View Full Version : Introducing myself and experiences

7th January 2011, 12:56 AM
Hi everybody
I'm Adama Sy. I african, i come from west africa. When i was a young boy , i was interested in the all astral projection thing, the yoga, God i was facinated by my dreams.
My dreams , i mean 10 percent of them appear to happen, if i don't forget them. Then one day i decided to have more information about dreams, my father and my brother are same as me. For example on day my father went to bed, he had to travel the next day, then in his dream he was on the road he had to drive through the next day, the he had an accident and his skull was broken and he could see his brain and died in the dream. Then he saw a red rooster coming near his body and the rooster walked away. then the morning he told me about the dream then asked me to go to the market and buy a red rooster. so we bought the rooster and we made an african ritual.
then he went in the car and traveled.
3 day after we had a phone call , he was at about 300 km he had an accident on the road, same area of his dream, but he could see it coming, and did the right thing before hiting the car, he had a bit a blood on his head but nothing major, he called me, and we knew we couldnt avoid the thing completly but we knew he could manage to avoid death.
Our dreams aware us of many things in my family specialy my father and brother.
My father died in my hands when i wasnt abble to pay for the hospital in africa. was very hard for me. Then i will tell you also this but it's up to you to believe in or not.
every night my father was trying to contact me, it's strange but i always had this feeling that he was there. feeling my pain. i was alone for the first time in my life i felt a big hole in my heart. i was angry because i was thinking that if i had money he will be alive, and i was angry also about all the time i didnt give him more loves, sleep was hard, i was crying and not eating.
i finaly slept , a deep sleep after 4 day of no good sleep.
then i could feel my dad presence again, he acme to me , maybe it's simply a dream, but in the dream he always avoid me when i was trying to touch him. i wanted a cuddle but everytime i come close he goes far. then he started talk to me. telling me to stop crying, because he was happy , because he live better where he his and he's not suffering no more of his diabete. he came to me with the healthiest body i ever seen my dad with for long time.
he gave me this smile when and left.
i felt like it was not a dream, but maybe it was simply a dream. but after that night i was happy.
then i was aware that people owe my father money but nobody was coming to give me the money but i didnt know who owe him the money and how much.
then i had a cousin leaving at about 50 km from me. She went to bed , the next day she came to my house, and talked to me.
She said that she went to be then my dad came to her, and he told her to not be scared but he had a message for me. he said that he have lot of money with someone , but that person dosnt want to pay me the money back, and that person was going to the witches to shut him down so he can't say his name, and he left. she was shocked and shaked by the experience when she came to talk to me.
i had an experience with an angel when i was about 18. i went to bed one night, i was practicing astral projection, yoga, christianins, and i was trying everything to get a contact with the astral world i remember.
that night i was feeling awesome, i went to be with a question in my head. Who is GOD, Who are you?
that question was like a mantra in my head. then i wasnt sleeping but i was not awake either. i was calm in a state where there were no noise nothing, and i felt light so light then i was like in a dream. i went to bed at about 7 pm. i don't remember how long that mantra went on in my head also i didnt project to do what happened to me that night, i just went to bed normaly like a normal person.
then i could see the sky, i can explain how but i was there, i could see shiny and coming from the sky and a musical instrument in the other hands, i couldnt see the face and the hands started playing this beautiful song. i was amzed by the precision of the note, the ;arity i felt like energized i love the music, it was like the music was played for me only, nobody i'm sure ever istened for this notes that was made for me.
then i heard this massing knock at my bedroom door, it was my brother, screaming. Adams you ok, what is going on , you havent been at school, i was like what, i just went to bed for 5 mn.
he shouted check your watch mate, it's 4 pm. well it was like 5 mn for me, but no , i slept from 7 pm to 4 pm the next day. and i wasnt even tired when i went to bed.
My mother when i told her my experinces took my books from me, and say i was goignt to be crazy or end up a witche and bla bla bla.
i had so hostile people in my family about it and also so many stoies about things going bad with people try this stuff so i gave up now 15 years.
but i fell like i have something and i should try again... Maybe maybe this time i will make it happen and do my astral projection.

