View Full Version : Where's the bathroom?!?

30th November 2010, 04:49 PM
Okay -- this is really strange, but it has now happened a handful of times, and I wanted to know if anyone else has had this experience. It's usually during a lucid or semi-lucid dream (where I'm self-aware, but being a bit lazy), and I'll need to urinate. In my dream I'm aware of this, but also afraid that if I give in, I'll wake up in a wet bed (this hasn't happened since I was in elementary school -- at least 40 years).

Eventually I'll get tired of fighting needing to wake up, and in my dream, I'll find a bathroom and do my business. Seriously! I can feel the 'relief' of having held it in so long go away. Then I am free to continue my dream. When I eventually wake up, the bed is dry, and I don't have any more need to hit the bathroom as I normally would.

I now this is weird, but I really am curious as to whether this has happened to anyone else. It seems like some kind of weird adaptation because I do a LOT of dreaming.

30th November 2010, 04:58 PM
I used to get the version where I had to go, I couldn't find an acceptable toilet, and I woke up, just to make it in time, but that other version (the peeless pee) once or twice now, and it's been that way- no physical pee.
Maybe the pee went into the astral? Hee hee.

30th November 2010, 05:22 PM
THis is too much I can't help it I HAVE to ask. WHat happens to the pee in astral :shock:

30th November 2010, 06:53 PM
As Kurt has pointed out, peeing in dreams serves the purpose of purging oneself of something, most likely emotional content, which is an important part of our "spiritual hygiene." This might enable lucidity, clearer dreams or the experience of emotional stability in your life.

It's usually not related to the physical need to pee. If you feel that, you wake straight up. It's the usual thing that actually wakes you on a natural sleep cycle. Just as peeing on the physical plane relieves the body of waste chemicals and helps switching states of consciousness, it can do just the same symbolically in dreams.


30th November 2010, 06:54 PM
THis is too much I can't help it I HAVE to ask. WHat happens to the pee in astral :shock:

You wouldn't want to know! :shock:



30th November 2010, 11:01 PM
so y'all are the ones peeing all about in the astral realm. astral gum boots or waders anyone? i've had this happen and i think it increases lucidity, but it also kinda runs the theme. i like the purging theory Korpo suggested. next time i will let it go, but if end up with a wet bed i am gonna blame Korpo and Kurt for their evil trickery (joke).

1st December 2010, 10:09 PM
There's no nonchalant, whistling smilie, so this eeveel trickster will just do this: :mrgreen:


14th December 2010, 11:48 PM
Thank you for your replies -- although, I think you guys have taken this where I hadn't expected!

I have been chuckling over the concept of peeing into the astral plane. This dream hasn't happened since I posted, but I can believe that the next time it does, I will probably wake up laughing! [Disclaimer -- I take no responsibility for anyone else trying this at home!!!!]

On the issues of purging -- I can understand that needing to eliminate in a dream may have a metaphorical relationship to needing to eliminate something in life...in that case, if the elimination actually happens in the dream, does it parallel that we are actually being successful in eliminating something in life?

This whole thing is kind of bizarre -- I'm relieved (uh, pun not intended...) that others have experienced this. The feeling of 'relief' in the dream is so real, and that was as unusual as having dream bathroom breaks.

15th December 2010, 06:56 AM
I used to get the version where I had to go, I couldn't find an acceptable toilet, and I woke up, just to make it in time
I still get that version sometimes.

I also sometimes dream of needing to go and it turns into a big dream symbol saga. Public toilets I try to use will be overrun with slime or mould or something, or there's no privacy, or they're unacceptable in other ways, or I ask to use the restroom and nobody seems to know where it is (or I just can't find it), that sort of thing.

That is, it's an expression of being unable to "get relief" of some sort, and it's unrelated to actually needing to pee (though sometimes I do wake up and find I have a very full bladder, as well).

15th December 2010, 06:06 PM
CaterpillarWoman -- I can really relate...definitely with the toilets overflowing, or not working...no toilet paper, the stalls are too short, too high, no doors (big theme) or non-existent. In some dreams, the toilet is in the middle of a large room, or in a stall that is only as wide as the toilet. Or I can't find a stall that is unoccupied. Weird!

15th December 2010, 06:10 PM
CaterpillarWoman -- I can really relate...definitely with the toilets overflowing, or not working...no toilet paper, the stalls are too short, too high, no doors (big theme) or non-existent. In some dreams, the toilet is in the middle of a large room, or in a stall that is only as wide as the toilet. Or I can't find a stall that is unoccupied. Weird! Because they are so common, perhaps these types of dreams explore our limits- what we will not accept, that which will make us override our most basic impulses?
Just a thought.

15th December 2010, 07:15 PM
it is our human fault that 'out of sight is out of mind'. we flush out of sight our waste, only to drink it from the spicket of our imagination that satiates the thirsting mind. therefore, the question ever remains, from where does one quench the mind's thirst. nature would through it's unfailing processes reveal to us how to turn water into wine. therein arrises the next unavoidable human fault, that in our drunkedness on wine we forget to issue the wine back into water, even as the fleshly body carrys this process through.

these two human issues paired are our largest bane, both within and without.
