View Full Version : Aliens, abductions, government, drug-testing

18th October 2010, 01:28 AM
Do any of you know anything about government working with aliens to do with using people (like they're lab rats or something) for drug testing? I've googled and I can't find anything useful.

I ask because a couple of days ago I woke up from a dream about aliens. In the dream, I was in a girl's car and she was probably in her teens. It was night time. She was driving the car down a street which is familiar to me in waking life. She was dress up nicely, in a skirt, top, etc. She was deaf too. Whilst we were travelling down the street, I witnessed several UFOs hovering over people's houses and they were abducting people from their beds via an electric blue light beam. The UFOs appeared to be small, compact and they were glowing very brightly with white light. We spotted a group of young people down the street and we stopped, then I got out of the car and went over to them At this point, the UFOs were no longer in sight. I greeted a couple of guys when another car pulled up and a couple of girls got out of it. Suddenly, the UFOs came into view. They were grouped together, flying in our direction, down the street. As they approached our position, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye in the sky, looked like some sort of creature but I didn't see exactly what it was. It was hovering in mid air or flying, but as the UFOs flew near us, the thing I saw hovering or flying slowed down and then froze in mid-action. I realised that time was being affected, i.e. it slowed then stopped. I know the UFOs were causing that to happen. It was a eerie feeling, the UFOs never made any noise, they were totally silent. The world became silent.

The next thing I remember, I was inside one of the UFOs and one of the guys from the group was there with me. There was this alien there with us. The alien kind of reminded me of ET in size and shape. The alien was short like ET, and it had a large head but its head was rounder, not squashed-looking like ET's was. The alien had brown wrinkly skin. It communicated with the guy via some sort of telepathy/empathy and on occasion it made some clicking noises or chirruping. I was just an observer there. I just watched, and the space we were in, it was like some sort of a reception area. It was small, and I remember it was rather brown (possibly with a bit of red). There was a kind of a desk, like a reception desk. The alien was standing behind the desk and we were standing on the other side of it, facing the alien. The guy was asking the alien questions, because the alien was showing him where he needed to go. The guy was asking him about that, like where is the place where he needs to go, and stuff like that. The guy was being very matter of fact about it. I spotted a kidney shaped object on the desk, and for some reason I started drawing on it with a blue biro, just drawing around the edges of it. The object seemed to be made out of some sort of foam or something. It was a darker dull blue. As I was drawing on it, I saw in my mind, a map of the UFO, and I could see on the map, which was white and black, several large rooms or spaces. I saw where the guy needed to go. I knew the whole thing with being in the UFO with this guy was just a memory that I was being shown. I knew the guy could remember that part of his abduction, but he couldn't recall all of it.

Then I was somewhere else, and it was daylight, clear blue skies, etc. It felt like I was on the coast, in a town or a city, but near a beach. There was a different guy, a young one but older than the one I was with in the UFO. He had been a doctor. He told me about his abduction. He told me they tested a drug on him, and that when he was released, his life went terribly wrong. He lost his career as a doctor, lost his wife, lost his home, and on top of that he had a severe addiction to the drug he had been forced to test. I saw in my mind a lot of darkness, a lot of people whose lives had been ruined because they were forced to test this drug, they were all suffering from a severe addiction to the drug they'd been forced to test, and then I saw that the government (don't know which one - could have been the US or the UK or whatever) had licensed the drug. I saw a bottle containing the pills, and it was a vivid green (like evergreen), with a yellow and green label on it. I saw the name of the drug but I can't remember what it's called. I remember it began with D and it was only about 5 or 6 letters. I heard someone telling me that it was unsurprising that the drug had been licensed so quickly after the abductions.

Then I was walking down a street. It was night time, and there was like a brown pillar box or something like that, but I got the impression it was made out of something similar to concrete. There was a man inside it. He somehow transported me inside this structure, and I knew he was a doctor of some sort, not a medical one but like a scientist kind of doctor. The whole thing about this guy seemed very covert. I got the impression that he perceived the situation with the aliens as a war. Like we were at war with them. I also knew he was there to help anyone who was affected by the aliens. I was talking to him (can't remember what about), he was sitting in a chair and I was standing, a young guy came in and sat down. He was asking for help, and reminded the man that he was his son. I realised they were father and son but I sensed that there was a rift between them. The man denied knowing the younger guy as his son. The younger guy went away.

