View Full Version : Programming Experiment 1: Y/N-Question (job change advice)

26th November 2010, 04:16 PM
now I have a more direct question related to a life opportunities/decisions and possible hints as help of decision-making in dreams:
i probably could now change my job at my workplace (internal, same company) for next year, but am still unsecure and hesitant about it

is there any kind of dream signs that I could ask for (of course, I will do affirmations to receive an answer before) to tell me in my dreams that i should - or should better not - take this opportunity to change my job at my work place? how to recognise them?

of course, I do not mean any "direct" dreaming of having/getting a new job which would be obvious then, but are there more subtle signs to be interpreted (in one or the other way) as to positive or negative decisions?

(btw. so far have given up on receiving answers by tensors/pendulums, did not work for me somehow)


note 27 Feb: changed title for consistency

Neil Templar
26th November 2010, 05:11 PM
why not create the sign yourself?
pick something that feels relevant, that's not "usual" dream symbology for you, and ask to see it in a dream, if you should go ahead with the change.
maybe ask for it to be repeated, perhaps, to make sure it isn't overlooked.

i recently got a message from guidance, during a dream.
i was dreaming about something specific, then the dream ended and i was taken to another "space" and told "We will show you three times, so there is no mistaking it"
then i was back in a normal dreamstate, dreaming about the same thing, but a different dream. then i woke, and then went back to sleep, and again dreamed about the same thing, but another different dream. it got the point across rather well! :lol:

26th November 2010, 07:07 PM
thanks, neil, yes I had thought about that, I did this recently with another yes/no-either/or-quest of mine - but it did not work, nothing came up that I recognized
so that is why I asked about "typical" dream signs that might come along your way naturally in the course of dreaming rather then 'enforcing' them
however, I made up two nice signs now (for yes-change and no-notchange respectively), let's see what comes up.

26th November 2010, 11:11 PM
Our guides are usually not meant to make such decisions for us, instead they are supposed to show us options and give hints about what might result from a certain choice.
So instead of asking "should I change jobs", I would ask something like "what will I experience from a change of jobs?" "what will I learn from the new job" "how would it feel to have this new job?".
Answers to such questions might come not just in dreams, but little signs might show up throughout the day.

26th November 2010, 11:21 PM
Answers to such questions might come not just in dreams, but little signs might show up throughout the day.

Exactly. So don't limit yourself or your guides ability to give you information by only looking to your dreams.

26th November 2010, 11:40 PM
Mishell, Alienor, thanks for your thoughtful insights. Yes, you surely have a point.

Problem is that I don't trust my intuition anymore at the moment, at least not on this one. So, just as an exception, I wanted something clear-cut, something to grab.

Btw, couldn't it also be my own subconscious or superconscious (higher self) giving me the hint,instead of my guide? I think and hope a dream might be a tool (like a pendulum or hypnosis or any self-finding method) to find out about what "it" / I-there / "my-total-SELF" wants for this life. I wouldn't totally discount this possibilty.

But maybe the result will be as Alienor says, that I could be shown how this and that works, alternative realities realised by my decisions.

However, I thought that the affirmative setting of a yes/no-signal (closed question) from the outset instead of a rather open question might be a stronger trigger for me to experience something that I can relate to my problem.

Yes, I might still get elusive and blurry results and end up with interpretations if this was about alternative outcomes for my decisions. But at least I set a clear goal. I think it could help me more now, at least in this situation.

26th November 2010, 11:49 PM
Btw, couldn't it also be my own subconscious or superconscious (higher self) giving me the hint,instead of my guide? I think and hope a dream might be a tool (like a pendulum or hypnosis or any self-finding method) to find out about what "it" / I-there / "my-total-SELF" wants for this life. I wouldn't totally discount this possibilty.
Yes, I consider also the Higher Self as a kind of guide. And reading that you just wrote about finding out what your soul wants for this life, I thought this book might be interesting for you: The Instruction by Ainslie MacLeod

27th November 2010, 04:20 PM
thanks Alienor, looks interesting, I will check it out (my reading list is still long now with already lots in the queue, but as I'm a fast reader now, there's always enough capacity to add things)

now this is what happened tonight:

as I had expected I did not get a clear 'answer' (yet?). moreover, my dream recall has become very lousy lately, I know I am dreaming heavily but cannot remember it, making it all even more difficult for me.

the only dream fragment I "saved" over into day consciousness is .. well .. interesting in the light of my "question", which I only found out on a second look at my lucidiary entries.

in that dream I re-lived through an almost traumatic event that happened in my childhood, when I was reprimanded by the teacher for my bad school performance during the class, this happened then before the entire class during talks about grades and individual performances. It was kind of humiliating for me, as I also found it exaggerated and unjust, but also embarrassing to take place before the whole class.

now, the difference was, as it is often in dreams, that there was an overlay of time and places: the setting was now much later in time (and another place of course) as a student in my Senior High School (in my country 11-13. class, it gets you a degree similar to the "A-levels", which also serve as a standard requirement for a university education).

as a result of that treatment I got I was infuriated this time (as a child in "real" life I had just 'endured' it back then), even insulting the teacher (I feel sorry for this now since i want to become more peaceful in dreams!), and packing my things (the class was then over anyway so all others packed, too).

And I intended not to go to this course again but ask the school administration to be granted a switch to another parallel course (which was possible at this Seniour High School that was organised in a university-like manner with courses that could be selected at the beginning of the year and switches were indeed allowed during the first weeks - so this all makes sense).

In short the essence of it:

In that dream I DECIDED to SWITCH COURSE (yet) at the SAME SCHOOL.

Now substitute "job" for "course" and "company" for "school". :shock: :shock: :shock:

this now gets me thinking :| :? :idea:

Neil Templar
27th November 2010, 05:09 PM

27th November 2010, 06:29 PM
Hello, Volgerle.

There might be a "hidden" message in here - about the school and the courses. For the soul life (the school) is all about learning. It is okay to switch courses as long as you are learning.

Just something that occurred to me while reading your interpretation.


27th November 2010, 08:01 PM
Hello, Volgerle.

There might be a "hidden" message in here - about the school and the courses. For the soul life (the school) is all about learning. It is okay to switch courses as long as you are learning.

Just something that occurred to me while reading your interpretation.


thanks, korpo, yes, I think you are right that we also can look at it more on a broader level
actually, i certainly could only "learn more" when i "change course / job" because I definitely do not learn anything in the old "course/job" anymore

(ps. isn't it nice how to "change (my) course" can also have a double meaning here?)

still, despite a certain 'tendency' i will wait with bated breath what kind of insights the next dreaming sessions will bring (possibly confirmation?)

29th December 2010, 03:06 PM
here's an interesting follow up on this one:

giving my dream the interpretation from above (school class change) I had indeed handed in the application / request for that job, and it looks now as if it is going to work, so that I can change in January or at least in Feburary - with a necessary transition period. :D (Btw, I am very certain that the Law of Attraction had also worked here, but that is a different story now).

Tonight, I finally met one of the definite yes/no dream signs in my dreams. I had not needed them since the sign was given to me in a different form in a dream (see above)- in a very intelligent dream scene created for me, where I even decided (was led to decide) on this issue myself in the dream itself. Thinking about it afterwards I am still in awe how truly ingenious (of my guide or whoever initiated it this way for me) that was.

So normally these specific signs should not have to come up now anymore. It was settled for me.

Anyway, back then I had defined chess pieces as yes/no signs: a horse meaning yes (change job) and a rook/tower meaning no. (makes sense doesn't it? a jumping moving running and thus erratically fast-changing horse and a solid standing tower for persistence and no-change).


Now this is what happened tonight:

I was again in a class situation in a school but more on an out-of-classroom excursion or during a break, it seems we were in a corridor of the school or any building. I am not sure but it might have been that I was even in charge of that class.

Now, a dark (brown or black) horse came running up that hall towards us (it was supposed to deliver some information, that is just my hunch, but I am not sure anymore about this). It breaks down, seems injured.
I am very worried. I am even more worried that the (my?) class does not seem as agitated about this as me. I seem to shout around to them in panic. I tell them to call an ambulance. One girl is indeed at a phone booth in that corridor and tells me (still acting too calmly in my view) that she is about to phone them.
For a while the horse seems even to be dead lying there. I try to feel/hear the heartbeat putting my ear on it. Then later the horse still gives moaning sounds that resemble even a (female) human, it also lifts the head again and coughs a bit (or vomits?). I don't know exactly the end of the scene or if there is one, but I have the later sentiment that the horse was then indeed saved in time.
Before that dream scene I had also been in a class situation in a class room, but not in charge of the class and a rather dis-interested and badly prepared student, not being able to answer questions put to me. However it did not matter too much since the class situation seemed rather relaxed somehow.

So, if I take now this 'yes-horse' as the symbol for my new job I am gonna have (hopefully), there are 3 ways of interpreting it all for me: positive, neutral, negative.

1) neutral:

The horse and the whole scene might have nothing to do at all with the new job or its decision on it. It might be coincidence and not be related to my set dream sign at all, moreover since it is some weeks ago now and all had been settled anyway by a different dream for me.

Against this interpretation stands the fact that I never dreamt of horses before - at least I don't remember ANY dream. The unusual and new situation in the same school situation is also indicative of a relationship / continuation of the theme. This leads to a negative interpretation - at first view though:

2) negative:

Identifying the horse with the new job this is truly worrying for me: We all know the notion (is it even almost an archetype?) of the "injured horse" and what is done to it. Wounded horses are finished off with the 'coup de grace'. :(

Does that mean that the my new job has been "shot" now for me? Or that it will end in a disaster for me somehow? The injured horse does not bode well indeed.

