View Full Version : precog? DJing and Lady Gaga.

Neil Templar
23rd November 2010, 06:43 PM
ok, so lately i'm a little concerned about money. i've started my reconnective healing practice, but business is slow.
i've been toying with the idea of getting a part time job to keep me going until things heat up a bit, but not sure what kind of job to take. i don't want to get sucked into something that will drain all my time and energy, potentially leaving me uninterested in pursuing the path of service to others.
i left a very secure job in Holland to follow my heart, to hopefully make a living out of raising the vibrations of the planet, and raise awareness of our healing potential, and spiritual nature in general.
what'd be ideal would be if i could find a job in one of the spiritual centres in town, but i'm less than hopeful on that front. i think i'd have to volunteer to get involved in most of them...that won't help the financial situation.
either that, or something involving the skills i already have. i already dj in the evenings, but don't yet have a regular 'residency' at any of the clubs in town, so djing isn't exactly gonna pay the rent quite yet. it is however, as a friend pointed out a while back, a way of raising the vibration of the people i play for. music has a direct effect on folk's senses, emotions, it can even be used to facilitate healing.

two nights ago, i sent a message to the promoters of a party that's happening on New Year's Eve, offering my services.
yesterday, they got back to me, and offered me a slot. they can't promise me any pay as such, as the two main guest artists are very expensive, and there's a few other parties that are likely to attract many of the crown we'd expect to come along...so they offered me
free drinks, and a couple of places on the guest list for friends. if they make money, they'll share it amongst the local dj's like myself, who're all getting the same deal as me. it's a fine deal. i would've paid to go to this party if i wasn't playing at it anyway. :D

so, to the dream...
last night, i dreamed i was at the New Year's party, i met the promoters. they took me aside, and handed me a nice fat pile of money.
i was surprised, expecting not to get paid, especially at the start of the party.
they told me Lady Gaga was playing later, but they were paying me, and not her! :P they said she stood for everything that is wrong with society, so she was getting nothing. :lol:
i took the wad of cash, and stuck it in my pocket.

that was it, short and sweet.

so, today, just an hour or so ago, i was walking home thru town, thinking about this dream.
could it be a sign telling me my djing could be the route to prosperity? could it be a precognitive dream, and i'm actually gonna get paid at New Year?
was it a message about integrity, sticking to what i believe and not 'selling out' and becoming another mindless slave to the system?
(such as Lady Gaga, and all the other 'pop' trash we're bombarded with on the tele-box)
http://www.prisonplanet.com/popular-mus ... ystem.html (http://www.prisonplanet.com/popular-music-is-the-babylon-system.html)

i mulled this over as i walked home.

when i got in, i looked at my computer.
there was a message waiting, from a promoter i know from Aberdeen (a city in the North of Scotland).
we'd talked about working together a few months ago, but his plan at the time had fallen thru...
anyway, the message was, that he has now secured a weekly Friday night at one of the newest coolest venues in the city, and that our plan was ready to become real starting just after New Year!
this means a great deal for my djing career. regular cash, plus access to a wider audience, and more visibility to other promoters in the scene. :D

i believe Hannibal said it best - "i love it when a plan comes together!" :wink: :mrgreen:

23rd November 2010, 07:08 PM
Hey, Neil.

I think it was a message that "there is value" (the cash) and what attitudes you could be a counter-balance to if you wanted.
