View Full Version : dream expirament with BFF...

23rd November 2010, 07:00 AM
I was reading a thread on here about a dream experiment you guys did. So I tried it with my BFF.

Every night I meditated thinking about a red delicious apple, I was trying to send it to her dream. After a week past she told me her dreams. The only one that sounded close was a dream she had where she was a pair of shiney red high heel shoes she had to have. I thought this was funny! I chose the dream sign of the apple because I have been craving and eating lots of shiney red apples with peanut butter. I eat at least 2 a day. Do you guys think there could be a connection here? This kind of reminds me of something that happened several years ago....

When I was 19 I moved out of state with my boyfriend. I hardly talked to my family. Never once talked to my brother. I was gone for almost a year before I realized this guy was bad news, without any notice to anyone I left a note on the bed telling my boyfriend to go kick rocks and then I jumped on the greyhound bus and headed home. Well, I guess that night my brother had a dream that I kept calling him over and over again in despair. Then he told our mom that he had a feeling that I was coming home soon. And sure enough I was back in town! Hmmm interesting

