View Full Version : OBE Exit Poll

1st January 2011, 09:59 PM
Greetings One & All :)
This is an "Exit Poll' and yes, I know, an exit poll is something that tv stations do on election day to predict winners. However this is a different kind of exit poll. This is about your ability to separate your astral/ethereal body and EXIT your physical body. (Exit Poll, get it. LOL)
What I am looking for here is the total number of OBEs that you can recall. This can be broken down roughly as follows.
a) Never had an OBE.
b) Have had between 1 to 10 OBEs.
c) Have had 11 to 25 OBEs.
d) Have had 26 to 50 OBEs.
e) have had 51 to 100 OBEs.
f) Have had between 100 to 500 OBEs.
g) Have had more than 500 OBEs. If so please estimate an approximate number.

Question 2 When was your first conscious OBE or AP?
a) As a child of 12 or younger.
b) At high school age of 13 to 17.
c) When between 18 to 23 years of age.
d) When between 25 to 40 years old.
e) When over 40. Again please specify an age.

I am going to post this poll in several different websites so if you see this poll in another website please do NOT respond more than once.
Your participation in this poll will help me finish the "Informal OBE Survey" (to be found both at astralpulse.com and astraldynamics.com) There will be one or two (or 3) more polls to follow.
When all the responses are tabulated the complete results of the OBE survey will be posted here at viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16173 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16173)
Thanx to all who respond. :) 8)
btw I may email or pm some of you who I consider to be particularly skilled at OBEs.

2nd January 2011, 03:09 PM
Question 1:
c) Have had 11 to 25 OBEs.

Question 2 When was your first conscious OBE or AP?
c) When between 18 to 23 years of age.

2nd January 2011, 05:21 PM
Greetings One & All :)
This is an "Exit Poll' and yes, I know, an exit poll is something that tv stations do on election day to predict winners. However this is a different kind of exit poll. This is about your ability to separate your astral/ethereal body and EXIT your physical body. (Exit Poll, get it. LOL) Hee hee. It got me to go -huh?-
Question one:
Wow, you made me do math.
I got approximately 720 OBEs, give or take a few.

Question 2 When was your first conscious OBE or AP?
a) As a child of 12 or younger.
I'm not counting the astral projections I had as a 'very young' child, because I had no concept of what was happening. Just the first one in which I recall exiting, flying, gathering information, and reintegrating. And as I have told elsewhere, around 8 or 9.

Your participation in this poll will help me finish the "Informal OBE Survey" (to be found both at astralpulse.com and astraldynamics.com) There will be one or two (or 3) more polls to follow.
When all the responses are tabulated the complete results of the OBE survey will be posted here at viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16173 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16173)
Thanx to all who respond. :) 8)
btw I may email or pm some of you who I consider to be particularly skilled at OBEs.

3rd January 2011, 04:42 AM
Greetings and Happy New Year.

CFTraveler and Heliac, I would like to thank you both for responding.

To the other Astral Dynamic members who read this Please spend the minute or so of time it takes to respond.

I emphasize when you write,

I'm not counting the astral projections I had as a 'very young' child, because I had no concept of what was happening.
You may well have had dozens, or perhaps hundreds of OBEs, as a child. Yet by not realizing what was really taking place at that time the memories have probably faded away. At least you recognized what was really going on at a fairly early age, at age 12 or younger.
I too had dozens, probably hundreds or OBEs as a child yet did not realize what they were until about age 30!! :!: :?: :?

Regards 8)

25th January 2012, 01:51 AM
Question 1- D, 26 -50 OBEs
Question 2- E, 48

25th January 2012, 02:23 AM
Question 1 What I am looking for here is the total number of OBEs that you can recall.
g) Have had more than 500 OBEs. If so please estimate an approximate number.

at least 650 OBEs (at least Aprox 200 OBEs in Chains (10 Years, in a maximum average time span of 2 months a chain with a minimum average of 3-4 OBEs in a row in each chain) and at least 450 single OBEs (10 Years, in a maximum average time span of 8 Days a single OBE))

Question 2 When was your first conscious OBE or AP?

