View Full Version : very lucid dream!

26th December 2010, 06:39 PM
Last night I had the most lucid dream...ever! I don't know how it could get any more lucid than this.

Me and my dad were sitting outside watching some alien spaceships zoom around, I would wave to one and the alien inside would stop and wave back. I told my dad that we were in my dream and that I knew I was dreaming. He said he was dreaming as well, I told him maybe we are having the same dream and that I would ask him about it in the morning. I was thinking out loud about what we should do since I was lucid, I had the idea to talk to my higherself so I looked up at the sky and said "higher self, this is me, can you hear me?" nothing really happened. But me and my dad just sat and talked about dreams while the aliens just flew around. I think at one point I wanted to see into the future, but I can't remember if I did or not. I remember just being very vivid that I was dreaming and thinking about what level this would be in Kurt Leland's book. I was testing myself by doing math problems, I did them just fine. I felt like I had normal thinking skills.

It was very awesome! I can't think of having a dream any more lucid than that!

Neil Templar
26th December 2010, 06:48 PM

26th December 2010, 07:33 PM
Me and my dad were sitting outside watching some alien spaceships zoom around, I would wave to one and the alien inside would stop and wave back.
In these lucid projections (as I call them) I also see very often human worlds as normal, but with skies full of UFOs as lights flying around in crazy and unconventional ways. But no one I meet there seems to take notice of them or be disturbed by them, as if it's normal for them. So far I did not wave at them and no alien waved back. :P

27th December 2010, 05:51 AM
yah, everything seemed normal other than that. And it was so odd when they waved at me, they looked like blue blob creatures that shapeshifted into alien form. They were friendly. I know why they looked like blobs, last night I watched What the Bleep Do We Know?! and there were blob cartoon creatures in that movie.