View Full Version : 4th Kind movie

10th November 2010, 04:07 AM
Has anyone seen this? I watched it over the weekend, found it melodramatic & in most respects a rather poor production; though it is based on facts, apparently, it did not manage to involve me at all. Besides, it struck me at best as fearmongering. . . any other opinions? (I could be wrong!) :)

10th November 2010, 05:24 AM
Haven't seen it. Watching John E Mack interviews and documentaries every so often on You Tube. Interesting first hand accounts and a little more heartening than Karla Turner.

10th November 2010, 05:34 AM
Yes I've seen it and thought it was rubbish.

10th November 2010, 02:59 PM
I watched it, and once I got over the trauma of possibly watching someone die for real (the 'real' footage of the suicide) I did some research and found out it was all fake, none of the stuff actually did happen, except the disappearances (which took place throughout decades, not months) and explained by normal events. The photos of the place were fake (they were not of the actual town or even state it was set in) and the 'real' doctor Tyler is actually a paid actress. So as interesting as it was, I've read more interesting accounts here in this forum.

ps. The actress who played the 'real' Dr. Tyler's name is Charlotte Milchard.
There. Debunked.

18th January 2011, 10:27 AM
It wasn't really fair of me to ask an open question like that. I was just curious, but these replies rather much miss the point in my estimation. I have known a person very similar to Dr. Tyler; an author of mystic information and teacher, for she did find cohorts to her madness. Her daughter, a person I loved very much, killed herself after a trying and tragic ordeal in Europe that took her from England to the continent to Ireland (where her passport would work) and back to a prinicipality of London where she violently slashed her wrists, drank a good deal and took a ♥♥♥♥load of drugs.

It was her mother's fault and Dr. Tyler reminded me of her. I had known her mother since we were in our 20s. All I'm saying is that movie was a story about a sick person, not about the paranormal. That's all I have....

This woman was rumored to have killed a photographer who was found buried in cement in a home she once occupied - there is a documentary extant to those events. She died some ten years ago of liver failure.

18th January 2011, 02:37 PM
All I'm saying is that movie was a story about a sick person, not about the paranormal. But that's not how it was billed. It depended on it's 'frightening aspect' because it was supposed to be a 'true' event, and advertised itself as such. This caused undue angst (especially with the suicide scene) and was dishonestly portrayed.
If I go see a scary movie because I want to go see a scary movie, it is my decision-because I know it's nto going to be 'real'. But if a movie is billed as a 'true story', then puts me through the trauma of witnessing what is billed as a truly horrific scene (which is why I don't watch 'true crime' type of tv shows-I choose not to) only to find out that it's made up, well, it really pisses me off.
I'm glad you could get something out of it, but all I got was outraged.

18th January 2011, 07:53 PM
Oh, I know what you mean, CFT. I'm with you, it was a sham and no wonder none of the actual people related to the story would have any part of the movie. Like you I was always careful not to infect my psyche with violence even to the point I wouldn't read the newspaper. Gradually, however, I decided it was time to admit the underbelly of life and hope that I could become somewhat immune to it and in that way, I don't really mind the gore, anymore.

Blockbuster has movies 5 for $20 and occasionally I pick up a loser. :? But I seem to be occupying my time lately with movies - I was never a movie goer so I'm catching up - lots, most everything, I haven't seem. :lol:

19th January 2011, 06:03 AM
hmm, rather poor movie imho.

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6ONX3AeKOuhY3bfVdFyu8DNJbuw1tI POJWM1AemuyVxhC0qAfxg http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRz909zGK_zu7XC3OW6l2KKYz-GGbfb_C8MKX_NA9xxnGwpuMDs