View Full Version : Murder

17th October 2010, 02:15 PM
I am still feeling a little bit anxious from the dreams I had last night. UGH!

In the first dream I was sitting in booth at a diner/coffee shop. I looked out the window and saw in the parking lot that there was a murder about to happen. It was like a scene from a bad 70s cop tv show. There was a black prostitute with her hands up and two men standing there with guns pointed at her. I kept yelling at the people in the diner, would someone tell me the address so I could call 911, but nobody could hear me. They acted like I wasn't even there.

The second dream was in a neighborhood. I was on my way home and saw we had a new neighbor. He looked upset because the builders hadn't put the address on the house. I saw there was a pile of foundation stones on the side of his house and I picked up a flat stone and said he could paint the house number on the stone an lean it against the house and it would look nice. He didn't really pay attention to me, was distracted. He was giving me a creepy feeling so I left him and went to my house. Later that night my family was having a party. The neighbor came over and with all the people there no one noticed that he took a young girl away and murdered her by stabbing her with a knife. She was around 10 years old.

The third dream was the second dream all over again, but different. This time I saw the neighbor upset about his address. I saw the pile of foundation stones, but recognized that there was something really creepy about him so I didn't go over and talk to him. Later at the party I kept looking out the window, watching for him. Something drew me to the kitchen. While I was in there time slowed down. I felt dizzy and could see everything was happening in slow motion. I got scared and went back into the front room to keep an eye out for the neighbor. I didn't see him, but after the party was over we found someone had come in and murdered a young girl about ten years old. In this dream she was my little sister.

SO tell me what you think. I have some ideas about a few things, but I'd like to hear other opinions too.

17th October 2010, 03:11 PM
hi Mishell,

man, I hate these kinds of dreams, cause even when you know they're just dreams it takes time for the feel of em to evaporate.

i think these three dreams express the natural fear of a "violent world", to the point of fearing our neighbor, suspect without even a clue, a 'what if?' judgement that is enough to sever neighborly friendship.

is it a "violent world"? it certainly can be, but the world as it is, is much much more than "violence". who would know that, given the media shoveling "violence" at us all.

maybe these dreams are a call for you to examine the filter of your perspective, take it out, turn it upside down, bang in against the 'ground', to look at the pile of debri/stones everybit fallen out, to include even one for your neighbor's address to be written on.

ya know, i got up the other morning to find my garage entry door open about three inches and stopped at it's security latch. i added to the door a magnetic break alarm. but, i figure it was a potential thief, and no more. they certainly didnt try and open doors entering the house. i had kept a dog in the garage at night. recently i had been leaving the dog in his kennel at night. so, i almost suspect a neighbor, seeing as a neighbor would see that my dogs are kenneled, all accounted for, and therefore the garage with no dog. but, i dont allow any of this to cause me magnified fear or worry.

there comes a point, if one constructs a fortress, that everything and everyone within the fortress will karmically turn against the fortress builder. no one can outrun karma, but one can steer karma right into their potentially eruptive household.

i'd much rather lose some tools or something replacable to a non-violent thief, as to have my household torn asunder.

helplessness is a state of mind eruptive of an over-controlling state of mind. these two go hand in hand. right balance, and filter cleaning keep the ole mind unchoked and breathably supplyed.


17th October 2010, 03:22 PM
For sure, Tim. Thank you.

You just made me realize something hugely important. :(

19th October 2010, 07:46 AM
Not to detract anything from Tim’s analysis, there are other patterns that may be relevant. For instance, if you consider the prostitute as represented in a cheesy 70s cop show, she tends to be of low social status and such characters are routinely despatched. So in your dream there’s a sense that someone is “getting away with murder” in broad daylight and the victim is one of the socially marginalised. Your moral sense is intact but when you speak up for the marginalised, you are ignored. This may comment on a situation present in your life or something you've been thinking about.