You decide, what is right.
a) As a child of 12 or younger.
Had more than 50 OBEs as children without knowing it at this time (Not counted in Question 1).
b) At high school age of 13 to 17.
I induced with 15 years my first OBE with a method, but i didnt know at this time, that it was a succes, because i believed, that the astral world must be identic with the physical world. Sadly it was not identic and i gave up trying for some years.
c) When between 18 to 23 years of age.
I was 20 when i induced my first OBE, in which i knew, that i was out of the body.

26th January 2012, 05:36 AM
Hi proyect_outzone
Wow, at least 650 OBEs! That Is impressive as it was among the highest numbers in that Exit Poll. Actually I Am somewhat jealous. LOL


26th January 2012, 08:53 AM
Its not so high and not so great as you may believe.

I believe, that no one want swap with me anymore, if they know how my first lerning phase really was and how long my OBEs actually are.

I was at my beginning not very good in learning OBEs. The main reason is, that the informations in germany where more bullsh*t than useful at my learning time (even today has not much improved there). No one there knew about the sign of the real exit phase and no one told me about, that the exiting should not be done in the vibration phase (In germany at this time believed and sayd most people, that the vibration phase is the time to exit). My problems where, that i was good in reaching the vibration phase, but i had the difficulties exiting there, like the most people. So i had to spend one year daily trying. I had in my first year 10 OBEs, and these where mostly clustered in 2 or 3 per day. That resulted in long phases without any OBE. It was gone better at the time, when i stopped to hear what others have sayd (they told about exiting during vibrations,...), and started to research my own ways. The lack of a useful exit technique (or a useful description) forced me to find a way to increase the number of the unwanted or accidental OBEs (By overcharging and asymmetrical charging of the energy system of my body). These where for years my only way to get intentional OBEs. And not to forgot, i had the (un)luck to have nearly every problem, which others had. Swallowing reflex, creaking and snaping in the enviroment during exit phase, breathing control conflict near sleep paralysis, itching,.... I don`t remember any problem, which i not had with my OBEs while other had it. :shock:

But today i think it had also it's advantages. The problems forced me to research the OBE-phenomenon by myself. The unreliable informations in germany forced me also to ignore all and everything, what was written and sayd, and to start over from zero with a complete new research of the supernatural. I veryfied everything before i accepted it. What not was verified and experienced by me, was not exisitng for me. It was not easy, but easier than trying to get succesful with the crappy german informations. Now do i profit from the researches, because the results make it much easier for me.

But there is still one thing. The most OBEs, which i have, are shorter than 5 Minutes. More than the half are even shorter than 2:30 Minutes.

26th January 2012, 09:34 AM
Hi Grey..

I do not know how to say....I was for the first time getting the knowing what kind of experience I do have since my childhood when I found Robert Bruce and it is when I did become a member of this site.

I did have out of body experience since or before birth..I do feel I did be outside of my mothers body while my devoloping body/vechile was growing to be borne...but the first out of body what I concider as consious and also can say for real did happend 2009 when I did fall out of my body in my appartment, and did go through materia with my energy body.

Before Robert Bruce I thought I did stretch my consiousness to the different realm´s but it might have bean out of body too,
I do feel that energy carries knowledge and I can read energy with my energy.

So I am born in 1956, you use this info as you see best.


29th January 2012, 04:47 AM
Yes I understand what you are saying. My first OBEs were when I was a child back in the 1960's and I did not know what was happening. There was No internet back then and very few books about OBEs so I did not realize that had I been out of body until nearly 20 years later!
Also I agree that there is not much knowledge about OBEs in Germany. The only OBE forum in German that I know about is at www.paranormal.de and that one forum only has about 10 posts a Month! Not very active. So yes it Is best to do your own research, try different methods and see what works best for You.

