View Full Version : Hypnopomp spoken message (from higher to incarnated SELF?)

3rd January 2011, 09:27 PM
Ok, so I went through a lot of strange happenings with(in) "normal" dreams recently already, However, sometimes sth new happens never experienced before, so that I can add one more type of strange event to my list of metaphysical self(?)-discovery :wink: ... like today morning.

I don't know if anybody has any useful idea about what this could mean, I am clueless at the moment, so that is why I am asking here, too. I did not have this thing happening to me before.

Not really scary but strange, that is.

This is NOT about a dream content ... at least not directly, but it might (or even must) be related to it. The dream itself I don't remember it anymore. I had some vidid dreams this night (but none of it lucid, as usual :( ). But they seem unrelated to what happened today and I think that they were before that dream which caused what happened to me.

Ok, since I have created some suspense now with my long introduction I know now that you all eagerly await my adventure ( :roll: :wink: ), so here we go:

I was waking up (hypnopompic state) ... and talking, repeating a phrase ... and I was awake, and still (!!) repeating the phrase, as if my dream-Self or whatever Self wanted to "save" a message over "into daylight" for/to my waking physical Self to get.

So this is why I am asking since it might have relevance. The phrase I was repeating several times, almost mantra-like, when waking up is this:

"Brain ... Circle ... Sign"

:shock: :?: :shock: :?: :shock: :?:

I even was repeating it robotically when I was alredy half getting up, lifting my upper body and staring at the wall - so I was really awake then!

Maybe I meant it also as one word. The last two, "Circle Sign", could also be part of the German word for Zodiac. Maybe I got the "Brain" (german: Gehirn or short: Hirn) wrong and it meant "Animal" (Tier) instead.
It's because they sound a little bit alike (Hirn - Tier), and then the Circle Sign would get the meaning "Zodiac", which is in German, if you translate it literally : "Animal Circle Sign" - "Tierkreiszeichen" (btw, "Zodiak" is also used - although it's less common).

So I could have meant "Tier (Animal) Kreis (Circle) Zeichen (Sign)", meaning "Zodiac", instead of what I first "heard" me say, namely: "(Ge)Hirn ... Kreis .. Zeichen".

Strange, huh?

I am worried if the brain is still correct, should I go to the doctor and get myself checked for a brain tumor now, or what?

So what could those (for me seemingly important) words "Brain .. Circle ... Sign" / "Zodiac" or "Animal ... Circle .. Sign" mean?

I am not into astrology by the way (but I can tell I am Aquarius, if it helps).

Once again stressed: I came from sleep and then half-sleep, but I was still speaking this "mantra" when I was awake and already had my upper body lifted, sitting there and then wondering about myself and these words.

I know that everything will be mere speculation, but as I have absolutely no idea I'd like to ask if s.o. wants to speculate for me, too and has any intuition or plain idea what it could mean.

Thanks, Volgerle

3rd January 2011, 09:38 PM
That's why it's good to keep a journal. This is the kind of thing that may make sense someday.
BTW, I've gotten some good information this way, FWTW.
And no, I won't speculate, but this kind of thing has happened to me before, and in many ways.

3rd January 2011, 11:53 PM
I see, so in your experience this means that the solution might come at a later date?
maybe it would also make sense to ask for further hints as to what it means in another dream request before going to bed?

4th January 2011, 02:49 AM
Yes on both.

10th January 2011, 02:33 AM
Hello Volgerie,
your surmise that the words you heard might mean "zodiac" reminded me that one designation for the cabbalistic sephira Chokmah is "Zodiac." (I'm not sure about my source's information, but I've found other things he's said pretty accurate and useful.) Since sephira are related to chakras, and chakras are related to energy, I figured it might be helpful to offer you this detail.
My own experiences won't be illuminating, but at least they are further confirmation (as if you needed it!) that verbal information can be difficult to decipher. Over the last year (2010) I've started having dreams and trance visions with very vivid word images and sounds. This was very strange for me because I'm a visual/spatial person more than verbal.
In one of the most vivid dream/visions, I heard the words and saw them being written out as I heard them, with the final word "cur" being mispelled as "cuir", which is French for leather. It made absolutely no sense to me. Lately I've seen whole pages of words which I can't read fast enough, one where the words were shifting as if being edited in several places at once.
Anyway, I haven't been able to make sense of these words, though sometimes the experience is very much like what R. Bruce recommends in Asteral Dynamics: to retain "shadow memories" the double shouts keywords to the physical/stheric body on reentry. If my astral double was trying to tell me something, I was too dense to understand. (I'm not calling YOU dense for not understanding what you see, I just get frustrated with myself . . . )

11th January 2011, 05:40 AM
i write everything down now, and i'm trying to get in the habit of reviewing the dream journal each morning.

when i awake with a dream/projection download, it all makes perfect sense...until 5 minutes later when i forget it.

when i recall dreams now, it's usually a small stack of dreams all at once. so i have to chant, the same way that you were chanting, to hang onto the first dream or two while i recall the others. then it's up to me to write it all down, re-read it and add notes before going back to sleep.

so i'm just reiterating what CFT said; the dream journal is the key to preventing this from happening in the future.