If the prostitute represents an aspect of self, some part of you that sold out for survival, (I think “the prostitute” is fairly archetypal) her murder might represent that you’ve elected to ruthlessly eliminate this attitude of capitulation for survival from your behavioural repertoire. At some level, this might cause you alarm.

More latter, gotta rush away...

19th October 2010, 10:50 AM
In the second dream the theme of getting away with murder repeats. There may be some significance in the girl’s age being 10, so think about what this might be. It could be something that (first) occurred when you were 10 or something else.

I was on my way home and saw we had a new neighbor.

A new neighbour may signify something/ a recent development that you have to “live with”; something “close to home.”

He looked upset because the builders hadn't put the address on the house.

Is there something that needs to be addressed? Does an important piece of information need to be made evident to all? Has somebody or some issue been addressed in a way that is unsatisfactory or infuriating?

I saw there was a pile of foundation stones on the side of his house and I picked up a flat stone and said he could paint the house number on the stone and lean it against the house and it would look nice.

It seems to me foundations stones should be in the foundations unless, of course, they’re extraneous. If a person’s life is the building or his/her personality is the building, then what might foundation stones represent? What does the misplacement or excess of foundation stones mean? The solution suggested is to be flexible, to use something that could have been at the foundation to address this issue in a simple and pleasing way. Alternately, you might argue that this is a superficial, aesthetic use for something fundamental to the structure of an edifice.

He was giving me a creepy feeling so I left him and went to my house.

Your neighbour’s creepiness manifests in highly destructive patterns that kill the powerless and, in this case, innocence. This time the murder occurs when people are blissfully unaware.

The third dream repeats the theme of getting away with murder but, this time, he’s even better at it. The important symbols of the neighbour, the foundation stones, his creepiness, the party and the little girl are still evident. This time the relationship to the girl has become more personal than in the other variations of this dream. It clearly has an important message for you.

19th October 2010, 07:58 PM

Great dream analysis Beekeeper. :D

I was grasping from two sources, the dreams and the blog link to the latest blog, drawing the two together from Mishell to give my combined take on it.

one thing that i've learned about dream themes, this one being 'murder', is to, as the peaceful "spiritual warrior" within, utilize the theme's terminology. for example the word 'murder' may be dis-assembled into it's component letters, as if the word is a tool of separate powers, each letter having within it's singularity an indifferent power, that by arrangement locks these powers into a greater power.

so we might take "murder", and make a positive word from it's offered assemblage. one word i find is owed to stephen king, that being the child saying "redrum" as the mirrored reflection of "murder". this word, redrum, exemplifies the overall time span which mankind has been within and still is, that being drunkeness on the religious wine of the scripturally versed word within an indicated time that is supposed to bring out in the drunken state the release of mankind's worst upon the altar that earth represents. this altar said to be the footstool of God and as well the Mercy Seat of God.

but, i think that it is to the actual dreamer to displell the negative word into a personal word of positive power, even if they force into it a new letter, or take a letter away. take the word to it's roots, syllables, finding the original meanings toward the combination of meaning...etc.

one doing that can utilizing synonyms or antonyms, come up with a whole new word toward cancelling out, power for power. this is what Jesus did using scripture/word when He was thrice tempted, utilizing power/s to cancel power/s, within Himself.

dreams are like that, where the theme is not always the end goal of learning from, calling for the dreamer to flip it, and see the higher theme. once flipped, forever canceled out. demons can become angels, and sometimes angels can fall to demons; this given the functionable nature of the dreamer, which upon examining dreams is about uncovering deeper in issues of one's nature, of our commonly shared human nature.


19th October 2010, 08:59 PM
Yes, of course. That's why we sometimes ask for help with our dreams for, even if the interpreter gets it wrong or parts of it wrong, often in the process they lead you to the meaning by making you consider what you'd missed yourself. We've all noticed what you do with words Tim and, yes, it is a useful approach to examining and altering one's perception.