View Full Version : Weird entities in this picture.

20th November 2010, 06:26 PM
Hello Mr. Bruce. My name is camron and I would like to share with you a picture that was taken in 2003 in my back yard. The guy in the picture is my father and it was taken during a ghost hunt my family and friends we're having. I hope you can tell me what these things are for everyone I've talked to are clueless. They look like sea horses to me. Using special software on her computer, the lady who took this picture also noticed these things actually contained mass! We only have a print out copy of the picture, the owner of the camera has the main picture. Someone also spilled something on it the one im about to show you. >.<


P.S. Thank you for writing your books, I'm not disciplined enough to master astral projection yet but i was lucky enough to have some experiences while sleeping :)

Robert Bruce
27th January 2011, 04:01 AM


I cannot tell what these images are, sorry.

A better quality high resolution print would help.

Thanks, Robert