View Full Version : Am I making any progress?

9th November 2010, 08:33 PM
When I try to do any form of OBE exit techinique I feel no form of exit sensation except for preasure on I guess what would be my brow center,
it becomes more intense the longer I try to exit and I also start to see colors swirling in my minds eye.
Are these considered exit sensations?

Thanks for your time.

Robert Bruce
12th May 2011, 07:24 AM

These are related sensations, yes.

What you need to do is to relax into this when you get those symptoms and 'allow' yourself to drift into the OBE exit state. Usually, when you are in the right state of deep physical mental relaxation, OBE will happen on its own. You just need to stay relaxed and allow it, with no tensing or emotion, no excitement or fear. Stay calm and allow it to happen.

There is a process involved and it takes practice. Just keep at it and you will get out.