However, some further developments might indicate a different way of interpreting it:

3) positive:

Well, above all, the horse was not put to death on the spot but helped. It might have turned out well in the end with its rescue.

Also, unlike in the dream before (that could symbolise my boring "old/current" job? ) where I did have no initiative, motivation and responsibility, this time I was in charge and I really took charge, commanding the others (my class) what to do and trying to save the Horse (new job?). Being in charge might also indicate higher responsibility, challenge, but also self-fulfilment and motivation with the coming job (visualised by the horse "coming" up the corridor).

Still, the dream indicated trouble by the horses breakdown. But it is saved (I hope). So the interpretation would be still promising: there might be trouble ahead as it is natural with many new (job) situations, but it can be solved, especially if I take on the responsibility, take charge, am committed enough.

It would also be intersting for me to know if the "trouble" ahead is a real precognitive sentiment or if it is an expression of my fears of the unknown / changes ... of course, it might be both as well. I guess that cannot be decided on now. Only time will tell, wait and see.

So, now that I have interpretation 1,2,3 on the desk ... which is most likely and have a overlooked something? What else can be interpreted here? Curious if s.o. has an idea or can agree/disagree to my interpretations.

29th December 2010, 04:14 PM
Just an opinion (or three):
It's possible that the horse's dramatic entrance was designed to make sure you didn't forget it- to make an impression on you, so that you remembered it was supposed to be an answer.
So the way I would interpret it, is that the change will happen, it won't be easy (injured horse) but it will be all right in the end (it was helped).

29th December 2010, 06:36 PM
Just an opinion (or three):
It's possible that the horse's dramatic entrance was designed to make sure you didn't forget it- to make an impression on you, so that you remembered it was supposed to be an answer.
yes, that's possible, a reminder, of course :idea:
however, it also occurred to me now that it might also have been a warning somehow (I mean the breakdown) for problems or obstacles ahead ... the horse, of course, is a pure reminder in itself, and possibly also a kind of confirmation of the validity of my decision and thus of the previous classroom-changing dream.
also, the timing is perfect since next week my vacation ends and I will start the talks and preps on the job change (maybe the 'warning' - if it is one - also refers to the talks about this change ...), I also thought of the change a lot in recent days in anticipation, which was not possible the days and weeks before, as I had lots of other things that kept my inner life occupied

31st December 2010, 06:40 PM
first I think its so fantastic that it worked to put the symbols and then really meet the dream-figueres/symbols!
and what you describe with these sentences I from feel would absolutely agree, I would have said the same:

So the interpretation would be still promising: there might be trouble ahead as it is natural with many new (job) situations, but it can be solved, especially if I take on the responsibility, take charge, am committed enough.

It would also be intersting for me to know if the "trouble" ahead is a real precognitive sentiment or if it is an expression of my fears of the unknown / changes ... of course, it might be both as well.
It would not be a new chance of growth if the new job would not have tasks to learn and challenges to be solved.

Another symbol for a horse also is pure+most-natural-live-energy, so i would say that the horse appearing like this also could mean that your natural big life-energy currently could be a bit diminished and the reason for this could be the old job!... so I would tend to interpret that the new job could re-live the energy you usually and generaally do have for your work-life... understand what i mean? (in my not so good english)

all the same i would agree on your last comment that there of course could be mixed in some fears of the unknown/changes.

greetings and healthy and happy new year to all!


1st January 2011, 07:39 AM
You clearly need a change. The new job will have challenges that will bring up old issues related to this:

in that dream I re-lived through an almost traumatic event that happened in my childhood, when I was reprimanded by the teacher for my bad school performance during the class, this happened then before the entire class during talks about grades and individual performances. It was kind of humiliating for me, as I also found it exaggerated and unjust, but also embarrassing to take place before the whole class.

You will be ready for these because you've been forewarned. Resolving these feelings will be for your ultimate growth. It may be that the job falls through and you may have to deal with feelings of disappointment and humiliation but you can face this with real class if you can control your reactions and understand what happened with some objectivity.

1st January 2011, 04:52 PM
thanks for all your thoughtful comments

the theme seems to be really continuous now, the only dreams I remember seem to be somehow related to the job change

so here's an update from tonight:

I was again in a kind of company setting and it was explained to me that I get promoted. I necessarily did not want that, but I was told it was my turn. It was just my turn, so I was okay then.

Switch of scene outside on a lawn or field: it might be a day-out trip of the company or a celebration outside. It is like an inauguration, celebration (of the promoted people) or initiation ceremonial. People (of the company?) around us promoted "initiates" who are in a row standing there , next to each other like a soccer team before the game, e.g. like this:


I did not know the other people, but they seem familiar to my in the dream personality's life. I see myself and the other on the lawn now from a third persons perspective, like I would be s.o. in the audience that celebrates us and takes pictures.
So I see myself too, especially when talking to a (actually beautiful) blonde girl next to me who is also in this file of 'initiates' to get promoted and celebrated. (As said, in physical life I don't know or remember anyone of these persons). We smile and have fun. The sun is shining. It indeed reminds me of a company trip we had many years ago, but only peripherally.

Strange thing however: my complexion seems to be darker a bit, and it is not only the sun, I am not really black, but darker and more exotic looking, but it is me without doubt, of course I am also younger (as always in dreams - in my twenties). I am happy and the others are too.

Another even stranger thing, but it might be a misinterpretation of what I saw as a symbol: At one point I saw me and the others when lifting an arm and standing hand in hand in the row that we were not only standing hand in hand but also hand-cuffed and so shackled to one another (neighbour to neighour in the row). :shock:

But as it is with dreams, it could also have a positive instead of only a negative (being captured, imprisoned, not free, enslaved, restricted, forced, etc...) connotation: It could allude to the strong "bonds" between our group of initiates, just as a symbol. Me and the other dream personalities were not at all disurbed by the shackles.

But who knows what it meant? Btw, I do not have any strong bonds with any people within my company at the moment. But maybe that will change? Or it does not refer to my company colleagues at all?

What do you think?

1st January 2011, 07:58 PM
I'd like to add my grain of salt on this:
Could it be that the horse symbolises how you react (at an emotional level) to the job change and NOT how things will turn out (at a «physical» level). I read many symptoms linked to some anxiety level here : the horse, a dark one, «breaks down», you are «very worried», you «shout in panic», the horse even «vomits». Plus, you are the only one to feel that way. Everyone else is so calm...As if there was no real need to feel that way.

Before that dream scene I had also been in a class situation in a class room, but not in charge of the class and a rather dis-interested and badly prepared student, not being able to answer questions put to me. However it did not matter too much since the class situation seemed rather relaxed somehow.

Seems like the dream simply tells you that there is no need for you worry, that everything will be alright, that you are well prepared now and though you may not think so (you feel badly prepared, not fit to answer the questions, in the dream I quoted), you will be fit for the new challenge as long as you overcome this feeling and take control (and it seems like you do so in your dream):

Also, unlike in the dream before (that could symbolise my boring "old/current" job? ) where I did have no initiative, motivation and responsibility, this time I was in charge and I really took charge, commanding the others (my class) what to do and trying to save the Horse (new job?).

So, all is well! ;)

1st January 2011, 08:01 PM
I like this interpretation. ^^^^^^

1st January 2011, 08:17 PM
Oh and as for the second dream... I may be completely off here, but I'm thinking that this «team and promotion dream» may be a symbol chosen from your «recent life material» to «clothe» some reality at another level (maybe at a soul/spiritual level) into something you may understand and relate to. I say that because I also had a graduation type of dream and there was nothing important going on in my «physical/material life». My focus at the time was rather at an emotional/spiritual level. I'm still not sure about this but I guess it was meant to tell me that I had succeeded over something I was working on, that I was now one step ahead on my path. I also say that because like in your dream, I often meet total strangers (don't know them in my everyday physical life) but I do know them in the dream. What if these were companions we have at another level?
Of course, these are only «what ifs»...

1st January 2011, 08:18 PM
I like this interpretation. ^^^^^^

Thank you! I tried my best ^_^

1st January 2011, 08:42 PM
Oh and as for the second dream... I may be completely off here, but I'm thinking that this «team and promotion dream» may be a symbol chosen from your «recent life material» to «clothe» some reality at another level (maybe at a soul/spiritual level) into something you may understand and relate to. I say that because I also had a graduation type of dream and there was nothing important going on in my «physical/material life». My focus at the time was rather at an emotional/spiritual level. I'm still not sure about this but I guess it was meant to tell me that I had succeeded over something I was working on, that I was now one step ahead on my path. I also say that because like in your dream, I often meet total strangers (don't know them in my everyday physical life) but I do know them in the dream. What if these were companions we have at another level?
Of course, these are only «what ifs»...
thanks for the comments, and yes.. oh I like this one, too. Could be the case.

This dream now had the same positive "feel" about getting on and being active (in my own development) that I had when I was at a kind of mental projection to a type of hall in a school/library meeting a nice group of people who did not seem familiar (from knowing them before in this life) and still ... I somehow felt a friendly bond and something of common interest or development path connecting us (I described this trip in my 'retrievals' thread). I am yearning to see these people again because I still have lots of questions left (understandably) but so far have not managed to get back there - but I'm working on it. :wink:
(I had managed to get and remember - due to repeated asking - their first names, but completely forgotten to ask or remember what this place exactly was about and who exactly they were, ... stupid me. :roll: :cry: )

I also seem to be in a kind of "program" to get on by education and practice learning. For example I dream of being in classrooms a lot lately, also completely unrelated to my horse/jobchange dreams. It seems I take these dream-lessons which also Kurt Leland talked about recently here, he calls it the 'Interactive Learning Zone' (viewtopic.php?f=33&t=9378&start=120#p141514 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=9378&start=120#p141514)) - it's a workshop/school-like dream zone/type.

