View Full Version : pk dream & lucid dreams

6th December 2010, 05:51 AM
I haven't had an OOBE in about a week, but I have noticed a huge change in my dreams!

Things I used to struggle with are not a big problem anymore. I can fly easier and stay up for longer, shapeshifting is easier, my dreams are almost always lucid and vivid to the point where I can remember what I did that day before I went to bed! And it's fun talking to my dream characters about the dream we are in and about spirituality. I think one of the reasons my dreams are becoming more developed is because I don't share a bed with anyone anymore, so I'm not always waking up in the middle of the night from my husband's tossing and turning!

Last night I had an awesome dream! It seemed to go on forever! I had amazing pk abilities. Usually when I have these dreams I have to use my hands to guide the object, then I realize that there is just a thin thread attached to my finger and the object. But this time I did not need to use my hands at all! I just imagined the object moving and it moved. I could move anything! I even pointed out to one of my dream peeps that pk in this dream was easier than previous dreams, he nodded and laughed!

I would really like to know what is going on inside my brain while I am having a lucid dream compared to a normal dream? Why do people become aware? It doesn't seem to take much for me to become aware anymore (at least this week). It seems like I just show up in the dream already aware.

6th December 2010, 03:02 PM
The biological reason for a lucid dream is that your conscious mind is waking up in the middle of the dream- That is, your brain has different functions, and roughly speaking, the subconscious mind simply observes and memorizes, while your conscious mind makes decisions on the basis of memories and observations. Of course the levels of awareness are more gradual than that, but the ends of the spectrum can be described thusly.
When you dream you usually go through a range of frequencies that correspond to degrees of awareness. In 'regular' dreams, your subconscious is fully in force, and you accept and store whatever it is that you're experiencing, without any judgement, which is why you don't question anything in the dream. When you become lucid, your conscious mind begins to question, and part of this judgement process (which is characteristic of being awake) becomes part of the experience, so if you question enough you come to realize you are dreaming, hence you are lucid.
In the mammalian brain, the frontal and prefrontal cortex light up with you use your conscious faculties (that is, mostly judgement and comparison).
In biological terms, different parts of your brain are 'on' as you go from conscious to unconscious, and the brain frequency changes, from fast (awake) to slow (asleep). The state in which all the parts of the brain are 'on' at the same time (roughly theta) are (roughly) in between awake and asleep.
In a normal cycle, your conscious mind begins to wake at the end of a four-hour cycle, and you begin to consciously experience as you are dreaming. Then you wake up, remembering the last dream of the night.
When you cultivate lucid dreaming, and become lucid at another part of the dream, you have more leeway to 'play', because it's not yet time to wake up. In terms of brainwaves, scientists call this having an 'alpha intrusion' into whatever part of the cycle you were in.
That's a rough explanation entirely from memory. Details may vary, but that's roughly the gist of it.

6th December 2010, 10:15 PM
Thanks Natalie for the question, glad to hear you are doing well, with your dreaming

Thankyou CFTraveller for this answer i was just pondering a similar question to Natalie's myself and so this answer is very helpful :)

7th December 2010, 07:07 AM
thank you for the answer! That explained it in terms that I could understand. So when you become lucid in dreams parts of your brain that are usually inactive during sleep start to light up? That makes sense!

Thanks again!