View Full Version : Hello Mr. Bruce

2nd December 2010, 11:23 AM
Hello Mr. Bruce,

A little on my background. I read your book, Astral Dynamics, a few years ago. I took to the exercises like a duck to water. I was using your methodologies, Hemi-Sync, and I was utilizing guided imagery meditation daily. My first meditative experience took me to the vibrational state, and when I utilized your NEW methods I had an experience so intense I didn't know if I was safe to continue. With fairness, I used your methods immediately on the major chakra systems. I had some knowledge, and didn't read through completely to your warnings of safe progression. I jumped right in and had an intense first ride! It did not take me long to have an out of body experience. I woke up with an unusual whoosing sensation, took the opportunity to induce trance, used a pendulum exit method, and was out! It was very exciting and fulfilling. But, then things got pretty bad...
I was starting to see things. At first it was simply motes of light. Similar to the little tricks of the eye you can see when you stare at a bright pocket of sky for too long. But these little motes became clearer and clearer to my perceptions. Finally, they looked completely physical to me. They would cloud around my legs when I would go to bed at night. When they came close, I could feel them touch my skin, and they would occasionally darken the space in front of my closed eye vision. Similar to the sensation of someone waving their hands in front of your closed eyelids. It got to the point that I could see these things flying around, and feel them when they would choose to touch me. Similar to mosquito's... I also saw other apparitions, cloud like entities, I could FEEL their intentions. It wasn't just what I perceived, but what I could FEEL their nature to be that was so intense and unnerving. I could speak to this at length, but I won't at this point in time.
Trying to meditate, even sleep at night, became difficult. These cloudings corresponded with prickling and an intense heat that made me feel preyed upon. I used many of your methods back then.... My feet felt the worst. Like needles driven into my feet. Literally near the intensity of a physical knife. It was worse in my right foot, bad in my left as well, corresponding to the same anatomical position. Also, these interferences corresponded with an unusual scalp sensation and the feeling that I was sharing my space with another awareness. Like my consciousness was melding with something else, and something else was there with me.
Most of the sensations that I used to feel, my auditory and visual perceptions have diminished to what I would call normal. "Did I just see something in the corner of my eye? Probably not...." The only thing that remains is the occasional weird scalp sensations and the foot pains. I haven't trained in years. I was projecting, having awesome experiences, inducing full trance, FEELING my energy body, experiencing beauties and perceiving the world in wonderful ways. I could see and feel the energies of the world in wondrous ways, and doors were opening. I have FORCED myself to go back to 'normal.' I can live with the foot cramps now. I don't WANT to see things prey upon me and be able to do nothing. I don't want to feel powerless. I don't want to sleep with salt in my socks or leave the lights on, or any other unusual ritual that hinders my ability to have a social life. If I was to ever go back to that state that I was in, what might I be giving a girl that shares my bed?

I still feel an intense desire to travel. I want to pick up again my daily admonitions, and begin training to see where my potentials truly lie. I won't go back to where I was though. Truly, I don't feel that I am truly out of the woods. I have only allowed my perceptions to be blunted.

Is there a way to pick up my practices again, to begin again with NEW, and not become a feeding ground for whatever it was that I had become? A way to protect myself? Or is it a choice of walking around blind and dulled, or again an active adventurer that went through what I was going through with only simple home remedies that seem to work in the immediate, but not completely, and only in the acute phase of episode? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Instead of acquiring athletes foot and grabbing a bottle of Tinactin....I would rather not walk barefoot in the locker room.


Robert Bruce
27th January 2011, 11:18 AM

My best guess here is that your first intense experience awakened your kundalini and this removed some of your natural shielding; natural chakra shielding that cuts out seeing, hearing, and feeling, astral beings, spirits, etc.

The things you have been seeing and feeling would have been preexisting around you; you just were not aware of this.

What you have is low order neg problems. These are not that difficult to overcome.

The symptoms you now have, foot pains, etc, are typical neg attack symptoms. These would be from low order negs in your local area, and in the building. What you need to do is to clean house, and to boost your personal protection. I strongly suggest you get a copy of my new release, The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook. This will be released Feb 1st 2011. This is far better than the original.