3rd January 2011, 12:55 AM
Thanks for the link. This thread is so fascinating and eye-opening!

As for your dream, the more I read and the more I believe it is the case... Chances are these people are fellow «classmates» or companions you have at a «spiritual level» (not sure if I chose the right words here but I think you get the idea!)

I also have lots of classroom settings type of dreams and I know they are not «everyday-life-related» as I am done studying now. A funny thing, though, is that I keep seeing the same teacher over and over in those classroom dreams. A teacher I have had in «everyday life». And I know it is NOT him showing up and not even linked to him in any way. It's as if a teaching spirit kept clothing himself in the form of that teacher, because I liked his teachings and had a deep respect for him... Or as if, whenever the dream needs a symbolic teaching figure, this teacher is the symbol picked...

3rd January 2011, 09:18 AM
Vogerie, I was just "cleaning out" and rediscovered thishttp://www.babiesneedmothers.com/articles/programmed-dreams.html that I had bookmarked. It's on programmed dreams.

You simply formulate a very precise question – a question that is highly specific yet leaves open all possible answers. We must never program “Should I do “A” or “B” because these are just two choices and there might be thousands more that are better.....

4th January 2011, 01:55 PM
As for your dream, the more I read and the more I believe it is the case... Chances are these people are fellow «classmates» or companions you have at a «spiritual level» (not sure if I chose the right words here but I think you get the idea!)
Possibly they are 'classmates' / soul group comrades, but I lately got to the conclusion that I also have met some of my reincarnational selves somehow.
For example, there is a guy with curly hair who appeared more often in some dreams now, at one point he mentioned sth about Sweden (maybe he/I lived there once?). I can't explain but I somehow feel that he is a part of me.
I also met some other women who all explained things to me (mostly relating to physical life reality creation) and it might have been my HS talking to me. Of course it could also have been a guide or a discarnated 'friend'? Still, I am not too sure about these things. But I know that the persons are 'kind and friendly' persons supporting me in one or another kind.
But I have not further clue to prove to me what they are exactly (yet), it is just a hunch that they could also be part of me (incarnations).
My projection to that school with the group of people falls into the same category. I am just not sure if they were 'mates' or 'selves' I met (or a mixture of both kinds?). I remember going through the library with Michael (one of the guys there) when we were looking to find a quiet place there where he wanted to explain things to me. We went through a room with lots of shelves with books and tables in between (a kind of library reading area) when I saw a group of busy people there (learning, reading), among them was one guy with glasses .. that guy looked a bit like me, at least similar. :shock: So this is what gets me thinking, possibly I was already on a trip "home" to my HS?

I also have lots of classroom settings type of dreams and I know they are not «everyday-life-related» as I am done studying now. A funny thing, though, is that I keep seeing the same teacher over and over in those classroom dreams. A teacher I have had in «everyday life». And I know it is NOT him showing up and not even linked to him in any way. It's as if a teaching spirit kept clothing himself in the form of that teacher, because I liked his teachings and had a deep respect for him... Or as if, whenever the dream needs a symbolic teaching figure, this teacher is the symbol picked...
That's interesting. But very different for me. I never know the persons that act as teachers there. For example the one of the first dream mentioned above was black (and young). I never had a black teacher, neither at school nor at university.
Tonight I again had a university seminar dream. Don't know the tutorial's topic at all, but this time I remember that a friend (an actual one in my current life of whom I dream quite frequently) had convinced me to go there since he had attended this class before. The seminar teacher was a dark-haired woman with a rather boring teaching style and speaking habitus, but I did not know her.
So the 'classroom/school/university'-theme continues on and on for me almost every night, but mostly with people that are 'foreign' to me in physical life (except now for the friend who brought me there).
Interesting thing at the last day of this course from tonight was this: as a kind of "reward" for having attended the teacher gave us money. Funny thing, huh? What a nice educational system that would be down here on Earth :wink: - but maybe it symbolises the message that attending the classes for me always should be somehow 'rewarding' ?

5th January 2011, 05:03 PM
Possibly they are 'classmates' / soul group comrades, but I lately got to the conclusion that I also have met some of my reincarnational selves somehow.
For example, there is a guy with curly hair who appeared more often in some dreams now, at one point he mentioned sth about Sweden (maybe he/I lived there once?). I can't explain but I somehow feel that he is a part of me.

I've read Monroe only lately and still am processing all this information (very confusing for me at the moment :oops: ), but if that was your feeling, especially while dreaming, it may be the case. I'm not sure of this, but I'm starting to believe that we are a lot more aware than we think while in the dreamstate, especially when not too lucid (conscious reasonning is less involved, therefore false interpretations may be lessen). Does that make some sense? :oops:

I never know the persons that act as teachers there. For example the one of the first dream mentioned above was black (and young). I never had a black teacher, neither at school nor at university.
Do you think it's possible that you see their true appearances? Could be...

So the 'classroom/school/university'-theme continues on and on for me almost every night, but mostly with people that are 'foreign' to me in physical life (except now for the friend who brought me there).
Interesting thing at the last day of this course from tonight was this: as a kind of "reward" for having attended the teacher gave us money. Funny thing, huh? What a nice educational system that would be down here on Earth :wink: - but maybe it symbolises the message that attending the classes for me always should be somehow 'rewarding' ?

It's great that your learning theme keeps going on! You seemed worried about this no longer happening on another thread.
...And wow! I do love that educational system of yours. It sure would be great to be paid to study!

Should attending the classes be rewarding? I think your feeling about it seems right on the spot... Just my point of view though :)

5th January 2011, 09:07 PM
... I'm starting to believe that we are a lot more aware than we think while in the dreamstate, especially when not too lucid (conscious reasonning is less involved, therefore false interpretations may be lessen). Does that make some sense? :oops:
Yes, to me it does. You mean that despite a lack of lucidity we can 'intuit' or 'feel' things to be true; to be more exact: we remember - besides the content of the dream scene - the feeling we had during this scene, when we assess it with our reasoning mind later in the physical waking consciousness.

Do you think it's possible that you see their true appearances? Could be...
Yes, that occurred to me, too. But possibly it's just one of their appearances - which might as well be their selves they were once during their incarnation cycle, which might be finished already if they are teachers/guides/angels.

In Michael Newton's books on hypnotherapy it is described how guides and assistants (often they are 2 with one 'trainee' learning the tools of the trade) can look like. Of course, they are shape-shifters (and we can be too if we want to) and adjust their appearance to the situation that fits (us) best.

For example, I remember the horse getting more human at the end of the scene, as I wrote about above. So maybe the true appearance shone through for me? (It could even have been the woman I identifed as Ludmilla, but I am not sure anymore). Sometimes I think guides have a lot of fun when they put on these plays with/for us. Humor is said to play a part in the spirtual world. :)

For example, there is this funny story in the Seth book. Seth is the channeled character by Jane Roberts. Seth has a story where he works as a guide for an incarnate man and greets him after his death by putting on 'a show' to fit this man's belief system at first (to avoid shock), then only later he would reveal that it is not quite the truth. :wink:

http://books.google.de/books?id=6h-YL3T ... &q&f=false (http://books.google.de/books?id=6h-YL3Ths70C&pg=PA125&dq=Seth+validity+soul+moses+guide&hl=de&ei=e9kkTbj5N5H3sgbGyMDEAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false)

It's great that your learning theme keeps going on! You seemed worried about this no longer happening on another thread.
Yes, but I was (or am) only disturbed that it does not go on in more than "normal" dream work. I wanted more lucid dreams, projections and the whole exciting bag of experiences. :mrgreen:
These dreams (the horse, the ceremony, the school and seminar classes) are all just "normal" dreams without complete lucidity (possibly they have partial degrees of lucidity as mentioned in Kurt's list).

7th January 2011, 06:03 PM
You mean that despite a lack of lucidity we can 'intuit' or 'feel' things to be true; to be more exact: we remember - besides the content of the dream scene - the feeling we had during this scene, when we assess it with our reasoning mind later in the physical waking consciousness.

I'd even say that in the dreamstate, we simply know what is going on and who we are meeting. The reasoning mind does not know - I believe it is not its function to know anyway. It is supposed to draw conclusions based on observed material (ideally, but it's not always doing its job well ! :P)

But possibly it's just one of their appearances - which might as well be their selves they were once during their incarnation cycle, which might be finished already if they are teachers/guides/angels.

In Michael Newton's books on hypnotherapy it is described how guides and assistants (often they are 2 with one 'trainee' learning the tools of the trade) can look like. Of course, they are shape-shifters (and we can be too if we want to) and adjust their appearance to the situation that fits (us) best.

They sure are shape-shifters. In my dreams, I'm pretty much aware that they seem to like to disguise themselves a lot, but I'm ok with that. I even find it funny! Actually, the only time I really felt that one of my guides showed himself in it's true appearance (or one I may have been familiar with, as you say) happened only recently. (The «dream» with the key that I described on another thread).

Michael Newton's books are on my «to-read list». I've read a small portion of the first book, which was available online, and it really looks interesting! Also,this story you give as an example is just so funny (the one from the Seth book). I may take a look at this book as well!

These dreams (the horse, the ceremony, the school and seminar classes) are all just "normal" dreams without complete lucidity (possibly they have partial degrees of lucidity as mentioned in Kurt's list).

I believe so too (about lucidity). I used to think that lucidity was always gained suddenly, like some big realization. But I've noticed since then that lucidity seem to show through in more subtle ways as well, as if it was normal to be lucid to some degree and there was no need to suddenly realize «This is a dream. I am lucid!». For instance, having access to everyday memories, remembering a previous dream in another dream, would you consider that to be normal or would you think this is some degree of lucidity?

