View Full Version : Epic Dream Checks Out With Real Facts

22nd December 2010, 06:07 AM
I had an epic grandiose dream the other night which felt like a prohpetic dream. It was easily the most epic dream of my life! It was a long dream, but I only remember a few key points. The crazy thing is that some of the information in the dream checked out with real life...

First I was shown pictures of the three water signs in astrology: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Then I was shown a constellation of stars in the night sky which became very symmetrical and arranged itself like a gigantic triangle pointing down towards earth. I was told the last star of the constellation was very important and I heard the word "Achernar", referring to the star.

Then I was given the impression that there was going to be an absolutely huge event on earth very soon where we realize something about this constellation, something about the symmetry and the order of it and we will be given lots of information and visitations from certain beings. It was all over the news and the whole world came together in awe of the stuff being revealed.

Just before waking up I heard the word "Achernar" again so it was fresh in my memory. As soon as I got up, I googled 'Achernar' and low and behold it's a real star! It's a star in the constellation of Aquarius the water bearer. The star is even the last star at the end of the river poured by Aquarius, which fits in with my dream of it being the last star at the point of the constellation!! And the constellation is a river which ties in with the water signs shown at the beginning of my dream!

I've never even heard of Achernar before. The fact that it's a real star, that it fits in with Aquarius and the water symbolism relating to the water poured by Aquarius astonishes me. In retrospect I think the dream has to do with some event which will herald the Age of Aquarius which is upon us.

22nd December 2010, 05:07 PM
Interesting. And kind of cool.

23rd December 2010, 05:00 AM
I've just responded to this, in your response to my dream (!) . . . really amazing.

BTW I dreamed a year ago or so, of "Procyon 1 -2-3" & had some trouble googling it as I didn't know how it was spelled (or that it/they really existed but indeed it/they do) I do believe that we are facing a gigantic evolutionary leap very soon. . . . . & being prepped for it.