View Full Version : Dreamed about a lamp top,a man ,a portal and people chasing

23rd October 2010, 05:14 PM
Yeah,another crazy one,lol!It seems I had more time this morning to dream because it's Saturday.I had this dream where I was in this huge house with this porch in the front and it looked like we were going to have a garage sale next day.My mother was there too and it was night.She told me to give this lamp to the next door neighbor but I already took it outside.In my mind's eye I could see this neighbor person and she changed into someone else and I didn't want to give her the lamp but I went to get it from the table in the front of the house anyway but it was nowhere to be found.Then I went inside the house,looked everywhere and went somewhere else to look for it.Looked like a place full of junk and I then went somewhere else and searched until night became day and I was with this man and I think I was upset because he was touching my arm and I felt shivers all over and butterflies in my stomach and I asked him to stop but he told me that he loves me and then we went to this garage and it was full of junk and closed the door but this group of people were at the door wanting to come inside and they spoke gibberish.I looked back and I saw the man who was there half way into this portal.It was like a big round void,electric blue spinning portal.He told me that he was leaving and not to forget about him and then the angry mob at the door ripped the screen off and almost came in and I think I left too because I saw myself crossing this huge intersection and it was as if the earth was parting to let me pass through and I saw animals and things in fast motion passing me to the left and right and then I found myself somewhere and I was hungry.I wanted to get something to eat and I looked at the menu and saw something yummy but when the waitress came over and I ordered I was not hungry anymore and left.There was this furniture store and I ordered this sectional and it was for my daughter and then I remembered that I had no money but I also knew that it was just a dream and I didn't have to pay for it.What do you think about this ??

23rd October 2010, 05:20 PM
How's your mom?

23rd October 2010, 05:46 PM
My mom is ok.She just moved to a different house.Hmm,do you think this dream has anything to do with her ? :)

How's your mom?

23rd October 2010, 06:12 PM
It's possible, but I'm not sure. Do you have a lot of dreams in front porches?

23rd October 2010, 06:34 PM
No,I don't have many dreams in front porches and this was the first dream I saw a portal. :lol:

It's possible, but I'm not sure. Do you have a lot of dreams in front porches?

23rd October 2010, 08:50 PM
Well, in my dreams a front porch usually has a specific meaning- that is, a transitional area- not inside, not outside. I know what it means for me, but I don't know what it means for you. What comes to your mind when you think of a front porch, symbol-wise?

24th October 2010, 02:00 AM
Hello, niki123.

You're told that you are to offer others in your life (neighbor as in "love thy neighbor") illumination (lamp). The search for the lamp could mean two things - that you cannot either find it yet to offer to others or that not wanting to offer it means losing it.

A garage sale means "offering to others what you've got" as well. But since you say your house and garage are full of junk it might mean you have not yet seen value in it.

The house could be your self, again. The garage is where in the US very often excess things are stored - so this is where stuff goes "you have no space for." So, the junk could also be things that need getting rid off and the garage sale would then be an opportunity to do so.

The man you meet could be any benevolent being. The touch seems to establish some energetic intimacy you experience a bit like romance.

Another meaning for garage could be its connection to cars. If car is "vehicle of consciousness," then here you might be preparing yourself for travelling somewhere outside your own dream. The intersection and the fast motion could be indicating this - I experience intersections when I'm "going somewhere" as well. Intersections, freeway ramps, freeways, etc.

The fast motion could then mean the ability to pass through many states of consciousness in very short time, and the confusing thing is that you can pick something up from where you're passing through and yet it doesn't make sense yet. It's like fast-forwarding through something, maybe?

All in all the whole experience seems to be still rather coded. You may need to learn more about your own dream symbols and attempt your own decodings so that experiences might become clearer and more understandable over time.


24th October 2010, 10:27 PM
Thank you Oliver !It does seem very coded.The fast motion did seem as flying through a portal like time travel,lol.

Hello, niki123.

You're told that you are to offer others in your life (neighbor as in "love thy neighbor") illumination (lamp). The search for the lamp could mean two things - that you cannot either find it yet to offer to others or that not wanting to offer it means losing it.

A garage sale means "offering to others what you've got" as well. But since you say your house and garage are full of junk it might mean you have not yet seen value in it.

The house could be your self, again. The garage is where in the US very often excess things are stored - so this is where stuff goes "you have no space for." So, the junk could also be things that need getting rid off and the garage sale would then be an opportunity to do so.

The man you meet could be any benevolent being. The touch seems to establish some energetic intimacy you experience a bit like romance.

Another meaning for garage could be its connection to cars. If car is "vehicle of consciousness," then here you might be preparing yourself for travelling somewhere outside your own dream. The intersection and the fast motion could be indicating this - I experience intersections when I'm "going somewhere" as well. Intersections, freeway ramps, freeways, etc.

The fast motion could then mean the ability to pass through many states of consciousness in very short time, and the confusing thing is that you can pick something up from where you're passing through and yet it doesn't make sense yet. It's like fast-forwarding through something, maybe?

All in all the whole experience seems to be still rather coded. You may need to learn more about your own dream symbols and attempt your own decodings so that experiences might become clearer and more understandable over time.
