View Full Version : UFO's and Meditating In My Dream Last Night

8th December 2010, 08:33 PM
I had one of those dreams that just boggles the mind. I'm new to this board, new to a lot of the topics discussed on this forum. Maybe someone would like to offer an opinion or insight. That being said, here's my strange, wonderful little dream in a nutshell.

I was with my husband in an unfamiliar city at night and realized UFO's were descending from the night skies. Everywhere I looked there were bright lights and large, slow moving craft. At first I thought we were under attack, but upon reviewing my dream now, they were quite docile. Just really really big and frightening in the sense that they were UFO's! :) Anyway, in my dream, my spiritual teacher appeared and I tried to look to him for comfort or reassurance. He was calm and not interested in my fear. I reached to grab his arm for safety or security but he pulled back. Not in an unpleasant way, almost in a way that made me realize I didn't need his security. He guided us to an apartment, or maybe it was a hotel. Once inside, a large window appeared in the wall in front of me. The curtains were pulled back and an intense, bright light came beaming in. I was somewhat blinded. At first I thought it was the sun. I asked him if he wasn't stressed out or worried about what was going on. He just shrugged as if to say, what's there to be worried about? And then he simply said, "No." I looked out the window again and saw a UFO hovering just a few meters away and facing me. He turned to me and said, "Looks like they're coming for you, Sis." Keep in mind, my teacher has never called me Sis in real life. I knew I had to collect myself and stop being afraid. I calmed my breath, calmed my heart, and went into a sort of meditation (sitting on the bed). I kept my eyes open and watched one UFO after the next ascend in front of the window, pause, and scan me. I felt like it was an X-ray of some sort.

At that point I woke up in a start. The absolute first thing I realized was that I was not covered in a cold sweat, not breathing hard, no pounding heart, and I wasn't getting these same odd sensations in my legs (sort of like chills) that I get whenever I have a frightening dream. I woke up feeling as calm as I had felt at the end of the dream when I was meditating. It was absolutely remarkable that I wasn't panicking or scared when I woke.

I'd love to hear thoughts on this. I've had UFO and abduction dreams for a long time. I've never meditated in my dream (I do every day in real life and I practice Yoga).

In gratitude,

8th December 2010, 08:59 PM
Hello, Ananda.

Maybe you can get closer to the meaning of the experience if you break down attributes of UFOs. Unidentified - you don't know (yet) what they are, Flying - that could be anyone in nonphysical reality, and Objects - this is where it gets tricky, because you're also aware of the awareness steering the UFO, and for example scanning you.

Size can be a hint about spiritual stature - bigger can mean more evolved, higher consciousness. That might also explain why they feel "alien" to you - strange, unfamiliar. Scanning could be the use of an inner sense. And that they descend from above could also be a hint for higher consciousness.

See if this alternate way of interpretation fits your dream UFO experiences in any way. If you feel some connection, it might be a helpful way of interpreting and approaching this experience.


12th December 2010, 07:05 PM
Thank you, Oliver. That was a thought-provoking analysis! UFO dreams are getting more and more common for me. Thank you for your time (and sorry it took me so darn long to respond!)


12th December 2010, 07:49 PM
Hello, Ananda.

You're welcome. :)
