View Full Version : dream logs _2004_2008

19th December 2010, 12:14 AM
Hey guys ...

Thaught i d share one of my dream journals from 2005 , i got 58 or so backed up on the PC from 2004-2008 , This dream here really amazed me at the time, so i thaught i d share it with you all .

bankporters dream recall

13:12 19/09/2005

Sea Water

This dream starts at the beach - I seem to be at a sea resort where their is a
Bay near the beach and happy people sun lounging near by. Suddenly a
Wise old looking monk with a white beard appears in front of me, next I see
a Yellow cab car (taxi) drive straight down a concrete bank into the sea
Water thus vanish to about 20 feet below the surface - surely the cab driver
Will be dead I think hmmm - next I see a young girl playing in the water in
The shallow end and she drops a baby into the water about 3 feet, I
Immediately go to the rescue to save the baby but the girl stops me and
Picks the baby up and she is still alive after seeming like she was under the
Water for over 3 minutes - hmm this is crazy I think?

Next this old wise monk steps from beneath the water as if been under their
For over 3 hours and comes over to me “you see “he said - people think their
Going to drown when their beneath the surface so they die when their under The water for to long “this is changing because people are starting to
Realise you don’t have to drown when your under the water - the monk goes On to explain it has got something to do with civilization brainwashing
Humanity to think differently.

The monk walks over to an area near the sea where the tide once stood high But now the water can no longer reach this section of land, he tells me to Follow him as he is going to reveal something to me, I anticipate as if cautious but curious at the same time to follow him.

Were standing in-between 2 high rock faces at this point on sandy area - he
Points to 1 of the rock faces and points to the crack in the wall “look he
Comments “their has been a crack in that rock cliff the water has reached
Inside the crack of the mountain thus stabilizing a life form that has been
Trapped inside the mountain for thousands of years! - Wow I think as I take
A closer look - suddenly the rock around this area starts to crack more and
More - I start to back off and get 10 yards out of the way - I hear a friendly
Growl as if the beings that had been trapped in the rock used the “growl”
As a friendly way to acknowledge it has came back to life.

How strange I think whilst looking at the monk - the monk tells me that this
Person could only come back to life when the sea water broke through the
Cracks in the rock and soaked him of water that he needed to come back to Life. Suddenly about 6 by 6 size rock materials wither away from the rock
And a man falls from the rock to the ground as if been preserved for
Thousands of years - I walk over to him as he does not seem hostile. The
Monk points out to me a date wrote on the rock chamber where this person
Was in hibernation “look he says “he was not supposed to come back to life Until “august 2600 “and he has been disturbed earlier to this time frame - Hmm I wander why? I reply to the monk.

I analyze this unique person closer - he looked like a med evil knight with
Metal armour and a sword he was white skinned but spoke in English with a
Digital type of voice box (like a cyborg) he looked like a warrior but from
The good side of the battles as if fought in battles for the good - he
Seemed technologically advanced from a pre historical era in our time going Back thousands of years.

This person greets me in his own tone while I am amazed greeting him back
, he starts to explain to me about the mission. He tells me that a great
Invasion is going to occur on the earth concerning negative aliens landing
On the earth and that other beings who have been trapped in other rock
Chambers must now be brought back to life through cracking the rock faces And allowing the sea water to spark their lives into motion. He points to a Near by area where he suspects another 1 of his kind is in hibernation in Another rock - he motions me to help him crack another section of the Rock - the monk meanwhile stands and watches - I help this guy crack the Rock and to my amazement another guy “growls” and then falls from
Inside the rock.

This next guy seems the same calibre as the first guy med evil looking
But technolically advanced from a pre era in our time - this guy does not
Speak but acknowledges the first guy he seems to have a red tinge to his
Armour and again looks like a cyborg. After this happens I wake up wandering about the sea water sparking this other guy back to life.

Obviosly its just a dream but cool recall !!!!


bankporters ; D

19th December 2010, 02:42 AM
Hi bankporters.
Your dreams are full of rich symbolism and I think they have a lot of meaning for you.
Here's what I 'get' from reading them:

The first symbol I see is the water symbol, and the beach as a place for 'cleansing' or 'drowning' yourself anew- I see the water as a metaphor for the liminal state (in between life and death, in between awake and asleep) the place where you can take a look at your subconscious mind- the emotions this brings (drowning as a symbol for strong emotion) and also drowning as a symbol for immersing yourself in subconscious content- subconscious content that has been 'pushed under' by your conscious mind- the 'sage's' comment about how society demonizes either having strong emotion, expressing it, or self-study, how society discourages 'deep' thinking and getting into the reasons for our behavior.
I think in this case the sage is telling you that this is good, regardless of what society encourages, and you should keep doing this.

Another symbol I see here is the transformative aspect of this information- the water washing away the 'protective' layer that has isolated the medieval knight, the medieval knight can be a metaphor for a few things, and the color of his uniform "white" may symbolize the cleansing away of these layers of protection that allowed him to come out.
His growl can mean he seems scary but is actually benign- in other words, it may seem scary to look deeply into things, but in the end it's beneficial.
Another possible interpretation for the knight is that he is the result of this process, like the newborn baby that the women had put in the water- the possibility here that the 'dark entities' are things you have to transcend to get to the good part, and the fact that this introspection and study can awaken the knight within even before you think you're ready for it.
And that's my interpretation.
I didn't say welcome before, so now I'm saying it now.
Welcome to the forums, bankporters.

19th December 2010, 11:35 AM
hey thanks for the interp.....nice 1 ........

I have to agree there , symbolism is Key in the dream state, and thanks for the warm welcome

; D