View Full Version : Phantoms in the Brain

3rd January 2011, 05:19 AM
I strongly recommend this book, "Phantoms in the Brain" by Dr V S Ramachandran - it's really interesting! But I wish someone like Robert Bruce could work in collaboration with this physician on the "phantom limb" problem to see what's happening with the astral body .. . . .

3rd January 2011, 05:51 AM
V S Ramachandran is a really interesting guy. I haven't read his books, but I posted about him elsewhere on the board: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?10571-VS-Ramachandran-on-your-mind&highlight=Ramachandran

3rd January 2011, 05:56 AM
His work is fascinating because it's very scientific but also very down to earth.

he really helps regular people with his genius.

i've personally wanted to talk to him about some stuff.

3rd January 2011, 04:54 PM
I strongly recommend this book, "Phantoms in the Brain" by Dr V S Ramachandran - it's really interesting! But I wish someone like Robert Bruce could work in collaboration with this physician on the "phantom limb" problem to see what's happening with the astral body .. . . .

do you think that rama's phantom limbs are akin to astral limbs?