View Full Version : Things to Do while AP/OBEing

10th January 2011, 05:32 PM
I promised a poster a list of stuff to do while lucid or OBE- hadn't completely forgotten, so here it is.

Things to do while projecting-
In the RTZ, practice flying, floating, and sensing. Try to sense when you don't see.
Observe around you, and identify anomalies.
If anomalies are doors or windows, go through them.
Do energy work while in the RTZ. Try to produce light balls in your hands.
Find your own body, mess with it. Try to do energy work on your body. If it gets weird, you may turn it into a mental-in the RTZ projection. Enjoy! (and no, I don't mean sex. That would be too weird for me.)
Go through walls. Feel the texture, feel the sense of semisolidity and sometimes even taste of the material as you go though it. Don't be surprised if you find yourself in the astral on the other side.

In dreams, attempt to reach lucidity. Keep a journal, use keywords, use lucidity techniques and affirmations.

When lucid or astral projecting-
Experiment with travel. Fly, float, teleport. See which one you like the most.
Go through things.
Observe objects, people. Consider that they are alive (including trees, rocks, objects).
Attempt to communicate with objects as well as beings.
Ask characters who they are. If they don't respond ask them if they are parts of you.
Ask them what they are supposed to represent.
Attempt to communicate using thought.
If you're brave attempt to communicate by merging with the being/object.

Look for vortexes, go into them.
If you're in an astral landscape and have done all the communicating you want, wave your hand in front of it, as if to erase it. See what happens.
If the environment dissolves, see what's behind it.

Attempt to find (you can use affirmations before practicing) teaching temples, attend dreamstate lessons.
Try to finish the lessons or figure out what they mean.
Practice TK (controlling the environment), bringing things to you (manifestation) and continue to communicate with entities that you feel comfortable with.

Practice meditating and using astral sight in the astral, such as 'seeing with closed eyes' while in the astral. It's interesting.

If more ideas, please contribute.

11th January 2011, 06:31 PM
Some great ideas here CFT :)

I would like to add -- going back to special locations previously visited in past OBEs/APs. I have been to a number strange and exotic locations. Alas, I can never seem to go back to any of them. :? :?:
Also practicing yoga in the astral is on my to-do list but I always seem to forgot about it when 'out'.

Regards 8)

12th January 2011, 12:02 AM
Also practicing yoga in the astral is on my to-do list but I always seem to forgot about it when 'out'.

Ooo, I've done this. Fun without gravity. :lol:

24th January 2011, 09:12 PM
Thank you for this list! When I am "out" I often refer to your list. I never thought I would be bored while having an OOBE! But sometimes I just stand there thinking "well...now what?" I get a rush when I first get out because I am so happy that it worked, but then I become retarted or something and can't think of what to do next!

About vortexs (vortexes?), I have seen one ONCE right after I seperated, and it was above my head but I was too scared to go through it. Do they always lead to the astral? Could they lead to some sort of void? Or blackhole :shock: . This creeps me out! They don't exactly have a very welcoming appearance to them!

24th January 2011, 10:37 PM
As far as my own experience, it has always been astral environments.

11th February 2011, 02:58 AM
Just want to add one thing, ask to see your past lives would be interesting.

21st February 2011, 07:41 PM
I get a rush when I first get out because I am so happy that it worked, but then I become retarted or something and can't think of what to do next!

Journals and goals. I keep an ongoing dream and OBE journal, if you don't, then you should start right away!
Also: GOALS GOALS GOALS. I cannot stress this enough. Make a list of about 10 things that you would like to do while out of body. You may not get to them right away, as the OBE environment can and will take on a life of its own. BUT, when you can gain complete lucid control of your OBE, you will appreciate that you already have goals in mind. (HS has goals too, try to meditate and intergrate) Its Okay to not have a list of goals, too. I have spent alot of time playing and putting my hands through things and flying and LOVING the astral winds and warm/glowing environs. My best stuff did not come intil i put a list of goals together. Jake...

22nd February 2011, 03:06 AM
Wow! Thank you so much for this great information! I found that I hung around a little after my exit wondering what I should do as well. Goals, Goals, Goals - got to make them more concrete then.

My excitement is rekindled tonight. I was excited after my last (3rd) exit. But it kind of wore off after a day or two, I think because I did not get back to my body for quite a while and my obe seemed to degrade into a lucid dream. I know about wiggling my toe, but somehow in that other state it did not occur to me. Is there a secret to being more clear minded when obe. I know I was aware of everything around me, there were lots of decisions to make and sensations to experience, how can I prevent a lucid dream from seeping in - should I just hurry back to my body before it gets too far?

Regarding talking to entities, and merging with them? I thought that RB said to keep to yourself and don't make eye contact. Regarding merging with beings, I don't mean to be crude, but I thought that that was what astral sex was? Not sure, this is still new to me.

22nd February 2011, 04:42 PM
Split thread.
Posts about Exit and RTZ fluctuations have been moved here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23321&p=144159#p144159 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23321&p=144159#p144159)