View Full Version : Reconnective healing in dream!

9th January 2011, 09:55 AM
I used reconnective healing in one of my dreams this night. I wasn’t lucid.

I was in a shop of some kind at the bottommost floor of a hotel or shopping complex. In one corner there was a little store that sold magical stones, and a friend and I was visiting there.

I was interested in getting a piece of moldavite as I’ve read about it on these boards, so I asked for one, and the woman behind the desk pulled out a large chunk of the clear green stone, perhaps 5x5 cm of size. I don’t know what got to me, but I decided to put the reconnective frequencies through it. The amplification of the effect of the healing usually takes some time for me, since I am a beginner, but this time it was instantaneous. The frequencies expanded and I could feel everyone in the room get affected immediately. It was like the whole room trembled. It only lasted for a second or so. Anticipation and shock was left hanging in the air afterwards. I could see the shopkeeper staring at me in horror.

I quickly apologized, as I had no idea I was dreaming and thought I was in a normal shop, and thought to myself: “I hope I haven’t affected any of the other stones in here with my energy signature or something”. But the apology didn’t seem to sink in, the shopkeeper was still collecting herself. My friend remained impassive at all times, but also seemed to jump when the energies started flowing.

I'm thinking this might have actually been in one of the general dream zones, if so, I hope I didn't mess anything up. :( It's healing frequencies, so things should be alright...



Neil Templar
9th January 2011, 11:09 AM
cool. 8)
i've found myself using the frequencies many times in dreams. i've actually done it on purpose before, setting an intention on going to bed.
how do you feel after waking?

9th January 2011, 12:49 PM
cool. 8)
i've found myself using the frequencies many times in dreams. i've actually done it on purpose before, setting an intention on going to bed.
how do you feel after waking?
what is the pre-sleep-affirmation you use exactly to make it work? "I receive reconnective energies/healing" or sth similar?

9th January 2011, 01:17 PM
cool. 8)
i've found myself using the frequencies many times in dreams. i've actually done it on purpose before, setting an intention on going to bed.
how do you feel after waking?


It felt amazing. A deep happiness and joy. Gonna have to try and induce more of these frequencies! :)

Neil Templar
9th January 2011, 01:59 PM
i was simply saying "reconnective healing" to myself, over and over. just thinking about it brings me to a state of awareness of the frequencies these days. like sometime i'll be walking along the street, and start thinking about it, then i feel my hands warming up, and feel the energy moving in/around them.

also, i find that if i repeat a phrase silently in my mind at bed time, that in itself, seems to get me into a very deep trance-like state. often i'll fall asleep, and wake up still repeating it... the other night i aimed to work on myself during sleep, so i just repeated "I AM healing". i didn't recall any dreams of me doing it, but i woke feeling great. 8)
i try to be careful at bed time tho. often i find myself lying there, and i have the frequencies kinda swirling around in my energy body. then i want to focus on them and start moving them consciously, but i find then that i start to stimulate my energy body too much, then i can't sleep for ages.. :roll:
so i try to just get that feeling of relaxed awareness of the energy movement, and then let myself sink into it...it's a wonderful way to fall asleep. :D

10th January 2011, 03:36 AM
I'm thinking this might have actually been in one of the general dream zones, if so, I hope I didn't mess anything up.

I'd say, not a chance. I presume you were in a gift shop? Chances are, you were given a gift, even if it was more powerful than you anticipated. Sounds like you were in the upper astral levels. Nice. 8)