View Full Version : Dream-a-thons

Neil Templar
14th September 2009, 05:36 PM
lately i've been experiencing night-long dreaming.
i wake many times during the night, whether to change position, or go to the loo, pull off bed sheets etc..
every time i get back into the dream. it can last the whole night, only ending when my alarm goes off and i have to get up.
there's a continuation throughout. one long dream.
it's easy to do if i want. i just keep in mind the last thing that happened before waking, and sure enough i'm right back there as soon as i close my eyes.

the thing is i'm rarely actually trying to do this. it's just happening alot.
i reckon it's because for many months my intent has been to remember my dreams, and to use them to receive guidance.
my awareness during sleep is so focused on dreaming that i'm at it the whole night.

now this might sound cool, or it might sound exhausting. sometimes it's either, sometimes it's both. :roll:
i don't mind being tired the day after one of these, usually the experience itself is yielding enough info for me to feel satisfied.
one problem i do perceive is that while the whole time i'm semi-lucid, i haven't reached full lucidity in months.
i also haven't been aware of any spontaneous OBE action.
i used to have at least one per month, and be able to "get out" from frequent lucid dreams.

it's been at least 3 or 4 months since either has happened.

so, while i am of the opinion that we get the experiences we need at the time, i could do with having a little more control sometimes.

and yeah i know the usual tips for gaining lucidity, looking at hands etc. it's just that, while a part of me fully acknowledges that i'm dreaming, the part of me that is engaged in the experience doesn't feel the need to take control.
just a bit frustrating really...

anyone have these kind of night-long episodes?

14th September 2009, 06:05 PM
Yep, just as you describe it, especially when I'm not consciously projecting. Long dreams, sometimes in the same scape, or serial type dreams, going from one scape to the next, like a soap opera.
Sometimes the meaning behind them is obvious, sometimes not.

15th September 2009, 06:58 AM
It's been happening to me the last few nights too. Since my reconnection treatment. Every night since then.

Neil Templar
15th September 2009, 09:40 AM
It's been happening to me the last few nights too. Since my reconnection treatment. Every night since then.

i wonder if that's what's going on with me? :?