Apparently your OBEs began shortly after your birth? That's earlier than mine started (which was probably about the time when I was 5 or 6 years old). But there are differences between spontaneous OBEs as a child and controlled and deliberate OBEs as an adult. I believe that was what you were explaining in your last post, yes?


29th January 2012, 08:32 AM
Also I agree that there is not much knowledge about OBEs in Germany. The only OBE forum in German that I know about is at www.paranormal.de (http://www.paranormal.de/) and that one forum only has about 10 posts a Month! Not very active. So yes it Is best to do your own research, try different methods and see what works best for You.

The situation in the german speaking internet is more worse. If low activity in forums would be the problem, it could be solued. And the low knowledge would change with the time.

In germany are at this time 1 huge esotericforum ( www.esoterikforum.at (http://www.esoterikforum.at) ) and 4 smaller but still very active forums ( http://www.esoterikforum.de/ , http://www.paraportal.org/ , http://www.wahrexakten.org/ , http://www.parapsychologie.de/ ) and an estimated amount of 20 small forums like www.paranormal.de (http://www.paranormal.de/) and http://www.mind-gate.com/ and http://www.foren4all.de/forum_index.php . The most of them are not connected to the others.

The problem is, that the huge forum is bad moderated. There are people with 20.000 posts and more in it. But most of them are critics, disturbers and trolls. Many of the users with more than 5000 posts write only directly insulting or provoking posts. Most of the other 5000+ users write only off topics to waste some time or get a good place in the "highscore list". Only every 10th user with more than 5000 posts knows more than just a bit about the actual topics of the forums and is also interested to talk sometimes ontopic. The real users are only few. New users stay not for long there. They leave it usually after a half year or a year. The frequent disturbing posts from the critics and trolls make it hard to talk. The admin of this forum feels not disturbed, he looks only on the posting counter and the money, which he makes with this forum. So are there even people rare, which had a first OBE. At this time are only 2 or 3 people in this forum active, which had more than 20 OBEs. I should mention now, that this forum is active since 10 Years and produces all the time the same amount of posts like this forum here.

The 4 smaller forums are a bit better moderated, and some more experienced users are there (An amount of 10 till 20 users with more than 20 OBEs is spread on them), but the activity there is low. Most users are drawn to the huge forum, because it looks at the first sight very good. But if one tries to make more activity, comes the insulting and provoking.

The nearly dead forums www.paranormal.de (http://www.paranormal.de/) and http://www.mind-gate.com/ where once the two big ones. They had once the elite of the experienced users. In these are still 5 till 10 Users with more than 100 OBEs. 2 till 5 of them have more than 500 OBEs. But the other users where constantly drawn away by the huge esoterikforum since long time ago. And the moderators in www.paranormal.de (http://www.paranormal.de/) fears to delete consequently the troll and insulting posts. The last trolling wave 1 year ago removed again nearly all users, which where not from the paranormal staff.

It seems like the critics and enemys of the paranormal got now the power in the german speaking part of the internet.

Even the german wikipedia article of OBE (in german Astralreise (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astralreise)) is written and controlled by critics. They delete most things, which makes possible users curious. It is not possible to mention any word about the possibility to learn to make intentional OBEs. It is there even not possible to write, that there are forums, where people believe that OBEs can be learned.

The most useful homepages about OBEs in germany are older than 10 yearsand have not changed or not changed much. There are many newer homepages, but only a few of them offer cost free informations, which are not copied without any testing from the older homepages and / or basics of the basics.

If the germans would see the forums here and speak enough english, they would stay here immediately.

I tried many things in the last 8 Years to change the worsening (The time more than 8 years ago where the "golden times of OBE" in germany, At this time was www.paranormal.de (http://www.paranormal.de) and www.mind-gate.com (http://www.mind-gate.com) still alive). But i was never really succesfull.

