View Full Version : strange thing happening when i was using cd3

16th January 2011, 12:09 PM
i had some dreams.
i could hear myself snoring
i was feeling something hot sometimes around me.
at one stage its like a could see someone jumping on me that realy scared me.
then i opened my eyes my body was feeling too hot, now that i stoped i'm not feeling hot no more, any explanation?

16th January 2011, 09:51 PM
These are energy body movement related sensations, and have been reported to happen. It is nothing bad, but if it becomes troublesome, either slow down the energy work, or use water energy when you do your brushing/sponging.
However, chances are that this is the 'warm fuzzy feeling that sometimes is felt in trance.
The visions are known as hypnagogics, and are a natural part of falling asleep. You usually don't begin to see them because you lose consciousness normally before starting the dreaming process, but because the object of projection practice is to get to mind awake body asleep while aware, you are now experiencing things that normally happen as you go unconscious.