Yes, but I was (or am) only disturbed that it does not go on in more than "normal" dream work. I wanted more lucid dreams, projections and the whole exciting bag of experiences. :mrgreen:

I can understand that so well, though lately I just wish I could sleep! (Time for grounding maybe!) Let's cross our fingers so things get more exciting for both of us! :D

18th January 2011, 01:02 PM
yesterday I learnt that the horse is dead


18th January 2011, 08:22 PM
sorry for you...
so Beekeeper`s way of interpreting it was right?...
But when it was right then also this sentence of her will be right - I believe so too:

Resolving these feelings will be for your ultimate growth.

best wishes, Istia

Edit: I took the liberty of changing it to Beekeeper, though Barkeeper gave me a chuckle.

oh thank you and :oops: very sorry Beekeeper.

18th January 2011, 09:31 PM
yesterday I learnt that the horse is dead

Don't feel bad. Not only are there better things for you just around the corner but your psychic dreaming skills are awesome! :D

22nd January 2011, 10:54 PM
yesterday I learnt that the horse is dead

That's sad...
Sometimes what we want is not what we need... Perhaps you'll be thankful later...
If it is truly meaningful to you though, trust life on this : you'll be given a second chance, in some form or another...later! :)

23rd January 2011, 12:03 AM
Thanks for all your kind words. Yes, possibly my higher self has other plans.

And it is not the whole story I gave. Prior to the internal change opportunity at my company, I was already planning and starting in direction of a more profound job change for a long time (it's also connected with a preparatory period of a long-winded, sometimes tedious and costly out-of-the-job education).

For example, I did a 2-week-long internship in December during my normal vacation (despite the job opportunity I saw at my workplace), and also did and am doing some distance learning studies and possibly soon I will also do a (very hard!) 4-week self-paid workshop / seminar this year, too.

I train to become a GFL teacher (German as a foreign language), which also coincides much better with my former university degree (actually I had studied foreign languages and linguistics!).

So it is a completely different job from the "white-collar desk job" I do now. And I think I need this. I am tired of this way of working - it is NOT me (hope you understand what I mean by that ...).

And doesn't even the fact of me being a kind of teacher of a group of students in that dream (the one with the horse breaking down) now get a different and an even fresher meaning?

And there is more: I had taken it as notes in my dream journal, but completely overlooked its significance. On January 7th I dreamt this:

I was with a bike on the top of a tower (maybe it was a kind of race). There were strange stripes and bars on the way leading down and I did not know how to use my bike to drive on them to get down again. It all was more obstructing my way rather than helping to get down.

So in short: I was trapped in a TOWER and could not get out. That was factual information, not about what I wished for or wanted. It was a short sequence in a series of dreams, but the image got stuck. However I did not make a connection so far.

Trapped in the tower.. ? Only now it occurred to me ...


The rook/tower was the other sign! The "no job change / keep your old job" sign. So the factual information that I could not get "out of the old job" was possibly given to me then (again ... the dying-horse-dream had been earlier on Dec 28). At that moment in time, when I was still optimistic and looking forward to getting that new job, I did not pay attention to it.

Yes, Beekeeper. Maybe I really get psychic dreams. :)

My problem seems to be, however, that I misinterpret some of them or (in this case) don't notice and overlookd them. I still need to get better at that.

But what is now to make of the first dream? The teacher that made me change the class. If I still need to see significance in that dream then that course (job) is now an external one and no more the "same school (company)".

I now, of course, asked for new insights in dreams (more generelly asking about my professional path). But so far I only get dreams with me in an office job :cry: - which seemst to be the old one, but different. But there is always a kind of date discussed with my colleagues or given to me. I am not sure what it means, maybe it tells me to wait a while, be patient til that date comes.

But I am not sure. I am very confused at the moment.

23rd January 2011, 01:49 AM
Yes, Beekeeper. Maybe I really get psychic dreams.

My problem seems to be, however, that I misinterpret some of them or (in this case) don't notice and overlookd them. I still need to get better at that.

You will because you see it now.

I feel you will move towards teaching. It's powerfully evident to someone who is a teacher by profession.

28th January 2011, 09:20 PM
I train to become a GFL teacher (German as a foreign language), which also coincides much better with my former university degree (actually I had studied foreign languages and linguistics!).

We have something in common then... well almost... I studied translation (from English to French) and I am a FSL (French as a second language) teacher! I'm only beginning tough and still learning the ABC of teaching, which I agree is hard!

So it is a completely different job from the "white-collar desk job" I do now. And I think I need this. I am tired of this way of working - it is NOT me (hope you understand what I mean by that ...).

I sure do... After my studies, I started working as a translator for the government. A lonely and not so fulfilling desk job... Though some of my friends still work there at the moment, and are somewhat okay or even content with it, I wasn't able to find a meaning behind this job. It just did not stick with who I was, with who I am. I felt seriously trapped, perhaps just like you now...

The rook/tower was the other sign! The "no job change / keep your old job" sign. So the factual information that I could not get "out of the old job" was possibly given to me then (again ... the dying-horse-dream had been earlier on Dec 28). At that moment in time, when I was still optimistic and looking forward to getting that new job, I did not pay attention to it.

It's amazing how your higher self(or whoever/whatever is responsible for the creation of all these dream scenarios) worked with the symbols you picked for this specific purpose... I find this quite à propos : by using these symbols your higher self (or whover/whatever...) is sure to draw your attention on the dream, and because of the symbols used, you have an idea on what these dreams are about.

If I were you, I would pay special attention to these parts :

I was with a bike on the top of a tower (maybe it was a kind of race). There were strange stripes and bars on the way leading down and I did not know how to use my bike to drive on them to get down again. It all was more obstructing my way rather than helping to get down.

What is obstructing your way down the tower (your actual steady job)? Is there a real obstacle (out of your control) and you don't know how to circle it? Or is it that you are not sure if you are willing to take the risk (then the obstacle is only in yourself)? Or...Is it that you don't know how to get down the tower because you are not ready yet and now would not be the time?

I now, of course, asked for new insights in dreams (more generelly asking about my professional path). But so far I only get dreams with me in an office job :cry: - which seemst to be the old one, but different. But there is always a kind of date discussed with my colleagues or given to me. I am not sure what it means, maybe it tells me to wait a while, be patient til that date comes.

Did you receive any new insights by the way? After all, it's been a few days since you wrote this message :wink:
If it is still not clear, ask again, over and over. It's not always easy to see the answers or interpret them right (More often than not, I tend to undertand.... after! :roll: ) but the more pieces of the puzzele you have, the easiest it will be for you to complete the puzzle.

Well, good luck on this! :)

17th February 2011, 04:06 PM
Did you receive any new insights by the way?
Yes :D !!!

18th February 2011, 12:34 AM
Did you receive any new insights by the way?
Yes :D !!!

I'm glad for you! :P
(And here I'm holding my curiosity on a tight leash!)

And...What about that dream of yours that was «worth a thread of its own?» Is it linked to this?
(Not tight enough I guess! :twisted: )

18th February 2011, 05:54 PM
[quote="poème":ymnbejqv]Did you receive any new insights by the way?
Yes :D !!!

I'm glad for you! :P
(And here I'm holding my curiosity on a tight leash!)

And...What about that dream of yours that was «worth a thread of its own?» Is it linked to this?
(Not tight enough I guess! :twisted: )[/quote:ymnbejqv]

Yeah, I will post here, but it takes some time since it is actually a looong story now, I must write a novel now :wink: . It was actually one marvellous night (Su to Mo) with 2 relevant intense dreams and 2 short projections. Plus, developments in physical life, too. Hell of a story, I'm actually still digesting it. :lol:

No, the other dream "worth a thread of its own" is indeed another dream and topic (as indicated in the other thread: with regard to M. Newton's and other researchers work on life-between-lives). It is also very interesting and I got some "soul" insights ... (for me) beyond doubt. I will make one for this in the dreaming forum, too. But again: takes too long now, I am short of time at the moment.

18th February 2011, 06:36 PM
I agree with Istia. Horses as symobolism has always represented the unknown, also freedom, also ancient times as horses were used more prior to the industrial revolution and the invention of cars.

One of the first times I attended a spiritual workshop, I remember staying at a friend of a friends house. My friend and I decided to sleep outside beside the campfire. About 10 feet from where I slept there was pasture with 3-6 horses, can't remember how many. It was a beautiful, meaningful week that I experienced. In the middle of the night the dog on the property got it into his/her head to chase the horses. I woke up to darkness and the overwhelming feeling of the gound shaking. It was the horses hooves pounding the earth around me. I was awed and mystified by the feeling. It reminded me how powerful horses are. The experience was wonderful, it fit in with everything else that I was experiencing at the time. I wish I could explain how it felt better than I have.

20th February 2011, 03:08 PM
It does seem like a wonderful experience, Lightgal. A «once in a lifetime» moment :)

Seems like things turned out quite well for you, Volgerle! :D
I'll wait until you post this «novel» of yours then, and also this other dream linked to Newton's and cie... Both sound very interesting!

25th February 2011, 08:09 PM
Recent days' events in this area have been quite impressing. It is a lot to write, also considering all the necesssary background, but I first I even had to sort, process and "digest" it all for myself. My sorting of the recent developments so far led me now to give it a structure of a drama in 5 acts - The Concert, The Shift, The Ticket, The Outcast, The Girl (plus a Pre-/ Inter- and Postlude :wink: ). The "stage" is the Astral (projected and dreaming) as well as physical life. The mentioned dreams and projections took place within just one night (except one, given for some background).

