View Full Version : Strange dream from a couple years ago

11th October 2010, 06:03 PM
Hey I had a really odd dream a couple years back. This was a really realistic dream too.

A couple years ago I dreampt I was lying in bed when suddenly this dark shape appeared over me, sort of like what people usually imagine the grim reaper look like. Anyway a thought came into my head that this thing was hear to kill me. So to stop it I did something really strange, dunno why but it just seemed like the thing to do at the time. I made out with it (It was really cold too). Anyway when I did that it seemed to get so confused that it just left. Yeah that was one of my odder dreams, I hope that it was just a dream and that it wasn't an actual entity of some sort, cuz I don't really like the idea of making out with some weird creature (well at least I didn't get raped by lizard people like some folks I've read about). I have read of several accounts where people see stuff like this and someone dies later on, but its a couple years later and still here, so if it was real obviously it was too weirded out to try anything else if that was the case.

11th October 2010, 06:34 PM
that is definitely a new perspective on the "kiss of death."

11th October 2010, 09:40 PM
Hello, defectron.

Challenging death itself is an archetypal image. I doubt it was an entity of sorts out to scare you, but even if so - with a courage like that, what influence could it hold over you? :)

You took the grim reaper some of its grimness. It left you. Your challenge might have reduced your own fear of dying, for example.

BTW, I wouldn't associate "the kiss of death" - Death didn't kiss you, but you kissed death. You were the active one. So you did not receive "the kiss of death" and I would not think this represents some kind of foreboding of any kind. You rather gave death a "goodbye kiss." :)
