View Full Version : Revisit of M.A.P

4th January 2011, 11:59 AM
Greetings :D

I have never 'consciously' projected out-of-body, only spontaneously projected around my sleep cycle with few deliberate influences.

Recently I began a journey of personal development and I've been drawn back to meditation and spiritual practices such as astral projection.

Tonight I've started M.A.P at Day 1. As part of my journey, I thought discussing and sharing my experiences with others would help me and possibly inspire others.

A question: On the topic of affirmations, has anybody compared the effectiveness to incantations? (Made famous by Magicians or Tony Robbins) When following the affirmations given in M.A.P, is there a way to give your affirmations extra power?

I hope to be persistent, enthusiastic and successful in this journey. :)

4th January 2011, 04:24 PM
I am persistent, enthusiastic and successful in this journey.
And so you are.
I am not an expert on incantations, but I suspect they are the same thing. Incantations usually have the attachment to a religious or magickal discipline, and they often have "rules" associated with them which may or may not make sense in the comparison to what the idea behind affirmations is.
Affirmations don't happen in a 'idea vacuum'- they are what you do when you have a specific understanding of the universe- to make it short and simple, they come from the idea that we have access to the creative powers in the universe (there are variations on this idea, but this is the 'generalized' form of this) and access is usually mediated by the subconscious. So to address the subconscious, to allow our conscious will to access this creative potential, we use affirmations to 'reprogram' the subconscious to allow this.
There is a protocol to affirmations, based on what we know about the subconscious mind.
Simply, affirmations should only affirm and not negate, and should only apply to the present, because the subconscious doesn't understand the idea of the past or the future.

So something like
"I remember my projections" will be more effective than, say, "I will project tonight and will remember what I get". Why?
Because the first sentence is short, to the point, not vague, in the present, and it affirms that the projection happens- no speculation, etc.

One thing about incantations that is helpful to affirmations is to make it rhyme- this is positive because it makes it easy to remember and more pleasant to say over and over.

And that's it, in a nutshell.

19th January 2011, 10:22 PM
Summary of Weeks 1-3

All-in-all I feel I have succeeded thus far.

I have the relaxation routine memorized, the breathing patterns known, and I feel noticeable sensations during energy work.

As for my weaker areas, I've slacked on writing key words for dream journaling, and I often miss the night-time affirmations because I'm "too tired" and don't want to stimulate myself too much before bed.

I've reaped many positive benefits as a result of practicing M.A.P. These include (and are not limited to):
- Waking up Early (I've woken up 6.30 am the past 3 days to go for a run, eat breakfast and then meditate)
- Clarity of Mind
- Calm and peaceful attitude
- More accepting and loving attitude
- More energy
- Increased self-discipline

First time I attempted completing M.A.P was in 2007 and I reached Day 70 or so, quitting as I hadn't consciously projected into the real-time zone (my goal). The second time was in 2009 or so, and I was very inconsistent in my approach and eventually lead myself to no training after about Day 40.

This third time, I'm progressing rapidly and feeling more confident. As I'm on holidays from Uni., I have plenty of spare time to dedicate my time towards goals such as achieving astral projection, and I have. Yesterday I completed 3 Day's worth of M.A.P sessions.

It is my goal to consciously astral project to the real-time zone using Robert's techniques on the 31st of Jan - 11 days time. Despite initiating Day 22 of training today, I intend to practice 2-3 M.A.P sessions per day until the 30th, whereby I'll have reached Day 50 where projection training occurs.

For those who want to hear an interesting experience, I shall end the post with one:

The "Open Book" Mind:

I woke up from the "upset girl" dream. However, I believe I was still half-asleep as I think I was experiencing REM state whilst awake. This is is because as I layed there in a trance-like state, I was experiencing vivid images rapidly changing in my mind's eye. What made these images different was the fact that they were 3-Dimensional. I would see about 5 images flick over per second... *legs, sun, mum, eyes, video games, Maddie (hold), legs*... At the time I thought the gap between my conscious mind and subconscious mind had been bridged, so I began affirmations: "I astral project easily." "My body is deeply relaxed." It did feel different saying them... as though a lever were being pulled down...

Why not a second one? I just remembered this as I copied the above from my dream journal.

The Human Antenna:

This has occurred to me multiple times in the past and I believe is quite an interesting phenomenon. As I lay in bed deeply relaxed with my own mind mentally quite, I feel as though I'm receiving audio signals... either from my subconscious, or I've entered a higher state where I pick up radio signals. I hear a song playing in my ear with all instruments present - drums, guitar, maybe some other electronics. It was an unrecognizable song, however it was clear and heard easily. I thought about something in an attempt to drown out the song or to gain a better perspective, but the song continued strongly - suggesting it wasn't my conscious mind producing the song.

As for past experiences, I have heard unrecognizable songs playing in my head, HOWEVER for some odd reason I knew all the lyrics to the song and I sung along as the song played in my head. I had no clue what the song was... not sure I'd heard it in this lifetime. It could have been a song I knew in a past-life? Maybe I was receiving a song on a radio station I don't tend to listen to? I just find it highly unusual that I knew all the lyrics to the song even though I didn't know the song. I'm pretty sure the singer kept singing when I discontinued to sing along with them.

Feel welcome to comment, discuss and question. :)

20th January 2011, 12:13 AM
This happens from time to time. For whatever it's worth, it's fairly normal in trance states. Of course, the words "fairly" and "normal" are to be taken with a grain of salt.

26th January 2011, 08:59 AM
Goal: Consciously project out of body by the 30th Jan.

I expect to be completing Day 50 of M.A.P on this day.

Is there anything I can do in the next couple of days, or even the days extending into the future past this date, which will give me a greater chance of projecting out of body?

The only thing I can think of it to practice 'seriously', being thorough on the steps. Maybe doing a lot of energy raising leading up to the 30th will help.

At the moment: I practice daily. I am healthy as I exercise, eat well, and sleep adequately.

I might post an analysis my "OBE Walkthrough" to see the results of each step in the sequence. It might pinpoint weaknesses or something faulty.


26th January 2011, 02:30 PM
I might post an analysis my "OBE Walkthrough" to see the results of each step in the sequence. It might pinpoint weaknesses or something faulty.
Sounds like a good idea. It's easier to give you ideas if we know what you're doing.