View Full Version : Old town and telekinesis

4th December 2010, 09:56 PM
This dream has already started to fade from my mind but as it was really interesting I wanted to share it.

I remember a man inspecting my room specially my cable mess behind my computers and telling me that this had to be fixed. I went into modern town as I was on an errand but then I found myself in old town and started walking on the narrow streets. Suddenly I entered what seemed to be some kind of attraction consisting of wooden buildings and floating boats. Old town here is basically floating but the buildings are of stone. I kept walking around and found it fascinating. After a while I got even more lost and finally got out of the attraction back to regular old town. Later I went back home and I found my father working with a lamp that hadn't been fixed. Suddenly he fell down and got what I believed to be a heart attack. After that I found him sitting in the kitchen and he told me that it would be pointless to call the ambulance. I realized that this was his spirit. later I started pointing my hands against small objects and focusing on energy making them lift up and I could make them levitate. I tried larger and larger objects even large lamps and it worked.

Do you think something with telekinesis will be coming up shortly or was this something more symbolic?

4th December 2010, 10:00 PM
I had many of these kinds of dreams as I was going through 'dreamstate lessons', but they didn't result in telekinesis. I think they're about developing your astral senses and control, and in my case they resulted in more 'instant' manifesting and a few precognitive events. So I'd say it depends on what your areas of interest and natural talents are.

5th December 2010, 12:02 AM
hi, just some thoughts... for me things like "cabels of computer" and also "lamps" do signify something electrical, hence energetical. So for me this things already do mirror the dream-theme: subtle energies. And then you could even move the things just directly by telekinesis, which is very great and I also think is a sign for your improvement to handle and work with those energies. I`ve had also such dreams with psi-abilities, though in my last dream I just built a maschine to connect 2 different lifes+experiences energetically with each other. But hopefully that means that my energies are rising and improving also.