Anyway i'm glad to join this forum and i bought the CD's mastering the astral projection i hope that is enought for me to achieve something, i thinking about buying energy work and see if i can do this things again.
good luck to all and Happy new year.

Love Adams

7th January 2011, 08:26 AM
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Thanks for writing , i'm happy to see that here there is already something different here, more social and friendly. i like it.
As you said africans are powerful because we still leave far from the internet, the globalisation, and lot of things that keep human mind away from the truth.
Also the culture we have attach us to the human roots that is a powerful source of energy i think.
i remember sleeping on the roof when it was too hot, first time i traveled to my father country called guinea.
there people told me about witches craft that were leaving bodies at night and if you look well on the roof you can see a king of light coming out of the houses at about midnight.
i didnt believe it but iwas curious so i kept sleep on the roof and check when i wake up late night or just before sleeping.
on day i was onr the roof with my friend , we were just talking about everything and nothing. it wasnt late , about 8-9 pm.
suddenly the light came out of one roof, then a second light then a 3rd one.
i still can't explain if this light are witches stuff, souls or whatever there are, they are orange, and just flash for half a second and they are gone.
then one day i was walking and that light just flashed no on the roof but front of me, i just had enought time and reflex to skip it.
then i explained to my dad and they were worried.
there is so many things about africa i have eard or seen. if i want to write it all here i think it will take me days.
the best thing about western societies is that there is no withes no more, maybe not enougth but they still there somewhere, or maybe people doing OBE are the kind of withes left here in western society but not armful witches like people we have in africa. using "black magic".
but i don't know how it work but i think its good to not know how it work.
My grand father was a good witch that was helping people instead of killing or using them, but died to early fighting the bad witches.
then he left a powerful heritage that nobody could control for long,then one day my sister was sleeping near my mum she was thrown on the floor by something when she opened her eyes there was like something floating near my mother bed, then 2 and 3, .she screamed, we came, she couldnt explain what it was.
then a week after my mum stopped eating she was talking in different language, she was like possess by something.
then my younger brother went to sleep with her, thenhe was thrown to the wall , he opened is eyes there was 3 people he said, floating like yoga position they were like gold shining long hair he described them. my mum was talking to them he said but she was in the bed eye closed.
so we tried the next month church to remove them, we tried so many thing and lot of money.
she lost her job and so many bad tings happened when they tried to remove this spirit from her. But i think they were just too powerful for her.
they did kick them out after about almost 2 years of fight. but she never realy recorved from it. she talking a bit on her own, in the bathroom, and she can't be very friendly or happy since they gone.
she had a great power of reading people futur when she had them, also she could but amulet for people and protect them.
she was healing people so many thing even before people go to get a job they came to my mum she was helping and always worked.
i think she was fantastic but the family though that was better for her to be freed from this 24 spirits.
i guess they are still in the family,because my grand father father , and all the other used this spirits, then my grand father had only 1 son but they didnt like him because he was drinking i reckon.
so that's another thing happened to me, and i have others that i will write later, specialy for my dead cousin that got beaten by police and we didnt know about and came into my cousin body to talk to us, that was the most scary thing i will say happened to us

have a nice night friends


7th January 2011, 01:11 PM
Hello, demsy11.

You're sharing many interesting experiences here, very fascinating. I can't remember reading an African perspective on spirituality before, and I sure do welcome it. Your stories are appreciated, no doubt! :)

Take care,

7th January 2011, 01:47 PM
tonight i just open aand followed the first cd of mastering the astral projection and just on the cd 1 i just pratice the energy work, i could feel my energy moving to where i wanted it to move , scalp, ears, shoulders and face, then the chair i was using didnt have any head support, i felt likemy head was like 1000 tones of weight and was go back like an heavy weight. so i stoped i felt like too much weight on my neck, just finished it 4 mn ago, i keep going and listening to the next thing.
i think this cd worth it.

7th January 2011, 01:49 PM
Thanks Korpo to take your time and write, i will explain tomorow what happened to my cousin stay tuned.
Have a great night full of enjoyement in the spirit world.


