View Full Version : Best time to attempt OBE?

27th December 2010, 10:47 AM
Hi Robert,

Thank you for the inspiring books. I hope this is all true because I'm starting to believe in astral projection more an more as I read your write ups. But, as you would say, it is best to try myself and validate what is real and what's not. However, achieving consciousness OBE looks very difficult for a regular person. I've been trying the exit for 2-3 months (although not every night) but still with no successes. Only once I had something like OBE but it was from a lucid dream, felt the exist sensations, got vision by giving commands, etc, but the experience was exactly like a licid dream... I expected to be more real, with a lot more clarity...

So, I had a couple questions but will post them separately. My first one is:

What is the best time to attempt OBE? Does the time matters? For example, I read that the prana/chi level increases in the early morning. Does this stimulate the OBE?

What I have read is somewhat controversial. Most books and people say that the best time for OBE is early in the morning 4-6AM, when you are rested and have the most energy. Even you recommend one to have a nap first and then to attempt OBE. At the same time, you say that the most easiest way to achieve an OBE is to have 1-2 sleepless nights, to be very tired which would certainly lead to an OBE.
I'm a bit confused, could you clarify this?
Thanks much!

Robert Bruce
24th May 2011, 09:51 AM

The best time to have an obe is the 3 days around the full moon. also try the new moon.

OBE is more successful early hours of morning...because there are less distractions, you are well rested, you are not supposed to be doing anything but sleeping (less stress), and it is quiet.

I suggest you get a copy of Journeys out of the body, a 6 CD hemisync. This will save you a lot of time. they are the only hemi sync CD's specifically engineered for OBE.

See http://www.glidewing.com/gw/gw_journeys.html

Sleep deprivation is another approach that will usually yield results.