As said before, it's an entire drama. I don't know if anyone (except poeme? :wink: ) really wants to read it. But hey, like many who do dream/obe-diaries here, I am also writing this down again a bit for myself now, part of the post-digesting process. So, no prob for me if I'm my only reader. :wink:

Ready to start? So here we go, the curtain rises ...


When going to bed that night (Sunday 13th), I decided to go for the general affirmation "I want to see + meet + talk to my Guide." I also said jokingly, that he/she can come in disguise and asked why not wearing one of those sleep masks (of my previous ava) so that I will recognize him? Well, to anticipate a bit, he did come in disguise indeed, but not with a sleep mask on. Also, the dream was about my current hot topic numero uno: my job situation. (That's why it's in this thread, logically).

I did not ask anything specific about my job situation, but I had asked for dream insights about this job-change-topic more often again lately. However, I had asked it more of my Higher Self. This makes more sense in my view. If I want to ask what "I" really WANT, a guide cannot tell you what you WANT, you have to know it yourSELF, he/she can only "guide" you or give hints as to how to reach it. (Thanks to Alienor again who rightly pointed this out to me on the first page of this thread).

Secondly, and as another necessary background info, there comes another new job target into play now (not the language teacher, but it's again no office job either). It is a goal that I already had 2 years ago but dumped it again. Recently I have received a lot of metaphysical "hints" that I should pursue it.
However, to describe this new job goal here (and the background to it) would also take up too much place and this post is already long enough. So let's call it the "Other New Job (ONJ)" for simplicity's sake in this post. During all acts, I give interpretations and physical life correlations already with the dream events, but of course some of it only occurred to me later, so this is the post-edited all-in-one (events and interpretations) version now.


In this first dream, I'm sitting/lying on a lawn together with my "friend" whom I will call 'John' here (not his real name in physical life) in the grass of a huge and wide festival arena of an open air concert. One of my currently favourite bands is playing on stage. (That makes it up-to-date with physical life, since this band has indeed a new album out I'm currently listening to and they are also starting a tour) I remember even two of their songs played (btw. in hindsight, their song titles could also have meaning for me ).

I put friend in quotation marks because John and I used to be friends for many years during high school time, we're also from the same hometown and still have a certain share of common friends. I often dream of him. We seem to have some 'unsolved karma' since we fell apart over a (completely meaningless) quarrel years ago and never reconciled again. Stupid youngsters we were. Today I actually feel sorry for this - you live and grow :D . Anyway, since that argument, we ignored each other. Sometimes I see him when we are together with common friends and aquaintances (birthdays, school reunions, etc.). Since he is much more stubborn (and not at all personally or spiritually developed as I might add without any pretension) there is no reconciliation ever in sight. I had tried some small steps in the past, but to no avail.

Anyway, in the dream, on the lawn, we don't ignore each other at all (as in many other dreams I have of him, too). We are friends (again..). We talk. At one point I seem to wonder about this, since some slight degree of lucidity seems to indicate to me that in physical life it is somehow different now between us.

Then a girl joins us while we are sitting, lying, talking, listening to the concert and relaxing on the grass together on this wonderful sunny day at the open air concert.

I "know" that although she went with John to this outdoors festival, she is NOT John's girlfriend, they are "just friends". Moreover, I know her myself and I seem to be a bit surprised for a short moment, wondering how they became friends, but then accept it as it is. The girl is Alice (not her real name either), she is the chief secretary at my company. A nice and pleasant person, one of the persons I like most at my company. Only one day later (Monday) I saw her at work: she wore the same clothes as in the dream. (Recently, my precogs in dreams are on the rise!)

Interpretation for me is pretty straight. I did not even have to think a lot when I noted it down later. Let's take the events again and make a 'syntax' of it:

John is there. We are friends again. We reconciled. Alice symbolises (the agreeable part of) the employer I work for.

make friends again / reconcile (John) + company/job (Alice). --> "make friends with your job again" :shock: :P

The message is clear and unmistakeable for me; no other interpretations are valid. Still I would not (want to) understand or accept it, since my job sucks. However, not necessarily the company! - so it might be the company rather than the job.

Thus the improved syntax: --> "make friends with your company again"

But how to do that, John? How to be able to reconcile with my company situation again - stuck with this ♥♥♥♥ty job?! More to come from John in Act 2.

(Yes, you might have guessed right by now. I am convinced: John is my Guide in disguise - as it was requested. He seems to be a funny bloke. Choosing a former buddy, also to convey a message with it, shows some humour and creativity. I think we get along well, because I like getting my lessons taught with some degree of humour. :twisted: :) )


John then tells me that we will have to "shift" to another location/stage for another concert (or the 2nd part of the same gig), which is later (in the evening). Still, it's the same city, day and festival event.

So this is what happened 3 days after that in the physical: My boss came to me telling me that my job is no more. :shock:
Due to the merger there is a lot of centralisation - as usual. My job is now done from Belgium and London. Period.
I was offered a new job though, to the same conditions. I provisionally accepted. (What should I have done anyway?).
And I must say I am even happy about this development. The new job is different. Of course, it's not what I wanted or expected, but it seems okay, and not as boring and useless it seems. I can also 'design' some responsibilities and content for myself. There is a girl from another city office, who will come to my office and train me, because she is doing the same job over there (and she's the only one, and I am the only one who does this job at my subsidiary). More to that girl, see below. So, for the time being, all is fine.

It all happened in one day now. In the morning I thought I was with the old job, in the afternnon I had "shifted" to a new one. But it was the same city, day, and company. Nuff said ... You see the parallels. :idea: :wink:

However, it might be that there's even another and even much bigger shift involved here. It has to do with the above-mentioned ONJ - and with the next Act.


We're still on the lawn and John and I compare our entrance tickets. Maybe it is to make sure that they are really valid so that we can go to this other location (later).

He shows his one to me, I show mine. I look at both. They are orange, a darker type. I look at mine and see some numbers. It starts with an 8, but other numbers are blurry and fluctuate - as usual in non-physical perception. I inferred that they are date or time details - as this is only usual for event tickets.

Then suddenly I say: "John, I have a special ticket. It is more special than yours."

John laughs.

However, it is not a ridiculing laugh. Maybe it is even a kind of 'approving' laughter. Or at least: a kind of neutral acknowledging.

We smile, and we lie down in the grass again, sun-bathing, relaxing, having a good day.

I look at the ticket again, as said before: it is dark orange all over.

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variations ... b_color.29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variations_of_orange#Dark_orange_.28web_color.29) )

The dream ends here.

I wonder why I said that in the dream. Possibly I already wondered about the meaning of the "special ticket" in the dream because I did not say or know WHAT was so "special" about it - compared to John's or other festival visitors' tickets. Maybe it/I meant that I was the only one who could go to that special location later?

Some background of what happened a few days earlier is necessary now:

I want to do the training for the ONJ, but it is time- and money-consuming. I have no money left over. So I would need a kind of miracle to be able to finance it. (I might have enough time for the studies since I am a part-time worker - as said, same conditions still apply).

Another dream, some days before the concert dream had given me a hint, so I thought. I saw a wheelchair user connected to a new job of mine in the dream. The same day later in physical I opened a magazine I got from my mailbox. Normally I don't read this magazine and it ends up unread in the bin. This time I opened it to skim through it, and the first thing that fell into my eyes was an advertisement for a well-known charity lottery that does projects handicapped persons. So there was a kind of synchronicity. I thought maybe I should try "my luck" and since that monthly lottery fee to be paid for the draws was for a charity and thus not wasted money I was convinced. So I decided to follow my intuition (and the dream) and filled out the lottery ticket attached and sent it to them.
My lottery number (it is a draw of slips with 12-digit-numbers) indeed starts with an 8, as the number on the concert ticket does. However, that was maybe coincidental.

Or maybe I really have that "special" ticket now with this lottery?
And this will allow me to do a "big shift" away from my job/company into the ONJ in case I win something with them? Is that what John meant with the "later shift"?
Can I be sure? No. Of course not. However, up to 2 years ago I wasn't sure about a lot of things being possible, only to find out.. they were possible. :mrgreen:


Following that dream and taking it down in my diary. I went to bed again and had two very short projections starting with vibrations.
The first is less mentionable with regard to my job situation. However, I managed to overcome exit blindness then. Otherwise the projection was resultless. The second projection might have been connected to my ONJ. But again. too much to write here.

I just mention these projections to show what an unusual night I had (and since this is the Dreaming subforum only :wink:) and what was going on was certainly pretty much out of my normal experiential schedule of paranormal experiences.


Another non-lucid dream. Unusually rich in colours and texture, very clear imagery. This is what I came to call a real "Moldavite dream". (I sleep with moldavites and amethysts under my pillow to enhance dream lucidity and recall, it does not always work, but sometimes I have vivid dreams like this one with it).

In this dream I arrive at my company office only to see my place is gone. I have not workplace anymore, office desk, everything gone. They actually were building a kind of cafeteria there! How pathetic and humiliating!
I ask other colleagues where they "moved" my place. One of them sends me to another floor (I think I remember 4th floor).
Then I walk through a very crowded 4th floor with offices, and office cubicles everywhere. People seem busy and it seems more of the staff have been moved. I feel lost. They moved my workplace without telling me and I even fear that it is not there anymore at all. I walk throught the changed office, completely gone astray and feeling more and more humiliated.
I ask another guy and he tells me that my department is a few metres further on in a kind of office with glass walls. I go there, but don't recognise the people in it. I am send away again. Before, on my way to that glass-walled office I already had seen a girl that was standing in the corridor and that I had ignored so far. I want to go to her to ask for directions, I feel she might help me. However another remarkable scene delays my arrival.
When I pass two student / interns, I hear them laughing. I interpret this laughter as them making fun at me (and my situation). I feel insulted and even more humiliated. Now comes a psychologically very interesting situation. I stop, turn around, and walk right up to them. I face them. My following behaviour is simultaneously judged by a kind of observer I also am. And that observer knows that he does not like it. The behaviour is not aggressive (which is good) but still somehow strange and pretty 'awkward'. And I (or the observer) know this already when I am doing it. Still, my state of being hurt and humiliated by their laughter and the whole situation makes me want to let a bit of steam off. So I stand there and face these two guys. I don't say anything to them. I laugh. I laugh them "in the face". Very artificially. I thrust out every single syllable separately with pauses: "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" The whole scene is highly comical. Also awkward, funny, but most of all a bit embarrassing - mostly to myself.
Actually, the guys now really seem embarrassed by my strange reaction ... and surprised. I notice that I might have mistaken their laughter as directed at me - but maybe it wasn't. So I realise my possible mistake. I don't say anything further and walk on (to the girl).