7th January 2011, 02:12 PM
but excercice 2 of cd 1, moving energy in my hand didnt happen the way i wanted, i could feel the energy in my hands but it refused to move, i could feel it just in the middle of my hand like a wind turning anti clockwise or clockwise,
For the my feet nothing happened at all.
for a first night
it's not too bad, i feel very tired now i'm going to bed
i feel very heavy

7th January 2011, 03:03 PM
Hi Demsy.
Something to think about, is that usually the hands and feet are differently sensitive to energy sensations, so that nothing will be the same as you move from body part to body part. So that you may have to tailor your practice to how your energy/physical body reacts to your work, and it's perfectly ok to extend one practice for an extra day, as long as you are not bored.

i could feel it just in the middle of my hand like a wind turning anti clockwise or clockwise, This sounds like perfectly legitimate energy sensations, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Have you read the on-site tutorials? (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/new-energy-ways/using-new-full-tutorial/74-part-3-mobile-body-awareness.html) They are very helpful in describing what you may feel or experience and gives possible solutions to possible problems, although I don't think you have any.

ps. This (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=72&Itemid=97) may also be helpful, although the CDs have a booklet that spells out your schedule.

8th January 2011, 12:38 AM
thanks for reading what i say here everybody and thanks also for the reference you gave me about the exercice i was doing last night.

Anyway to day i would like to talk about what happened in my young age in africa again.
Well i think it was between 10 to 16 years old i was.
I had a cousin called Felix, he was the funniest man you could meet. Full of life and enjoing growing up with him was good, he never put his hands on me, or hit me like most people easily do in africa when you are a naugthy boy. he was a good guy.
on the other side i had a cousin called Desire, he was the complete opposite of the other one, he was a thief, we always had police coming to look after him he was in jail many times, he had e troat cut in a fight you could see the scares, he shoot at people killed a taxi driver to take his money. He his horrible and very scrary man. because of him our house was safe because nobody wanted to attack us of come to our house to do something bad.

Then the family wasn't happy with Desire so he got kicked out because he was stealing even at home.
i don't remeber how and why but Felix decided to go to the city where Desire was leaving called Abidjan it's the second capital of my country ivory coast.
when he went there he ended in Desire house.
But when things must happen they happen no matter what , there was a ppolice investigation on Desire because attacked a post office or something like that and took lot of money. Felix didnt know about that but when police came they asked him about Desire and what he knew about the hold up.
But he didnt know anything or he will be out of that house .
he got beaten by police and had broken bones .

we didnt know about what happened ,until we received phone calls from the capital. family put money together and he got transfered to Bouake where we live.
Then after a while hes body was shutting down you coud smell bad smell from he's bedroom.
they decided to transfert him to an hospital.
all this time they tried african traditional medecine because they couldnt afford hospital i reckon, i was young i don't know why they decided to keep him home.
So they came to pick him and he was travelling to the hospital at about 300 km north of the country.
but died on his way .
we didnt know it was about 7 PM , like any africa family we all live together in a big house that my grand father built.
i remember that night all of us where running playing hidding . then suddenly my cousin called Rosalie stop moving she was strange, she was like disconnected . nobody realy felt it stright away, then her eyes were different they were moving at a very fast speed like up and down. kind of trance state. i'm french speaking so im sorry if i can't describe things with the right words.
Then more and more of us were aware of that, then my grand ma straight away understood what was happening came near her, and ask asked who are you?
Rosalie didnt look at her, and to answer she started walk like a man, but the way she was walking we knew who was there, it was felix, that the way he walk. so my grand mother said felix what do you want.
then he stopped turn and she had his look. felix was sad the voice she had was sad, and angry, he said all i want is you to swear that you will take care of my kids now that i'm gone.
my grand mother and other member s of the family agreed with him , he stayed in her like 15 mn, they kicked us a bit far, and made some african ritual with eggs and alcohol drinks.
then my cousin fall on the floor and she was complaining for week about headshes, but she never remebered all of this and they didnt want us to tell her what happened so she dosnt know.

i have my first little experience last night with the cd's .. i'm looking foward to try someting else tonight.



9th January 2011, 11:25 AM
When you do an OBE have you ever seen an animal?
is animals have got spirit?
i'm african so all i know from what i have been tld they are just animals.

