identifying this inward causal origin, the out-looked upon secondary reality of effects is clearly seen as by-product of a deeper product inward-dwelling; a separation between Beloved and Lover, in a seeming battle between dark and light, of illusion vs. real.
And it is purely a battle with myself. As wstein said so clearly in another thread, there's only "my" stuff. It gets clearer and clearer by the day.
As a consequence, I am more stable in myself, centered in sushumna. It's incredibly relieving, not attempting to, or having any obligation to be, in any particular way around anyone. I am not in charge or their reactions, and it would be rude of me to try and affect their behaviour in any way, like for example by behaving meekly in their presence. So from now on: letting go of control! :D
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