View Full Version : Questions about Magick

16th October 2010, 03:12 AM
1. I brought up enochian magick in relation to fighing negs. I also must mention that the primary purpose of enochian magick is to bring mind's eye visions of supposed angels in their home environment and astrally project there. Enochian magick is unique among magick in this way. It is an astral projection magick. It would be great if you could maybe try out enochian magick and actually decipher what these enochian entities actually are and if they are really angels. My psychic abilites are not that great :(

http://www.evocationmagic.com/viewforum ... bae3e1bfb6 (http://www.evocationmagic.com/viewforum.php?f=17&sid=0daa40d77a73f748b3825ebae3e1bfb6)

2. Realizing one is Source involves the manifestation process. And this involves verbal affirmations. I think you would agree that for the most part ritual magick also relies on the same Higher Self mechanisms as verbal affirmations, although sometimes external spirits are also evoked. If realizing one is Source involves manifestation process, than logically we all should become ritual magicians. But I hope that is not right, because I hate magick actually.

Robert Bruce
28th November 2010, 06:58 AM

I do not know a lot about Enochian magic, but it looks like a good system.

The way it connects people with angels (good spirits) is similar to some other magical systems.

As to your second question, I agree. Becoming a ritual magician would be optimal. But most people are not up to that, so verbal affirmations have a place because they are far more approachable as a simple form of practical magic. We could call it 'Affirmation Magic' or 'Verbal Magic' or 'The Magic of Applied Intention'. All these would fit.