Purple fire is a good way of removing the neg bugs that cause foot pains. See purple fire audio here
http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/audi ... epage.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/audiovisualhomepage.html)

Also see here http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/unorderedtemp.html

In particular, the articles on running water, emf grounding, sleeping earthed, mega salt baths, magnets.

An electrically grounded conductive bed sheet will solve many of your problems.

Use the purple fire method whenever you feel activity in your feet, etc.

If you sleep with another person and they are psychically closed, I very much doubt they would feel or experience anything unusual.

Work on cleaning house and boosting your personal protection and when you get into the clear you can decide where to go from there.


Hello Mr. Bruce,

A little on my background. I read your book, Astral Dynamics, a few years ago. I took to the exercises like a duck to water. I was using your methodologies, Hemi-Sync, and I was utilizing guided imagery meditation daily. My first meditative experience took me to the vibrational state, and when I utilized your NEW methods I had an experience so intense I didn't know if I was safe to continue. With fairness, I used your methods immediately on the major chakra systems. I had some knowledge, and didn't read through completely to your warnings of safe progression. I jumped right in and had an intense first ride! It did not take me long to have an out of body experience. I woke up with an unusual whoosing sensation, took the opportunity to induce trance, used a pendulum exit method, and was out! It was very exciting and fulfilling. But, then things got pretty bad...
I was starting to see things. At first it was simply motes of light. Similar to the little tricks of the eye you can see when you stare at a bright pocket of sky for too long. But these little motes became clearer and clearer to my perceptions. Finally, they looked completely physical to me. They would cloud around my legs when I would go to bed at night. When they came close, I could feel them touch my skin, and they would occasionally darken the space in front of my closed eye vision. Similar to the sensation of someone waving their hands in front of your closed eyelids. It got to the point that I could see these things flying around, and feel them when they would choose to touch me. Similar to mosquito's... I also saw other apparitions, cloud like entities, I could FEEL their intentions. It wasn't just what I perceived, but what I could FEEL their nature to be that was so intense and unnerving. I could speak to this at length, but I won't at this point in time.
Trying to meditate, even sleep at night, became difficult. These cloudings corresponded with prickling and an intense heat that made me feel preyed upon. I used many of your methods back then.... My feet felt the worst. Like needles driven into my feet. Literally near the intensity of a physical knife. It was worse in my right foot, bad in my left as well, corresponding to the same anatomical position. Also, these interferences corresponded with an unusual scalp sensation and the feeling that I was sharing my space with another awareness. Like my consciousness was melding with something else, and something else was there with me.
Most of the sensations that I used to feel, my auditory and visual perceptions have diminished to what I would call normal. "Did I just see something in the corner of my eye? Probably not...." The only thing that remains is the occasional weird scalp sensations and the foot pains. I haven't trained in years. I was projecting, having awesome experiences, inducing full trance, FEELING my energy body, experiencing beauties and perceiving the world in wonderful ways. I could see and feel the energies of the world in wondrous ways, and doors were opening. I have FORCED myself to go back to 'normal.' I can live with the foot cramps now. I don't WANT to see things prey upon me and be able to do nothing. I don't want to feel powerless. I don't want to sleep with salt in my socks or leave the lights on, or any other unusual ritual that hinders my ability to have a social life. If I was to ever go back to that state that I was in, what might I be giving a girl that shares my bed?

I still feel an intense desire to travel. I want to pick up again my daily admonitions, and begin training to see where my potentials truly lie. I won't go back to where I was though. Truly, I don't feel that I am truly out of the woods. I have only allowed my perceptions to be blunted.

Is there a way to pick up my practices again, to begin again with NEW, and not become a feeding ground for whatever it was that I had become? A way to protect myself? Or is it a choice of walking around blind and dulled, or again an active adventurer that went through what I was going through with only simple home remedies that seem to work in the immediate, but not completely, and only in the acute phase of episode? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Instead of acquiring athletes foot and grabbing a bottle of Tinactin....I would rather not walk barefoot in the locker room.
