View Full Version : HP 7- No spoilers please

22nd November 2010, 04:16 PM
AKA Deathly Hallows part One
I just watched it on Saturday. Liked it, found it to be astoundingly similar to my imagination, with a few exceptions. I found out two things- I read the book and found it to 'need more detail'. However, those in my household that didn't read the book found it too long and filled with too much detail.
Go figure.
I liked it, realize it had to end where it did, although it was a bummer for those who haven't read the book. I wonder how many people will dislike it because of that issue. All I can say is "Hold on, All Will Be Well."

22nd November 2010, 06:09 PM
alas it will be months before it comes to this remote corner of planet earth. I look forward to it though

1st December 2010, 07:43 PM

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs570.ash2/149281_1727128781767_1344858868_1876197_7130548_n. jpg
Voldemort has changed ever since Harry killed the last horcrux.