View Full Version : Alien Implants- physical evidence

13th October 2010, 10:29 AM
I find the work of Dr Roger Leir very interesting. Every so often I check out what he's up to on youtube. Just for those who haven't investigated this area for themselves, you would be quite surprised at Leir's findings. Here's (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtKb6uVRRPc&feature=related) a brief example that gives you some idea of physical evidence of alien implants.

21st October 2010, 01:48 PM
That was a great video. Would be even better if I understood more of what he said. :lol: Scientists.

How much "proof" is proof enough? It seems like people are waiting to catch an alien implanting someone to recognize any of this evidence as legitimate.

22nd October 2010, 08:59 AM
Yes, exactly. Most people dismiss it all with absolutely no idea of how much evidence is accumulating.

I'm a little obsessed with finding evidence right now. There are a few anomalous events in my life, one quite recently where there were three very bright flashes of light in my bedroom while I was still awake and with no possibility of an outside source. My eyes were closed but the light felt external. I didn't do a clock check so I can't say if there was any loss of time. There was certainly no sense of discontinuity so I'm not jumping to conclusions nor am I discounting something neurological in nature or a kundalini event (I was very "buzzy" when I went to bed).

22nd October 2010, 02:35 PM
Alien implants do exist but are sometimes from what I've been told made of energy and look like blue balls of light.