My interpretation so far is, that this overreaction by misinterpretation shows my state of hightened vulnerability. Possibly, this "mistake" was meant to teach me not to take it all to heart too much and don't see enemies around every corner. But my difficult job situation at my company had brought me this far. My ego was hurt because it wanted to feel hurt and it wanted its kind of revenge, here by paying them back with the same currency: by laughing at them. This "artificial laughing fit" actually makes me laugh when I remember it now. I've never had any stranger self-behaviour in any dream. These pronounced "ha! ha!.." shouts were actually so very "un-me", so strange.

Actually, this dream would have fit better before the other one that more directly hinted to a change of job .. and to the better. But this is the right chronology, in the order it happened. Maybe it was the result of the ongoing need for emotional expression regarding my unsure professional situation (and remember: it was all on that Sunday night, so I did not yet know about the changes in physical life a few days later!).


I reach the girl I walked past earlier, she is still there. I do not recognise her although she resembles a bit another colleague of mine. But it is not her exactly. She kind of seemed to have been waiting for me. I ask her and then she finally gives me directions where to go to in order to finally get to my desk. She is very nice and seems reassuring. I am happy to have met her, she finally makes my day, the first light in a long, dark tunnel, so to speak. An angel (literally?).

Or maybe ... I ask myself if this girl looks a bit like the woman that will come from the other office to train me? I still don't know her yet. I wouldn't be too surprised though. :mrgreen:


Recently, John (guide) popped up in another dream again. It was again a concert, this time indoors. I was there with another friend of mine, Steven (not real name), who also is still a good friend with John. I am used to going to concerts together with Steven a lot (almost a hobby of ours now, for many years). And many years ago, it was also the three of us together (and others).

First I stand there talking with Steven. Then I see John. John holds a book he reads. I see the cover. There is a kind of medieaval knight or even an angelic figure on it. I read the title, it says sth like "On the quest for the ego" or "The ego's quest.." or sth similar.
I ask John if this is a novel. He says "yes". I tell him that if he wants to know sth about "the ego" he could also read books by Eckhart Tolle. Actually, I read a book by Tolle right now in physical life, so this might explain why this occurred to me in the dream, topicality always likes to intermingle. I've also been thinking about "the ego" lately quite often.
John reacts again by a smile, and leaves, still smiling. His appearance changes a bit as he leaves, like another person shining through, but I cannot tell who it is.

Was this a test? (Maybe it's a good thing to be able to cite spiritual teachers or concepts about the ego in dreams. Actually, I have no idea.)


Thinking about that all-orange festival ticket again, I took another look at my lottery slip that I had filled out.

The ticket has a colourful table where you fill in which draws/win categories you want to attend (e.g. the weekly draw of a win of 10.000,- or the weekly draw of an old age rent to win). You just make a cross and enter once again the investment that is paid monthly and drawn from your bank account.

The different winning categories have different background colours each. I have one favourite win category. It is called "household money" and you get paid 3000,- euros for 20 years - per month (!!). Now, that is what I call being set for life then. :wink:
However, most of all, next to the money I would have the time for the intensive trainings I would have to undergo, since then I could completely quit my old job at my current company and concentrate fully on the ONJ. I make affirmations and prayers for it all day like mad.

Every winning category (see pic from googlesearch) in this table has another vivid background colour (the writing on it is in white).

So then I looked at the background in the line of my favourite winning category.

I looked again, and again. I couldn't believe it. I was flabbergasted.

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQGsU6xLvXIgLkywjPo1wzs3D38nBTHs vArHUBRm9WbrqST7l25HzAtcy8

It is dark orange.

Even today as I write this, it sends shivers down my spine.

(to be continued? ... who knows ...)

26th February 2011, 06:31 PM
I see you were not joking when you said that this was going to be a true novel...You even beat me when it comes to lenghty posts! :lol:

As said before, it's an entire drama. I don't know if anyone (except poeme? :wink: ) really wants to read it.
I'm sure I'm not the only one here who likes to read happy «endings» :)
Actually, I'm not done reading... Back to it now!

27th February 2011, 05:03 PM
So I went through the entire story and the first thing that came to my mind were Beekeeper's words : your psychic dreaming skills really are awesome :o

The part of John-the-guide-in-disguise made me smile inside too... They certainly have a sense of humour and loads of creativity when they want to make us understand something... And yes, they certainly love to disguise! :lol:

I'd also say that you seem to be doing quite well when it comes to analyse your dreams and find underlying meanings. More often than not, as I was reading, I thought your interpretation made a lot of sense, considering the context. Be careful not to go too far though as this may rise your expectations and well... The higher one rises, the higher one may fall... It could hurt! :shock:

Or maybe I really have that "special" ticket now with this lottery?
And this will allow me to do a "big shift" away from my job/company into the ONJ in case I win something with them? Is that what John meant with the "later shift"?
Can I be sure? No. Of course not. However, up to 2 years ago I wasn't sure about a lot of things being possible, only to find out.. they were possible. :mrgreen:

It could be a real precognition case, yes, but then again, be careful not to rise your expectations too high. Maybe it is a way to tell you that your situation is going to be taken care of so that you don't have to worry about time or money and so that you may shift your focus on what really counts for you. And this is likely to happen in ways that will surprise you, just as much as winning the lottery would surprise you, but it is likely to happen in some other form in my opinion, but that's only my opinion. I'd love to be surprised here and I wish you to win this lottery if this is what you need! :wink:

I'd like to add that I have no doubt that one's higher self and guides can arrange for something like that to happen if it is truly what you need. I know they did for me. I did not win a lottery though... Now, that would have been highly surprising since I never participate! :twisted: But... To make the story short, I went out of the country for a year and for some reason, came back with more than enough money to be able live on it for months. Back then, I needed time to focus on one of my numerous side projects and more importantly, it is because I had so much time in my hands that I came to focus more on the spiritual. Then, I was given a perfect job on a silver plate : the teaching job. I can work part-time and still have time to focus on my other projects. I also have lots of vacations (self-paid but hey... I'd rather have lots of time than lots of money! :D )

Lately, I also had a very nice surprise : Before I went out of the country, I was living in a cute apartment I really loved (and I loved so much the landlords who were living downstairs) but I had to leave because I thought I could not afford to pay two rents, one here and one in the foreign country. Of course, they rented the place meanwhile and when I came back, the person did not want to leave just yet, so I rented another place, which is nice, but kind of expensive... To the point that I thought of moving to a cheaper place. This is when I had a phone call from the nice landlord lady of my old place. She wanted to let me know me that the apartment would be available soon if I was still interested, and... she offered it to the same monthly rent I used to pay two years ago, which even back then, was incredibly cheap compared to the other apartments on the market! :o Coincidence or not? :wink:

So yes, arrangements like these do seem possible... Trust life, your higher self and your guides (or whatever it is...) on this :D

Keep us updated about any developments... I think it will be interesting to see how things will unfold for you in the end...Be prepared to be surprised, I guess! :wink:

One last thing :

John holds a book he reads. I see the cover. There is a kind of medieaval knight or even an angelic figure on it. I read the title, it says sth like "On the quest for the ego" or "The ego's quest.." or sth similar.

For some reasons, it reminds me of the holy knights on their quest for the holy grail... Does that make any sense? (I have no clue what Eckart Tolle says about the ego, but...)

1st March 2011, 07:08 PM
It could be a real precognition case, yes, but then again, be careful not to rise your expectations too high. Maybe it is a way to tell you that your situation is going to be taken care of so that you don't have to worry about time or money and so that you may shift your focus on what really counts for you. And this is likely to happen in ways that will surprise you, just as much as winning the lottery would surprise you, but it is likely to happen in some other form in my opinion, but that's only my opinion. I'd love to be surprised here and I wish you to win this lottery if this is what you need! :wink:
Thanks, poème, (for reading and your nice comments :wink: ). I know, it is wise to assume a more observant stance and to try not to take it all too literally. Anyway, the 'punchline' of Epilogue 2 is the way it happened on the timeline and it really gave me shivers when I looked at the ticket.
Yes, maybe the lottery ticket 'message' is just a way to show and re-assure (and maybe even motivate) me to go my way as intended (by my HS?) now and to 'know' intuitively that it will work out somehow - one way or another, as it does in your story, too. I still don't (or try not to) see it as a literal and 100%-sure prophecy. Maybe it will come my way this way, similar or even differently (which is probable). I will let myself 'surprise' then (this one way or any other). :wink:

"I'd rather have lots of time than lots of money! :D"
Oh, yes, I feel the same way! That's why I am happy that it was possible with my company to get down the working time! It is in their policy that they allow their staff these "work-life-balance" things. Maybe even THAT is not just coincidence, I could have a job with a more rigid, demanding and exploitative company. Possibly my HS directed me to this company years ago as it knew that it might be good for my "life plan" to finally get more time to learn/practice spirituality or to become spiritual in the first place (I wasn't when I started the job at this company many years ago).