11th January 2011, 03:49 PM
I have a few thoughts on this, Volgerle, and not to be contrary (as it was my thinking before I read any responses) but it is possible the 'mantra' was no more than idle nonsense.

Imagine a toddler playing in his sandbox, filling a pail with sand from a little shovel. Perhaps he is humming to himself some non-melody of his own making. It is also possible words are appearing to his mind - maybe something like "truck / Mama / Poo-poo". His language centers are just developing so these are IMPORTANT words and deal directly with his world.

Understanding that he is merely a toddler we're not tempted to add the words together - truck+Mama+Poo-poo. We don't expect there's anymore than just random, though still significant, words in the mind of the toddler.

So, all I'm suggesting is the adult mind might, under certain circumstances, idle in much the same way so that "brain / circle / sign" are no more connected than "truck / Mama / Poo-poo". It doesn't make any sense, or serve any purpose to attempt to add the words together for some collective meaning and content and yet as adults we are driven to find meaning even where it doesn't exist. The curious thing is, if we persist in our efforts (and certainly we will) to discover the meaning of "brain+circle+sign" we will ultimately succeed because it is a self-ratifying feature of our Reason to do so.

Of this we can be certain; one day you'll understand brain / circle / sign and it will be imbued with mystic meaning and come from a high place because that's what you're looking for and we always find what we're looking for.

I hope you can read the tongue-in-cheek current of this post - I'm just being a little silly about this silly thing we so admire - our mind, and trying to point out what an innocent looking traitor or confederate it can be :.

Ain't it one slippery slope? :lol:

Oh, and noctua-breve, you are correct that Chockma is commonly known as the sephira of the Zodiac, but more broadly and accurately it is sphere of the Firmament or Fixed Stars from which the constellations of the Zodiac organize and emanate. At least that’s my understanding of it. :)

11th January 2011, 06:09 PM
Hi Volgerle,

i think there is never anything without meaning... and also I yet have had amazing correlations happening by just using the internet as a kind of synchronicity-oracle...

So what could those (for me seemingly important) words "Brain .. Circle ... Sign" / "Zodiac" or "Animal ... Circle .. Sign" mean?
I am not into astrology by the way (but I can tell I am Aquarius, if it helps).

so what i now found spontaneously is this:
maybe there is a hint in it, maybe not at all.... just wanted to mention (and i liked the music of this short film :D)

and about the zodiac... Neptune is still in Aquarius right now.. and Sun and Mars will be there too soon but Neptune is a slowly and therefore long-term-"influencing" one... and could be near your Sun, or any other of your personal Planets, i dont know, thats depending on your exact birthchart... which btw would mean that you very probably will develop a deeper sense and sensitivity of all and to all, and this regardless of how sensitiv you already was before... Neptune is the ruler of Dreams, also of other things of course, but for sure more than any other he referres to dreams the most...

so just some notes here spontaneously, greetings, istia

12th January 2011, 05:36 PM
Ok, dismissing my feeble attempt at humor, and respecting your considerable intelligence, Volgerle, I am curious as to what the words of your 'mantra' might be indicating.

I think it is curious that the association of the first two, brain and circle, might intimate the gist of my original post; the circular logic of searching for meaning - if 'meaning' is the question then the search for and discovery of meaning will inevitably beg the question. Two things come to mind - the ouroboros and the old adage, "It's not what you think."

A circle defines an area and excludes all else. The ouroboros circles the ‘world’ and denotes the boundary between the knowable but illusory and unknowable but True - the created from the uncreated. In this way or something like it the image of a brain encircled by the ouroboros is a meaningful symbolic image.

The magician uses the circle to delimit the forces with which he wishes to work and ban or banish any confounding forces. This pops into mind as an odd coincidence; I saw the movie “True Grit” recently and in one scene the Federal Agent/mercenary Rooster Cogburn circles his camp with a rope in order to keep the snakes out. Funny. Again, the brain in the circle is an apt metaphor for the work of your intellectual talent.

