View Full Version : New Technique

25th October 2010, 04:48 AM
I was just trying to think of a new energy raising technique and I figured this one out. It's a simple concept and may have already been found out but ill post it any ways,

I think of how small I am compared to the size of the world (which is pretty darn small).
Then picture the earth beneath my feet.
I envision roots from my feet spreading all over the Earth.
And then draw a massive amount of energy flowing through the roots when I inhale.
Then bring it up your back, to the top of your head, then down you face to your stomach chakra

It works pretty good for me, hope it does for you too.

14th November 2010, 08:33 PM
thats a cool idea.

I do the same thing with grounding. Never pulling up energy, though...maybe that's my problem.

I get a tactile sense of the earth and universe. I try to expand and feel all of my surroundings into infinity. This seems like it takes away the personality somehow. It feels like I'm not me anymore, but the entire environment. Then I just proceed with whatever it is I'm trying to accomplish. Maybe by feeling into the space that is everything we become more in tune with the proper "field/god-mind/frequency". I don't know.

For example if I feel deep into the earth I get fluttering sensations mostly in my legs. It feels like a massive vacuum is sucking stuck energy out through the bottom of my feet.

I'm not too metaphysically or esoterically experienced but I remember hearing healer Dennis Adams talk about the Sun as a positive charge sending energy/thoughts into the crown, then the thoughts just slide down the body through meridians and out the feet and finally into the Earth (negative charge). But If the thoughts haven't been released (blockages), they find a spot to stay in the body until they are cleared. I may have botched this idea, I can't fully recall.

Try this: Take your hands and form a circle/diamond and put some sense in between the circle. (ie fill it with white light). Next just run the hands from the top of the legs to the feet as if you are sliding energy down. Then just toss it away and you're done. In my experience I feel subtle differences such as a feeling of being lighter, cleared sinuses, and an overall sense of increased clarity.

Dennis Adams claimed that lab results showed a physical drop in the weight of participants after having their legs "stripped down". I want to say it was along the lines of 2-3 lbs. But may have been as much as 6 lbs.