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14th November 2010, 04:00 AM
Ok, so I have been practicing Astral Projecting for at least half a year. Maybe a little over. I've taken the Gnostics Astral Travel & Dreams course, and have had little results, even with that course. So here's the story,
I have studied lucid dreaming for quite some time. After weeks of no results, I decided I would take a look at this "OBE" people talked about a long with lucid dreaming. I took some interest in this subject and researched it for some time. After having no results except not feeling my limbs (I was not in sleep paralysis because after a while I could still move my limbs), I decided to look for a course. I found the free course at gnosticsawakenings.com. During the course, I had no internet, so the only time I was able to get on it was occasional visits to my cousin's house and at school on my iPod touch, so I didn't have very much time to actually practice it, since I had read night time was a bad time to do it, and mornings I had to wake up for school. I decided to set phone's alarm for around 3 A.M. For months I hadn't had a single OBE or lucid dream. One night, though, I was going to bed, intending to have an OBE. When I closed my eyes, something happened that had NEVER happened to me before. Right when I closed my eyes, I saw a very bright lightbulb. It had no glow to it, but the object itself was lit up. I saw it only for a millisecond, but continued to do my normal focus on my breathing and concentration on my heart beat excercises, intending to relax a bit. I soon fell asleep. I had a dream that I was walking down a very white hall, no people in sight. It seemed like I was in a hospital. I was with my grandma and my little cousin. We walked up to the front desk where we saw this woman. My grandma proceeded to talk to her, while I just looked around. Luckily, at the time I randomly said "Oh wait, I'm dreaming!" I'll never forget those words and what happened. I felt this.. rushing feeling. Like wind was blown at me, and went through me. I was lucid. I didn't do much. My head wouldn't keep still. It was like a bobble head. I said to myself "Don't get to excited, or you'll lose your lucidity." Not long after that, I apparently got to excited and lost it. I then transferred to another normal dream.. I woke up excited. Months passed without much progress in my OBE trials. Again, I woke up at 4 am, naturally, and closed my eyes. Almost immediately, I was at the side of my bed. Everything had a dark blue tint in it. I sat down on my bed looking at the door leading to the hallway. I heard screams, and light flashing, coming from the kitchen. I started walking towards it, but something told me not to, so I didn't I sat back down on my bed.. That's all I remember of that spontaneous OBE. For a few more months, I again had a dry spell. But lately, I've been able to stay conscious enough to maintain a WBTB lucid dream.. I've done it twice in the past three days. Maybe I'm getting somewhere? Also, my next question: When I start to doze off at night time, I'll catch myself falling asleep in bed. It's like a falling feeling, but it's really short, almost unnoticeable, but the thing that makes me notice it, is that there is a drum sound when that happens. Like a drum kick. It's very loud that it wakes me back up. Thanks if you could answer some questions and give whatever tips you can!!

14th November 2010, 07:02 PM
Hi Taylord and welcome to the forums.
Most of the questions in your post (or the ones I could discern) should be answered in the post "Your First Conscious Projection" which is stickied in this subforum. As a matter of fact, it's the post right above this one.

15th November 2010, 02:39 AM
Thanks! Hope I can succeed with the techniques I've read about here.