Then I found myself walking on a long pier. It was night time again. There were a few people standing around on the end of the pier. The pier was on a slope, and it seemed to be made out of concrete or something like that. I saw a massive rowing boat zooming about in the water at high speed like a speed boat. The water was calm but very dark blue. The rowing boat's size was similar to something like a bigger boat (life boat or similar), and the outside of the boat was coloured a dull yellow. There was no one in the rowing boat, it was just zooming about on its own really fast. It bashed into the end of the pier then zoomed away, and then bashed into it again. It continued doing this a few times, and people quickly got out of the way whenever it happened. I stayed well away from it. Then the rowing boat disappeared for a bit. The next thing I knew, as I was waling up the sloping pier, the rowing boat reappeared again, but this time it was right on the pier, speeding straight towards me. I barely had enough time to dive to the side when it whizzed past me. It hit a structure of some sort which collapsed, and then I saw huge arches/bolts of electricity jumping about hazardously. A guy was there when this happened and he jumped about avoiding being hit by electricity. I quickly got out of the way. Some of the electricity arches/bolts were coloured white and others were blue ones.

That's all I can recall, but it felt very real, especially the part with the UFOs etc. I just can't understand why I had this dream. Most of my dreams consist of tamer stuff, about myself, my progress, being with friends and family, etc. I don't know what alien abductions, drug testing etc has to do with me. I got the distinctive feeling when I woke up that I had been shown what was going on, that a government was working with aliens for profit, and it was really happening. But if that's the case, then what am I meant to do about it? These are the questions that are niggling me and I thought that it would help a teeny bit to find out if anyone else knows anything about these aliens, etc. So if you find any of the stuff I've described familiar, then please share your thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

18th October 2010, 01:36 AM
Some things sound familiar. I'll see if I can dig up some links that may 'sound' similar to your experience, with a different bent, of course.

18th October 2010, 10:00 AM
There is a lot of stuff like that to be found on the net. It's interesting that you should have such a dream without exposure to such materials.

I'm currently looking at Truman Cash's free e-book on abductions, the link was posted here (by Sono, I think).

A quick search of youtube would surely yield results but it's not for the faint-hearted (I'm thinking of one out of Italy right now allegedly showing an alien hybrid foetus). So, if you're feeling impressionable and you don't want to worsen the dreams, go easy.

A book by Richard Dolan might be useful, I haven't read any of his material yet but, apparently, he approaches the topic academically, focussing on the history of Ufology.

There may also be something in Linda Moulton Howe's Earthfiles archive http://www.earthfiles.com/headlines.php?category=Archives, though she seems to focus more on animal mutilations than what is allegedly being done to humans.

Discussion on underground and underwater bases often claims the existence of experimentation using humans by black ops people in cahoots with aliens. You'll probably find something on Coast to Coast or Project Camelot.

18th October 2010, 10:25 AM
Thanks for your replies. But is it common for governments to be involved with alien abductions for drug testing purposes?

18th October 2010, 10:28 AM
"Men in black" don't necessarily represent governments but they do turn up in these stories quite often.

18th October 2010, 10:34 AM
I just can't fathom why I would dream about any of that stuff. It seemed so specific and I'm wondering what the hell does it have to do with me.

Neil Templar
18th October 2010, 10:59 AM
i think the boat was another UFO, in the water, and somehow out of control..

18th October 2010, 11:04 AM
I just can't fathom why I would dream about any of that stuff. It seemed so specific and I'm wondering what the hell does it have to do with me.
Well, it may be commenting on something you were about to read/encounter. In my experience, dreaming can be precognitive.

Sometimes something minor and peripheral can be picked up by the subconsciously and used/explored by the dreaming mind. You could try applying a normal dream interpretation to it, considering anything alien in your life and what references to addiction might suggest.

There are other possibilities, of course but it's one of those areas that can be so nebulous that it's best not to jump to conclusions. Having said that, my UFO dreams have been particularly amazing and vivid at times, so I know how they can impact.

Anyway, I popped back in because I checked out Earthfiles and you can't get into many of the links without subscribing, so it's probably not ideal for your investigation.

Let us know what you find.

18th October 2010, 11:13 AM
The Disclosure Project might have something as well.

18th October 2010, 02:34 PM
Here's some links. Don't know if you'll see similarities, it just reminded me of these.

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&p=85017 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&p=85017)
viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17866&p=109076 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17866&p=109076)
viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17866&p=136179 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17866&p=136179)

20th October 2010, 12:53 AM
This is very good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32PIKN7eQhU&feature=related