View Full Version : Kitty Negs (?) / table water fountain

12th January 2011, 12:15 PM
G-day AstralBob :) ,

This tonight happened for the 3rd time or so, but it does so with huge intervals (last time half a year ago or so), so I am not really plagued with this "kind of neg" at all. It is rather an interesting but repeated experience for me.

When in sleep or in a kind of hypnagogic state (coming from sleep which would then be more hypnopomp, to be correct) I suddenly realise my body lying there (paralysed as usual) still with dream imagery going on and something vibrating kind of scratches my back of the neck. I am certain that it is NOT part of the dream itself going on simultaneously, so it might even be a mind-split kind of thing. (Although one time when this happened I dreamt of myself lying in bed in my childhood room).

It goes up and down, but it is not a direct touch on my skin. It rather feels more energetic. Still, it is 'alien' to me, which means it feels like a foreign entity is tresspassing my private aura field, that is. I am a notorious side-sleeper, so it does not come 'from below' but from one side.

It also has a sound, like a deeper vibrating sound. Actually, it sounds the way it feels to me. (Cannot describe it better).

The previous times I stayed calm and asked it what it wants. Normally it went away then without any answer. This time (still in hypnagogic state, commmunicating telepathically) I said 'go away', I also sent some kind of white/bluish energy myself to the back of my neck as a kind of additional defense mechanism (continuous energy work seems to pay off for me, so I can move and handle energy through my energy/dream body in paralysed state). It then vanished again after a while. But I also woke up then.

This time, however, I had another insight about this, and this is related to my question. Simultaneously, while still dreaming, I saw a black cat lying there on a kind of cabinet / furniture looking at me in a house. It is not a cat I know or knew from real life.

So my assumption is the following:

I remember R. Monroe also described being harrassed by projecting cats in the astral (he first had interpreted them as goblins or little demons, but later revised it). I have lots of cats in my neighbourhood here. So, could the "negs" be neighbourhood kittens just wanting to play with me or tease me?

(A second question regarding negs in general: I have a small table water fountain (like these http://www.google.de/images?hl=de&clien ... =&gs_rfai= (http://www.google.de/images?hl=de&client=firefox-a&hs=MPf&rls=org.mozilla%3Ade%3Aofficial&gbv=2&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=table+water+fountain&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=) ) in my room, as decoration, air moistener and 'acoustic wellness ambience provider' :mrgreen: . As you said, that running water is useful to keep out negative energies, my question would be: is that helpful for this purpose? So should I turn it on and leave it running during the night? How far could/should it be from my bed in an ideal case then?)


Robert Bruce
22nd January 2011, 09:41 AM

It is possible that this is an astral projecting cat, or a spirit cat, yes.

This does not sound like an actual neg attack.

The water feature will help. I know people in similar situations who get regular disturbances, where a water feature next to the bed has solved the problem. Most have this on their bedside table, near the head area. You may have to experiment to find what works best.

Rejecting it and commanding it to go away, as you have done, is also a good idea.
