View Full Version : relatively me

2nd December 2010, 06:50 PM
i had this circumstance created from pushing away a part or two of myself that i disliked. it caused parts of my body to take on its own conciousness and persona and begin to break away (and attack me). because those body parts' attachment to me was weak, i could go to places not reachable if i took all of my energy bodies with me. last month i was channelling information, it turned into channeling energy beings. i came to a threshold where on the other side of it there was no modular existence, no time, ego, space, or seperate beings. the intellegence on the other side was made of something like energy possibilities. the equivilent of stem cells. building material for the universe. when the "beings" crossed the threshold into "reality" they took on the form of whatever they ran into first, they had low resistence to any influence; any thoughts or emotions destroyed them. they were intolerant of water and conductive materials. they became beings in the form of extremely fine energy particles as soon as they crossed the barrier, that intellegent energy was piped down to me mostly unaltered.
because of particular circumstances they took controll of my body. i was observing the channeling lucidly from an external point as a naked conciousness (normal). they sounded like aliens, mostly because they only knew how to talk by what they gleaned from my mind. mom said it sounded like thousands of tiny little beings talking in unison. obviously it freaked everyone out. at the end i got freaked out too because they wanted to take me across the threshold and i decided i wasnt done with life. it was a %*&^ getting my body back and that was scary.

2nd December 2010, 07:05 PM
mom said it sounded like thousands of tiny little beings talking in unison. Where you channeling with her in the room?

2nd December 2010, 07:58 PM
mom said it sounded like thousands of tiny little beings talking in unison. Where you channeling with her in the room?
yea, there was a group of people, and they were really disruptive because thier emotions kept destroying the energy beings, they kept coming though. they seemed to come in packets/orbs. the place they were at was completely still, there was a membrane between them and the world outside (walls of the packet?). Whenever anyone in the room felt an emotion it would ripple the membrane, it didnt look like water ripples, but its a similar idea. If there were strong emotions then it would make a big impact on the membrane and would start to change the energy beings on the other side because they arent used to that kind of stimulation, that would cause a chain reaction that seemed to destroy them. love was the least disruptive to them because unconditional love is the closest thing to thier reality.

7th December 2010, 07:13 PM
Afterwords i went and gathered up lost peices of me. Some were in hell, i dont know what you guys experience there but it wasnt a place i would set up a summer home. I wonder if i should have even bothered, now i have thier crap to deal with, and those parts of me wont allow channeling because they arent interested in learning truth. Where does one body end and another begin anyways? It would be a miracle allright if someone had such great truth that he could be the world and all beings would be saved and see good. If that hasnt happened in this time, then that means forgetting people, in my case, leaving behind parts of myself.