View Full Version : Two separate dreams (but both connected), plus other stuff

16th December 2010, 10:30 PM
I went to bed earlier than usual last night and at one point fell into a deep sleep lots of particularly vivid dreams. Thought i'd post a couple of them because they made me question whether they were more than simply dreams, or whether dreams are nothing more than a sleep process of the mind.

The first started with me being in a classroom of sorts. I wasn't lucid, although the imagery and memory of it is very vivid, almost like it happened. We were given a task of some kind to carry out, and we were put in groups of three or four. I can't remember much about my team, other than we really wanted to do a better job than the other team sitting at a desk somewhere further down the class, which was being led by a particularly boistrous girl, who I remember thinking to myself that I didn't like the look of or trust. Me and my teammates decided we would try to find her achilles heel - whatever it may have been - in order to get one over and beat her team.

She must have caught wind of our plans as she stood up and gave me a bad look. I didn't like this, so walked over to her and decided to give her a playful nudge on her arm - she didn't budge at all. I suddenly found this highly amusing, and exerted all of my force on her arm to try and push her, but she wouldn't even wobble the tiniest - it was quite unnatural as it defied gravity and made me look very weak. We looked at each other and smiled, and all of a sudden I realised that this girl was in fact a nice person, and that I was also very attracted to her. I went back to my desk, and my teammates told me they had found her weakness that would enable us to beat her team. They were unable to say it aloud, but had written it on a peice of paper - the words said 'piggy' (apparantly she didn't like pigs and found them scary?). She looked at me a bit upset, probably because she was disappointed that my team were going to cheat at beating her team. I felt ashamed because she probably thought I was a typical man - I wanted to make it up to her, so told her that I did know how to beat her, but that I wouldn't use her fear of pigs (hah!) against her or her team. I remember looking forward to getting to know her. I then forgot what the note had said anyway, and I wanted to re-read it, but the dream changed altogether and I woke up.

After waking up, I had lots of other vivid and odd dreams, one of which involved trying to meet up with someone whom I knew instinctively was a guide of some sort. The dream lasted for a while, but what must have been a good three or four hours later, I had another dream, and not only was I aware that I was completely lucid, but also that I was standing in the same classroom from the dream I had experienced earlier during the night. This time however it was empty and nobody was there, save for someone standing by the window. This amazed me, and during the dream my main thought to myself was how on earth I could be in exactly the same room - I decided to walk over to the desk I had been at with my team in the previous dream and see if the note was still there - it was! I picked it up and had a look at it. At this point I couldn't remember what the note had said from before. This time it said 'International' - I knew this was different from the previous dream, but couldn't remember what the original had said (it was only on my way to work this morning that I remembered the original note).

I decided I should make the most from the lucid experience and try to talk to the person by the window, rather than doing something I would normally do in a lucid dream (like try and fly or attempt an oob, which normally wake me up). I walked to the person and noticed that it was actually an acquaintance who I know is a very nice genuine person, but who I do not know very well on a personal level. I intuitively knew it wasn't actually him, but rather someone else taking on his appearance. I felt very comfortable in his presence (and even gave him a hug at one point!) The first thing I wanted to ask him was why he was there and why he had taken on this particular person's appearance - I wish I had written all of this down when I woke up, because I fell back to sleep and have forgotten a lot of it, but it went along the lines of:

"I am here as this person because (his name) is someone who you feel is a good person and who you can trust. I was planted here by the wizard".

I then asked how it was possible for me to experience the same environment in this dream as a previous dream - at this point I thought about lots of other dreams I have had in the past that are subtley connected in small ways, and got this through in the question somehow. He mentioned again something about the wizard which I either didn't quite understand or can't remember (or both). I then asked him in more detail how dreams work and operate, and he said something along the following lines:

"When you dream, it takes place on top of a small bubble that floats in the sky - each dream is its own bubble, and you catch this bubble like a ride, and experience the dream - the wizard plays a part in what bubble you land on and what the dream will be".

I was so interested in the 'how can this be possible' element, that I neglected to ask him who this 'wizard' was. I woke up after the dream, it was still early, probably around 4am - I remembered more of the conversation at the time, but silly me didn't write it down, and now a good 17 hours later I have forgotten it! Moral of the story...

I am noticing more and more that alot of my dreams take place in the same environments, but very often I only remember this during the dream, whereupon I wake up and am reminded of a previous dream in the same location - I believe this to be the first time I was in this particular classroom however, but recurring locations I am often in include:

1 - A particular run-down street, I normally seem to find myself in it when I am dreaming low-level emotional or physical/sex type dreams

2 - A particular large field/countryside area - normally I dream this when my partner is in my dream, normally a relaxed and happy dream with longing emotions (usually wish-fulfilment about not having to go to work so my partner and I can stay at home and relax!)

3 - A strange large area outdoor area with tall, majestic odd towers that are like a mix between fantasy and science fiction (like buildings for gods/giants) - not sure about the emotions in these dreams because they are not particularly vivid.

Anyone else have connections in dreams?

16th December 2010, 10:44 PM
Hello, mrsix.

The "wizard" is probably the consciousness that helps create your dreams and dream simulations. A dream is like a bubble that exists within the wider astral plane (= floats in the sky/nonphysical reality) and you are contained and absorbed within that dream until it fulfilled its purpose (= being inside a bubble, don't worry about the prepositions ;) ).

The run-down street is probably the lower astral, the countryside the upper. That would also explain their direct relation to your emotional state - you end up in the environment most attuned with that state. The classroom is probably your presentation to yourself of an astral simulation/dream learning environment (= a place for learning).

The purpose of the initial dream might have been releasing competitiveness. Part of this might have been to overcome seeing someone as rival but as valid other with their own needs and value, and overcoming thus the urge to beat them in competition. Seeing in her someonewhom you would like to know represents the higher value of cooperation over competition.

Reading in dreams and meaningfully communicating with others come online in stages. You might be able to decipher helpful signs later on or even able to know what a document or other thing would tell you. The conversation was so cryptic because you still have to develop nonphysical communication more. All of this will probably improve over time.