3rd March 2011, 02:27 PM
Oh, yes, I feel the same way! That's why I am happy that it was possible with my company to get down the working time! It is in their policy that they allow their staff these "work-life-balance" things. Maybe even THAT is not just coincidence, I could have a job with a more rigid, demanding and exploitative company. Possibly my HS directed me to this company years ago as it knew that it might be good for my "life plan" to finally get more time to learn/practice spirituality or to become spiritual in the first place (I wasn't when I started the job at this company many years ago).

I'd be likely to belive that it was all part of the plan, yes ;)

3rd March 2011, 09:37 PM
Today I learnt another positive change (due to the merger where lots of policies have changed) at my company. We will receive an annual bonus payment, pay-out might be in September. I did not receive bonus payments before, so this is new and additional pay.
It might not even be "little". So it could contribute a bit or more to the financing of my ONJ-endeavour.
Although it's not a "lottery ticket" but a "pay check" positive cash flow, it's additional income after all. Maybe it all really falls into place now, slowly, but it does.

4th March 2011, 05:35 PM
Sounds like good news!
There might be more coming too, who knows... :wink:

4th March 2011, 07:49 PM
Sounds like good news!
There might be more coming too, who knows... :wink:
believe it or not, today I fetched the tax refund from my yearly income declaration out of my mailbox
of course, this is an expected cash flow now (as every year around this time)
but the point is: it is considerably more than was to be expected :lol:

6th March 2011, 06:54 PM
Oh I believe it... This is also how it worked for me, at least in parts... An amount here, another one there...et voilà !
Circumstances also had a role to play though, and kind of frustrating ones, but I can see now that it was for the better in the end... In other words, what I wanted was not what I needed, and I am really glad I wasn't given what I wanted back then, for I would have probably ended up short on money instead :wink:

8th March 2011, 01:43 PM
Today I've decided to go for the ONJ training. I registered with all the financial, organisational and otherwise life-changing aspects.

I will try to become a Healer.

My trust and confidence that it is the right thing has grown a lot over the last past weeks due to many "signs". Also, the "knowing" that I have guidance and backup (of my HS or whoever) about it is great enough now.

And if I'm wrong? Well, so be it.

Furthermore, as the sayings go: "no guts, no glory / no risk, no reward / nothing ventured, nothing gained".

Therefore: I will have a go at it. :shock: 8)

If you will, wish me luck or send some prayers for me. Thankx in advance. :)


11th March 2011, 08:57 PM
So that was your ONJ! All that suspense... :lol:
It's definitly a life-changing decision... Of course, there are risks attached but you won't know if it's what you want (and need) unless you try.
I hope you will find what you are searching for on this path and I wish you luck! :D

22nd April 2011, 02:49 PM
I hope you will find what you are searching for on this path and I wish you luck! :D
A late thanks now from me, poème! Regarding 'luck': Here are some updates of synchronicities happening that indeed seem to hint to a kind of 'paving-the-way-for-me' action:

1. Besides the bonus I will receive in Sept/Oct, I now in April received a jubilee bonus form my company unexpectantly. Maybe I will not need to win any money at all now. (However, I still would like to ... :wink: )

2. Our teacher (the school of Alternative Medicine education) recently gave away to the students some old editions of books he doesn't need anymore. The one I got 'by accident' was one that I had browsed for a few weeks before on Amazon and Ebay, because I was interested in it, but did not buy it in the end because it was too early then and it also was much too expensive. Now I saved the money and the older edition is still sufficiently up-to-date for me.

3. It is good I started a dream journal already last year. Last year in summer, I had two dreams about a colleague of mine of whom I dreamt he would be my boss soon. But he left the company a few months ago, so that was wrong.
However, I just now realised that the teacher of my AM-school looks pretty similar to him (baldy head with glasses type :wink: ). Of course, he is not my boss, but the teacher of our group, which is still a leading role that is also connected to the notion of 'profession' for me.
And it gets even weirder: In one of those two dreams, this (now ex-)colleague of mine came up to me in class and asked us to re-arrange the chairs and tables there. Next to me, on the right, was sitting a girl I knew from my university time.
When we had our first class at the AM school last month, guess what the teacher asked of us? Indeed. We did a kind of introductory round and put the chairs in a circular arrangement. And there is a girl sitting next to me, on my right side. And she resembled that girl I knew from university at least a bit. If this was a precognition thing, it means that I "knew" already last year about my decision and what would happen with it. Weird, huh?

4. I was looking for a First-Aid class in my neighbourhood. I had it fixed on my plans in the calendar for weeks. I wanted to register for one in another city, a drive of a few miles distance. But now I was told it is already booked out, as many others were. My mistake, I was too late for registering.
I searched the internet again and now found one by another provider (the Red Cross actually) I did not find before: in my neighbour town, it is almost only 5 minutes from my home, wow! All courses were already booked out there too on the list, just one that fit my calendar perfectly and I took it, that is even much better than the one I wanted to attend before! It was also cheaper.

Wow, seems I have a lucky streak now. Coincidence ... maybe (not). :D

24th April 2011, 01:49 PM
So glad to read about your «lucky streak»!

All those «little» things count. In the end, it seems that you will be able to focus on your goal without worrying over money issues. :)

Wow, seems I have a lucky streak now. Coincidence ... maybe (not). :D
I am on the (not) side! ;)

...Amazing precogs by the way!

26th April 2011, 02:18 PM
I am on the (not) side! ;)
Thanks, poème, for your encouragement. I wish I was on this side too, entirely, but sometimes still doubts keep 'creeping in'. But I'm working on it. :)

28th April 2011, 11:27 PM
I have doubts too... About my own situation... Not refering to yours here :lol:

I used to feel so sorry for doubting but now I think that doubts are normal when facing something new and unknown. I used to close my eyes on them or to pretend they were not there but I now feel that they may actually help to build discernment and therefore, to strenghten what one chooses to have faith in, beyond doubts.

29th April 2011, 02:18 AM
Dear Ether:
If you read this post from the beginning you will see that V. is talking about programming himself to find out what his HS wants him to do in his life; not about programming others for any reason.

14th July 2011, 10:57 PM
Here is an update long overdue. Several things happened in dreams that were surely or at least possibly related to my job(change) life, in an astounding way again. But as my focus had shifted again to lucidventures (projections/phasing) I almost noted these things down only peripherally (yeah, a shame, I know).

Anyway, here at least two new dreams of relevance to this topic, plus a new insight, with which I will start.

1) The insight:

It's about the the "workplace angel" (as I call her now) mentioned in that long post of mine with the many Acts.

I quote the part again and highlight what was wrong. In this part of the dream I was searching desperately for my moved desk/workplace in my office. This is from February:

I reach the girl I walked past earlier, she is still there. I do not recognise her although she resembles a bit another colleague of mine. But it is not her exactly. She kind of seemed to have been waiting for me. I ask her and then she finally gives me directions where to go to in order to finally get to my desk. She is very nice and seems reassuring. I am happy to have met her, she finally makes my day, the first light in a long, dark tunnel, so to speak. An angel (literally?).

Actually, I am now convinced it is/was her exactly. Her soft and warm way of speaking, the looks. It was her. First I thought it was another one from another office, who also has a nice voice (which I knew of the telephone) and was supposed to train me on that new job. But that did not work and so my responsibilties changed now again (more on that see below!), consequently I did not get to know this woman at all.

Why do I say this and what makes this dream about 'the other girl' now so special in retrospect? Well, today I work together with this 'other' girl on a project, and it's an ongoing long time project as we set up and maintain a kind of company database together.

I knew her before from my office, but had no work relation to her back then when I dreamt this cited dream in February. So she stands for (a part of) my new job responsibilties which are much better now.

So she helping me in this dream 4 months ago (and about 2 before that change, see below) might have been a precog, indeed.

Moreover, the next dream surely is!

2) Dream (May 11th):

So this one happened about 2 months ago. I was at home from work (on sick leave), dreaming that the 'workplace angel' (but actually as a kind of mix-up with another ex-colleague of mine who left the company many years ago) is running after me, but not in the office, and telling me all the time that Mike wants to see me desperately and urgently. Mike [not original name] is my boss. In the dream I am not interested and tell her that he should wait because I have no time and other things to take care of. She is obstinate, a real pain in the neck. But I keep running away from her.

Well, in physical life at that time, I was ill, so I only got back to work the following week on Monday. Immediately, almost as I arrived, and without any pre-info or even a premonition on my part, my boss came up to me to talk to me. We went into the office of a colleague and he then told me (well, 'asked' me what I think of the idea ... but you know what this talk means of a boss ... ) that I should now work on this collegue's team. I 'agreed' and I was fine with it. I knew the team before and worked together with them (although I was not a member of this team), they are all nice guys, the 'workplace angel' is part of this team. Morever, the 'old new' job wasn't really getting started at all and was almost getting as bad as the old one. So I was happy.

I am certain that Mike had looked for me already the week before when I was sick at home, in order to inform me about this 'idea'/decision. And it should also not be forgotten that it was the workplace angel (although 'merged' together with another woman I know) running after me and telling me that, so it was a combined/double precog - about her in the same team now and my boss who wanted to see me for the change.

3) Dream (July 7th):

Since my memorable 'Johnny-Smith-Epiphany' had motivated me, I then did another pre-sleep affirmation to win with that lottery ticket, or asked to be able to do a manifestation for it in the Astral.