9th January 2011, 09:04 PM
when i achieve my first OBE this is going to be my first question up there, if they have got spirit so there is no way i will eat any of them :D

9th January 2011, 09:11 PM
My second night following the CD ( mastering the astral projection) i'm on Cd one still actualy it's an awesome cd, i'm struggling a bot with visualisation, it's not that effective with me , instead of have a light relaxation i need a deeper one to realy start feel things.
On the relaxation with sound on the 3 or 4th track...
i went to a stage where i could feel strange sensation around my feet and hands, i was feeling like a balloon around me , kind of pressure in and out of me, well i dont realy know how to explain it, but when i was relaxing my muscle my body was so relaxe i could say witch muscle ws doing what when i was moving them.
it's great but my son was crying i couldnt go any further, i was in this relaxation state in and out for about an hours.

My review for this cd at this stage is 10/10

10th January 2011, 03:18 AM
As you said africans are powerful because we still leave far from the internet, the globalisation, and lot of things that keep human mind away from the truth.
Also the culture we have attach us to the human roots that is a powerful source of energy i think.

In other words, culturally, you’re more likely to be grounded. Western people can achieve this state too by gardening and spending time in nature. We tend to be over-developed intellectually and over-stimulated visually, which is associated with the third eye.

…there people told me about witches craft that were leaving bodies at night and if you look well on the roof you can see a king of light coming out of the houses at about midnight.

Leaving the body is not really witchcraft, though it has long had such associations. Every person does it every night. All people are multi-dimensional and spend time in other dimensions, whether they remember or not. All people are immensely powerful spiritual beings in the process of self-remembering.

Seeing the lights you saw come off the roof tops indicates that you have clairvoyant abilities, as do your precognitive dreams.

the best thing about western societies is that there is no withes no more, maybe not enougth but they still there somewhere, or maybe people doing OBE are the kind of withes left here in western society but not armful witches like people we have in africa. using "black magic"

Sadly, there are people doing black magic in Western society. We get some of their victims here on these forums sometimes. It could be argued that any person whose will opposes the Source (God) can be considered a black magician. Such people do not care about the greatest good of all, preferring to think only of power and gratification. They know they do wrong in their heart but they willfully ignore their conscience. If you think about someone running a business where he/she doesn’t care about the welfare or safety of the workers, pollutes the environment and sells a product that makes people unwell, then you’re looking at a form of black magic.

We have the other kind too who do rituals to hurt others and use their will to control.

she had a great power of reading people futur when she had them, also she could but amulet for people and protect them.
she was healing people so many thing even before people go to get a job they came to my mum she was helping and always worked.

The attack on your mother may have come from her own work, rather than your grandfather’s.

10th January 2011, 04:22 AM
WOW well it's not only in africa then.
I couldnt guess that they are white black magician also. how funny.
So here people can use power to harm and hurt like people in africa, that's fantastic for me to talk to peoplethat are aware of the use of black power.
But the thing is never ever they were abble to hurt my dad even he never had anything to use against them he always told me they can't hurt him.
i don't know why.
I think i should try my best to do an OBE and learn more about all of this.
i have always been attracted by this.
will see thank you


10th January 2011, 04:58 AM
I couldnt guess that they are white black magician also. how funny.

Oh, yes, I see what an unfortunate term that is! It's not at all linked to skin colour. :wink:

I should have thought your dad would have been safe too, as he worked towards the greater good. It's a complex area and I cannot pretend to know a lot about it, other than they exist here as well as there.

10th January 2011, 03:29 PM
yes i believe we call them the governments I disagree- I call them for profit corporations,not all, but some.

11th January 2011, 03:25 PM
IS anyone experienced this?
Many time in my sleep , it's like i have been paralysed , my eyes are open, i can barely move, or i just can't move at all, all muscle are like blocked.
it's like a dream but it's not, breathing is hard, it's like suffocating . then when i completly wake up my heart rate is fast.
i don't know if it only happen to me or if you have ever experinced this. And is it?


11th January 2011, 07:04 PM
This is Sleep Paralysis. You should look at this and this- "Your First Conscious Projection (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7304)" and "Sleep Paralysis" in the "Paralysis" (in red) subject in the AD Pedia.