View Full Version : 100% ludicity, but 0% efficiency (couldn't fly etc.)

18th December 2010, 11:49 AM
omg that was soo frustrating today :cry:

finally i managed again to get lucid 100% in a dream. i was in a kind of locker room of my (elementary!) school days. before that i remember I had passed through the shower rooms with the showers also running, some steam was visible. it might be that I saw an old friend of mine from school days in those rooms, but as said I had walked on to the wardrobe locker room of the old primary school.

suddenly, i don't know why and what caused it, but i was standing there and could say to myself "hey, wow, i'm completely lucid".

I was perfectly lucid, with ALL my reasoning capabilties it seemed. I started to do the logical next thing for me and initiated my commands, requests affirmations I wanted to apply in order to reach my goals and destinations I had set before.

the discouraging experience this time: NOTHING worked. Really absolutely nothing!! :x :? :(

I tried to summon my guide. no response.
Even later, I called my guide several times for help. nothing happened.

I tried the command "higher self now" to get me off this place. Nothing.

Then I said I want to get to that place I recently was in a mental projection (that kind of school/library). No result.

No matter what I did. I could not get on. I still stood there.

I tried to fly / lift off, I could not get off the ground at all at first, later only a few metres and very slow, just like some astral gravity keeping me back on the ground. It was like in those nightmares where you start to run from sth dreadful but cannot get on fast enough (I did not have these for many years though, and seem to have lost my fear anyway in dreams lately.)
Well, normally I have no problem flying. Sometimes in dreams of the astral it was even the other way round, my dream/astral body wanted to lift off almost automatically and I had to keep "it" on the ground because I did not want to at that moment.

The 'dream' scenes had switched around me. It seemed all like a weird dreamscape, hard to describe. Sometimes I was outside, sometimes in rooms. Sometimes there were people around me. I remember one guy in a Cowboy costume. One girl, also in a kind of costume. Still, all is too incoherent to give any detailed account. No sense, no story line.

And I did not pay much attention to it. I did not talk to the people there because they were dream figures for me, just wanted to lift off and 'start my program' of the many things I had planned.

Maybe that was my mistake? Was it a simulation and I was supposed to speak to some people there? Even ask THEM for help, or to ask about this place I was in there? Maybe get back to the figure of the "old buddy from school" and have a chat with him?

Normally it is said that these commands (asking guides for help, lift-off commands) should work. But they didn't at all.

I did a routine hand-check. I counted six fingers at one time (but images flickered as usual). And there is almost always at least one stump finger on the hand. I always have this.

When I get lucid I am happy (understandably) but also I get very hectic, since I always seem to feel hard-pressed for immediate action due to the limited time I seem to have before its over. Maybe getting to hectic is another mistake?

I lost it after a couple of attempts to lift off , struggled against it but failed and woke up with my usual 'energetic sensations' ( viewtopic.php?f=28&t=22033 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=22033) ) that hint to the fact that it was a kind of projection rather than a vivid dream only.

Anyway, I have no clue of what went wrong and why I could not 'break' the 'dream simulation' with the usual action that is supposed to work (and worked in other dreams).

Anybody any idea?

18th December 2010, 04:34 PM
The 'dream' scenes had switched around me. It seemed all like a weird dreamscape, hard to describe. Sometimes I was outside, sometimes in rooms. Sometimes there were people around me. I remember one guy in a Cowboy costume. One girl, also in a kind of costume. Still, all is too incoherent to give any detailed account. No sense, no story line.

And I did not pay much attention to it. I did not talk to the people there because they were dream figures for me, just wanted to lift off and 'start my program' of the many things I had planned.

Maybe that was my mistake? Was it a simulation and I was supposed to speak to some people there? Even ask THEM for help, or to ask about this place I was in there? Maybe get back to the figure of the "old buddy from school" and have a chat with him?

I would certainly take this as a sign that "your program" may not be in your best interest or your guides would have helped you. They are there when we call, but only work for our highest good.

Also, take a closer look at the people in costume... A costume is something inauthentic. It is worn so a person can pretend to be something they are not. I would related this back to you trying for something not in your best interest. it's inauthentic, and just a cover for what you really need or who you really are.

Stop trying and look at what your true intentions are. Work with your guides on this. they know what your plan is for this stage of your life. The point of being lucid in a dream is not to run out and try fun experiments, it's to have open communication with your spirit helpers when they present themselves to you. They know when you are ready (and willing) to hear what they have to say.

19th December 2010, 08:39 AM
Maybe you just did not see your guides, but they most likely were close by.
When things do not work out just how planned, just try to go with the flow - a bit like in everyday life :wink: In any case you always got a chance to collect more experience. :D

19th December 2010, 08:25 PM
Thanks, Mishel, Alienor and Korpo (in the other thread) for your helpful comments on this. Yes I see mostly of it now the same way. I need to 'go with the flow' and try to face what is presented to me and maybe even ask what this is about (also possibly asking the people I meet and not just talk to invisible guides). I will try this next time. :)

Just one thing I need to remark on:

The point of being lucid in a dream is not to run out and try fun experiments.

Well, yes, it might seem that my "program" did not fit this lucid dream where sth else was supposed to happen with/to me. Nevertheless I must object to the notion that I generally "try fun experiments". If you have read over some of my other posts or threads (especially the retrievals thread) I would not say that I am in the business of pure "fun" experiments. Not at all. Maybe even that is my problem, I should possibly take a more light-hearted approach.

My goals and plans are not fun. The don't direct at fun and they did not emanate from fun. They are mostly about finding out about my(higher?)self and this strange life I had to lead so far - compared to other "normal" people. I was kind of despaired! (somehow a part of me still is, but it is much better now). This despair is eventually what led me on the spiritual path starting 1.5-2 years ago. I would not call this "fun". At least, it's not fun for me. It's serious.

So this is what kept me disappointed about this experience. I really had important and "big things" in mind (as always when I try to "go out") instead of aimlessly flying & playing around in a virtual astral playground and doing some funstuff. However, possibly the "things" planned were/are too big for me - at least now and for the time being. :cry:

19th December 2010, 08:48 PM
Actually, I don't read much of the forum these days... so I don't know what your habits are.

I will say something though about retrievals. I have only done one that I was conscious for. I did it after reading a Bruce Moen book. (Is this the kind of retrieval you're talking about?) I found it very easy to leave me body and find someone who needed help. It was a very successful experiment and I thought I would make it part of my routine during meditation. However my guided jumped in a told me that there were people who incarnate in order to this kind of work and I was not one of them. She didn't tell me not to do it, but said my focus was something else. Any help I did would be straying from my path, and the souls I helped would eventually be helped by someone else...

Look. I don't know what you were trying to do, but I get the feeling you are going in a direction that your higher self and/or spirit guides aren't going to help with. Doesn't at all mean you were trying to do something bad, just not in line with your life plan. And it's only my opinion.