In this dream, the workplace angel and Thomas appear, the latter only appeared once in one of my dreams before, and a very meaningful one (but on another topic I suppose). It was this one, he was the singer of a band I played in in the late 80ies / early 90ies: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11753-Programming-Experiment-3-Retrieval-Lessons&p=95603#post95603 (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11753-Programming-Experiment-3-Retrieval-Lessons&p=95603#post95603) So I assume it was another meaningful one! The guy posing as Thomas might be a kind of guide.
But first: Enter the 'workplace angel' again. :clap:. However, at first look, it is disturbing. I dream that I am angry at her. I tear a few sheets of paper out of her hands and run off, obviously angry that I have to do a task (with this) I don't want to do. I don't know / remember what made me angry. In physical life I cannot even imagine that I ever get angry with her on anything, or the job. So maybe this is even a bad foreboding.

However, there is yet another explanation: Sometimes I even think that my few anger moments in dreams are just created (by whom? I don't know) as a means to make me remember sth important. This is just an hypothesis, but it strikes me that I often forget the reason for being angry in those dreams, and furthermore I rarely get emotional or angry in dreams.

Anyway, she does not seem to be impressed or mad at me in any way.

A short note on the papers ... well, two days ago, she came up to my workplace/desk and gave me two sheets of papers. This is not usual in our company since normally we communicate almost everything internal by e-mail attachments, and it would not have been necessary to print it out in this case. Strange. Another candidate for a (little) precog?

But now back to the dream: I run off and she does not follow me. Then I meet an old woman (unknown to me) who scolds me and asks me why I don't want to work for the company anymore and says how disappointed she is. In physical life, I am indeed on 40% now (2 days work!) as I am planning to shift more and more to my new reality/job. She also complains about my dirty clothes. I have white dusty stains on black jeans.

After that, I walk into what is a kind of Volksfest / fun fair in a huge beer tent. There are also cameras, an event was filmed. I, however, am not too interested in this spectacle taking place and walk straight behind the camera teams (back-stage?). Seems I just seek a refuge from all the trouble I was in before. I'm sitting or leaning there on a desk or a kind of dais and try to rub out the dusty stains from my black jeans.
Then. Enter Thomas, the singer, :clap:. In physical life, I haven't seen him for many many years. In the dream, unfortunately, I'm still infuriated from what happened before, and so I do not greet him with kindness, to say the least. What now follows is a really and literally memorable dialogue for me. I remember every word, the gestures, even the repetitions rendered here, too (maybe it was supposed to be this way):

Me [shouting]: "What do you want?!!"
[he just looks at me]
Me: "I asked you: what do you want?!!!"
Thomas: "Now you treat me again this way."
[I'm confused, not knowing what he means with 'again']
Me [calmed down]: "Ok. So now ... what do you want?"
Thomas: "We do a reunion."
Me [quite taken by this idea]: "Ah, okay... Nice."
Thomas: "Next October / November."
Me: "What?"
Thomas: "October / November."
[I just stare at him.]
Thomas: "Let's see what we can do. We are a group of people."
Me: "???"
Thomas: "We are a group of people. October / November."
[he turns and leaves without even saying good-bye]

The entire dream ends then.

30th August 2011, 09:22 PM
Wow, tonight another amazing Dream Programming success with a Y/N question (also related to my job training, but that is secondary now, as this thread is about y/n-questions to be answered).

I asked my Higher Self a question because it was about what I 'really want' and need. The urgent task was to choose between going to an expensive seminar this year or postpone it. I would have had to register for it in the next days. Actually I wanted to go there (despite the high investment) but I had already been given some possible 'signs' in some previous dreams that I should better not go then. So I was very uncertain now.

I asked for any answer I could interpret, but I also made some suggestions, e.g. to let me have a dream of the city the 3-day-seminar (for a "yes" = attending) will take place. Then I had the idea to connect it to a person (living near that city), a friend of mine, let's call him Steve here (not real name). But I also connected the "no" to another person (not randomly, but for some reason again!), let's call him Bertie (not real name) now. I only proposed this once - and more as a joke.

This night in a dream I met Bertie in the cellar of the house of my childhood. Bertie had somehow exchanged some locks or keys and so the cellar could not be locked anymore. After some interpretation attempts (I admit it took me a while to figure it out), this indeed could make some sense but takes too long to explain here. It is also not necessarily relevant to the set dream task / question. However, I should note that Bertie is not a friend of mine (but connected to my job trainings) and I never dreamt of him before!

But the very important thing is that one of them really APPEARED that same night!!! :shock: My goodness, I am a really cool dream programmer now.

I am certain now (and got confirmation that) the warning signs I was given before were right. My HS isn't only very sexy but also pretty reliable, as it seems. I cancelled the seminar today, at least for the time being.

It's strange, whenever I am on a dry spell with lucidity and projections (like now for quite a while) I have a real high on dream performance, as it seems (and probably vice versa).

31st August 2011, 08:57 AM
It's strange, whenever I am on a dry spell with lucidity and projections (like now for quite a while) I have a real high on dream performance, as it seems (and probably vice versa).

This is my feeling. There's always something going on and don't forget in waking reality too.

10th October 2011, 11:12 AM
3) Dream (July 7th):

Since my memorable 'Johnny-Smith-Epiphany' had motivated me, I then did another pre-sleep affirmation to win with that lottery ticket, or asked to be able to do a manifestation for it in the Astral.
In this dream, the workplace angel and Thomas appear, the latter only appeared once in one of my dreams before, and a very meaningful one (but on another topic I suppose). (...)
In physical life, I haven't seen him for many many years. In the dream, unfortunately, I'm still infuriated from what happened before, and so I do not greet him with kindness, to say the least. What now follows is a really and literally memorable dialogue for me. I remember every word, the gestures, even the repetitions rendered here, too (maybe it was supposed to be this way):

Me [shouting]: "What do you want?!!"
[he just looks at me]
Me: "I asked you: what do you want?!!!"
Thomas: "Now you treat me again this way."
[I'm confused, not knowing what he means with 'again']
Me [calmed down]: "Ok. So now ... what do you want?"
Thomas: "We do a reunion."
Me [quite taken by this idea]: "Ah, okay... Nice."
Thomas: "Next October / November."
Me: "What?"
Thomas: "October / November."
[I just stare at him.]
Thomas: "Let's see what we can do. We are a group of people."
Me: "???"
Thomas: "We are a group of people. October / November."
[he turns and leaves without even saying good-bye]

The entire dream ends then.

Now, as for me the announced enigmatic period of "October-November" has finally arrived, there are two mentionable events in this regard so far.

First, as mentioned two days ago in my Lucidiary, I finally managed, with the assistance of the helpers, to do this affirmation, as the intention stated above.

Secondly, now for two nights in a row, two different band members appeared in dreams to me. First, yesterday it was my bass player, and tonight it was Thomas, the singer, again. So is this the start of the mysterious '(band) reunion', of the 'group of people'?

Wonder if I'll meet the guitar player tonight? ;)

10th October 2011, 02:36 PM
Interesting. :)

11th October 2011, 07:42 PM
Wonder if I'll meet the guitar player tonight? ;)
No, not the guitar player, ... But I met the singer and bass player together again!

Meanwhile, as it seems, I have become a proficient dream programmer, as some of my other threads prove (to me, at least). However, this is surely amazing now! Instant success. Btw, I had not programmed the previous nights with my single encounters with Thomas and Benny [not real name], the bass player.

Of course, tonight I did affirmations before going to bed. I just said: "Meet the band!", I also hung an old band photograph on the wall opposite my bed. To top it all off, I even played a loop from a song snippet (old recordings from tapes which I transferred and converted to mp3 already years ago) while in bed. (Yeah, I don't do things by halves anymore ...). First I wanted to leave it on playing all night long, but decided that I could not fall asleep with it, so I had it on for about an hour or so.

I remember a few dreams of that night (as recently dream call has improved considerably, too) but nothing came from it until the very last dream. So this is it:

Were sitting in a huge 2-storey mansion, also a terrace and a large garden can be seen through the glass walls/doors leading to it. It could even by 'my home' as it resembles the mansion that I came home to in a previous dream.

Here, Thomas, Ben and me make plans how we go about rehearsing. Thomas takes the notes. I remember e.g. that I recommended for us to rehearse even two times per week (we only had rehearsal on Saturday back then). I also suggested for me and Ben supporting THomas better with backing vocals this time in order to make even more 'harmonic' and melodic music.

Scene then changes to another scene: It seems now a bit like I subconsciously 'steer' the dream to live out a fantasy, but it is still all dream and I do not steer the figures in it, just the setting:
We are backstage on our way to the stage of our first gig since reunion. The view is like a camera that films us while we are walking through the corridor - almost like rock stars already, possibly there were even flash lights. I don't remember seeing me so I might have been the camera man or not. (Not sure at all because later I see us on stage performing again from 3rd person view).

Then, while we are walking through the corridor, a young woman comes up to me after saying good-bye to a guy who is a bit familiar to me from other dreams. I seems that she cries a bit, which makes me wonder and maybe that's also why I remember the incident. I cannot say if she weeps out of sadness or grieve. Rather her sobbing could also have been a kind of choked-with-emotion state. She then tells me (before we finally get on stage): "My mother was into music, too."

I don't know, however, if that was the reason why she weeped. She also smiled when she said this. I still need to come to grips with this lady, who also seems a bit familiar from other dreams. Still, I cannot really 'file' the incident for me. I have a suspicion, I might have met her before. She might not be connected to the band-thing that is going on now. But it is too early to make an even more daring interpretation. Not yet. Need more data.

The band reunion thing is cool, of course. I am still so amazed about my programming abilities. I don't know if I am playing with my (higher / subconscious) mind here or if really some 'guiding form above' is involved. But - as CFT rightly put it - it is highly interesting and a further nice 'twist' given to my dream world.