View Full Version : RTZ projections turn into LD's

17th January 2011, 11:36 AM
My RTZ projections quickly become lucid dreams.

The little differences turn into big differences and it soon becomes apparent I'm dreaming.

Can you think of anything I could do that might help keep me in the RTZ? I cant stay there long enough to find any tubes or portals or anything.

I've been projecting regularly for over a year and the problem hasnt sorted itself out.

Any thoughts/advice appreciated. Thanks.

Robert Bruce
30th May 2011, 07:47 AM

First, keep your rtz projections very short. They turn into lucid dreams because your physical body mind begins dreaming, and the dream state merges with your rtz consciousness.

Given you have some experience, I suggest you start with 1 minute out and then make a deliberate reentry, passionately shouting your success keywords.

Work out how long you have in rtz before it shifts into dreamstate and that is about how long you have, and you must reenter before this happens.

Keeping a running commentary will help extend rtz time out.

Look briefly at your hands every ten or twenty seconds, as this will tend to keep your in rtz longer.

Use a little 'slight discomfort' for your physical body. Use more pillows, be more upright, etc. This will help keep your physical body mind awake longer, thereby extending rtz time.

Affirmations and commands will also help. "I stay in real time' 'I remember everything' 'the rtz is stable' etc.

When you shift into Lucid Dream state, use commands to shift back into rtz. Also, try falling backwards without trying to catch yourself. This will shift you back to your body, or into an astral plane. Repeat as necessary. Add commands as you do it 'take me back to my office, or somewhere in rtz familiar to you.

You'll get better at this.