29th January 2012, 09:38 AM
D: about 40+/- obe/ap
and B: i had my first at 13 after trying since i was 11 or so

29th January 2012, 12:10 PM
Yes Gray, that was what I tried to say, thank´s.


29th January 2012, 05:52 PM
The situation in the german speaking internet is more worse. If low activity in forums would be the problem, it could be solued. And the low knowledge would change with the time.

In germany are at this time 1 huge esotericforum ( www.esoterikforum.at (http://www.esoterikforum.at) ) and 4 smaller but still very active forums ( http://www.esoterikforum.de/ , http://www.paraportal.org/ , http://www.wahrexakten.org/ , http://www.parapsychologie.de/ ) and an estimated amount of 20 small forums like www.paranormal.de (http://www.paranormal.de/) and http://www.mind-gate.com/ and http://www.foren4all.de/forum_index.php . The most of them are not connected to the others.

The problem is, that the huge forum is bad moderated. There are people with 20.000 posts and more in it. But most of them are critics, disturbers and trolls. Many of the users with more than 5000 posts write only directly insulting or provoking posts. Most of the other 5000+ users write only off topics to waste some time or get a good place in the "highscore list". Only every 10th user with more than 5000 posts knows more than just a bit about the actual topics of the forums and is also interested to talk sometimes ontopic. The real users are only few. New users stay not for long there. They leave it usually after a half year or a year. The frequent disturbing posts from the critics and trolls make it hard to talk. The admin of this forum feels not disturbed, he looks only on the posting counter and the money, which he makes with this forum. So are there even people rare, which had a first OBE. At this time are only 2 or 3 people in this forum active, which had more than 20 OBEs. I should mention now, that this forum is active since 10 Years and produces all the time the same amount of posts like this forum here.

The 4 smaller forums are a bit better moderated, and some more experienced users are there (An amount of 10 till 20 users with more than 20 OBEs is spread on them), but the activity there is low. Most users are drawn to the huge forum, because it looks at the first sight very good. But if one tries to make more activity, comes the insulting and provoking.

The nearly dead forums www.paranormal.de (http://www.paranormal.de/) and http://www.mind-gate.com/ where once the two big ones. They had once the elite of the experienced users. In these are still 5 till 10 Users with more than 100 OBEs. 2 till 5 of them have more than 500 OBEs. But the other users where constantly drawn away by the huge esoterikforum since long time ago. And the moderators in www.paranormal.de (http://www.paranormal.de/) fears to delete consequently the troll and insulting posts. The last trolling wave 1 year ago removed again nearly all users, which where not from the paranormal staff.

It seems like the critics and enemys of the paranormal got now the power in the german speaking part of the internet.

Even the german wikipedia article of OBE (in german Astralreise (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astralreise)) is written and controlled by critics. They delete most things, which makes possible users curious. It is not possible to mention any word about the possibility to learn to make intentional OBEs. It is there even not possible to write, that there are forums, where people believe that OBEs can be learned.

The most useful homepages about OBEs in germany are older than 10 yearsand have not changed or not changed much. There are many newer homepages, but only a few of them offer cost free informations, which are not copied without any testing from the older homepages and / or basics of the basics.

If the germans would see the forums here and speak enough english, they would stay here immediately.

I tried many things in the last 8 Years to change the worsening (The time more than 8 years ago where the "golden times of OBE" in germany, At this time was www.paranormal.de (http://www.paranormal.de) and www.mind-gate.com (http://www.mind-gate.com) still alive). But i was never really succesfull. Well, I'm glad that English is taught in schools in Germany- so y'all can come on over and participate over here.

29th January 2012, 09:40 PM
This would be great, but sadly means learning english in a german school not, that one is able to speak and understand enough english after the school to make useful conversations beyond asking what time it is and where the airport is. :roll: Only a small percentage of the germans can speak and understand an "useful" english. The others know mostly only enough to be able to use english electronic devices, computergames and similar. I will mention the advantages of the english forums, but i think that only a few germans are able to use them.