7th January 2011, 05:11 AM
today i went to sleep in the afternoon so that when i wake up i will be relaxed & after an hour or 2 of waking up i will go back to bed & try to astral project. Before i went to sleep in the afternoon i did some research on astral sex. i have trouble controlling my masturbation habit since i get rock hard erections everyday if i don't relax my penis by masturbation than i cant feel satisfied sexually. So i did research on astral sex & than went to take a shower came back ate something then went to my afternoon sleep. I got into a dream where there was this girl that was wearing see through clothes, next thing i knew me & her starting having intercourse. The feeling was so intense i could feel the most sensual, erotic & satisfying feeling that physical sex could not give unless the both parties are very experienced and have a phd in kamasutra or they are like professional porn stars who exactly know where male & female g spots are & are hitting them continuously. For a everyday guy it was the most awesome feeling ever! After i was done with the sex i came back to a room where there was wall with a little bit of scattered shadow & i could see someone coming in the room, next thing i knew someone grabbed me almost like then jumped on me in bed & started making a sound.....i looked at the person & all i could see is black shadow, its heads shape was like Frankenstein like a sort of squared shaped.. as soon as this unknown entity did this i realized that im a sovereign individual & nothing & absolutely nothing can hurt me without my will. I felt so strong at that time & empowered then i started to yell like goku does in dragonball z when he is making a energy ball, and then i woke in my bed yelling! yes when i woke up i was yelling in the physical plain........bizzare/weird i don't know what happened there.....was that a spirit helper trying to take my out of my body or was it like low vibrational entity to tried to have a intercourse with me.......i don't feel even a little scared right now infact i feel empowered by this experience 8) ........what should i do if this happens again or is this natural.....please someone give a smart, professional advise?