Now, ‘sign’. In association with ‘circle’ however I don’t think we can help but favor its homonym, sine, which describes a direct relationship to the radius of a circle. You’re prob familiar with sine waves in music. The sine coefficient describes the amplitude of a frequency (best I can put it, anyway).

So, what do we have - brain, circle, sine? MAYBE, a brilliant intellect operating within certain safe parameters at a specified frequency or amplitude. Good grief, I don’t know but there might be something in all this to think about. :lol:

Warm regards,


12th January 2011, 11:55 PM
when i recall dreams now, it's usually a small stack of dreams all at once. so i have to chant, the same way that you were chanting,
Interesting technique. :wink: But is this your deliberate chanting in waking state for memorisation purposes then? For me it wasn't this way, it was really 'forced upon me'. That's what makes it so strange. Almost as if another entity possessed me or channelled it through me.

... the dream journal is the key to preventing this from happening in the future.
Yes, that's what I'm doing all the time already. I get up at night after dreams and immediately record them. Sometimes I review them again in the evening.

Anyway, I haven't been able to make sense of these words, though sometimes the experience is very much like what R. Bruce recommends in Asteral Dynamics: to retain "shadow memories" the double shouts keywords to the physical/stheric body on reentry. If my astral double was trying to tell me something, I was too dense to understand
Yes, although it was not a projection re-entry (but who knows, maybe I just don't remember it? and every dream might also be a subconscious projection), this was indeed my idea, too. It seemed as if my "dream body double" wanted to save these words and let my "shout" them to myself when waking up.

In my experience with these things, it will all make more than perfect sense but it could take another 5 to 10 years. Then when it hits your understanding will be very deep and profound and it will take you to a whole other level of meaning.... It's being downloaded and stored, just trust that it's in there, you don't have to catch these messages as they are coming in at top speed...It's just nice to know that you're getting help from above.
Intriguing idea. My problem is that I am curious and impatient at once and so I would like to have it out of the unconscious mental disk space brought into the light of my working memory immediately. But you maybe right, possibly it will be there when I need (to understand) it. Maybe what I received was a complete volume-filling information download and I just stuttered some index words or parts from the table of contents. :wink:

..it is possible the 'mantra' was no more than idle nonsense.
Imagine a toddler playing in his sandbox, filling a pail with sand from a little shovel. Perhaps he is humming to himself some non-melody of his own making. It is also possible words are appearing to his mind - maybe something like "truck / Mama / Poo-poo". His language centers are just developing so these are IMPORTANT words and deal directly with his world.
Rest assured, Richard. These were my thoughts, too. As I am an open-minded skeptic, I indeed cannot and don't want to discount this possibility at all. Actually, it was also one of my first ideas (asking myself "what incoherent stuff am I babbling here now?"). That does not mean that the words themselves (all 3) were meaningless, but they rather might have been drawn from different dream contexts, that might 'make sense' if the content is looked at in an isolated way. Or maybe it was a kind of 'summary' of a dream, mentioning different important stations or key aspects, but still without the strong cohesive force I would have liked to attach to it in hindsight.

so what i now found spontaneously is this: .. maybe there is a hint in it, maybe not at all.... just wanted to mention (and i liked the music of this short film :D)
Thanks for the link. It could be a meaningful connection, as the speaker says "the semi-circle symbolises mind" = brain, so there might be sth to it. And yes, it's pretty funky stuff - but the speaker sounds a bit like he has a cold with a stuffed nose. ;-)

... Again, the brain in the circle is an apt metaphor for the work of your intellectual talent.
Yes, this connection of brain "in" circle could be a meaningful sign indeed. The brain could signify the applied thinking and reasoning capacity within certain (self-imposed?) parameters/boundaries or it could be mental things only within 'my (intellectual) reach' insinuated by the circle. And yes, maybe it could signify some safety precautions (magic circle), too? So that I restrict my way of thinking or my mind modes to a certain radius (=circle) to keep me safe?

Now, ‘sign’. In association with ‘circle’ however I don’t think we can help but favor its homonym, sine, which describes a direct relationship to the radius of a circle. You’re prob familiar with sine waves in music. The sine coefficient describes the amplitude of a frequency (best I can put it, anyway).
So, what do we have - brain, circle, sine? MAYBE, a brilliant intellect operating within certain safe parameters at a specified frequency or amplitude. Good grief, I don’t know but there might be something in all this to think about. :lol:
Very clever connections you make, indeed. It could work if it was in English. However, don't forget that the words I uttered were spoken in my mother tongue German where "Zeichen" and "Sinus" are not homonymous at all. So I think it does not work with "sine".