View Full Version : Group/Collective Psychokinesis

11th October 2010, 05:32 PM
I asked this question before but it went into another topic of discussion, so I'm asking again. Has anyone tried moving an object by having a group of people concentrate on moving it? I think it might be easier the more people try it at once.

Neil Templar
11th October 2010, 05:40 PM
there are stories of travellers in the late 1800's witnessing Tibetan monks doing this, but using sound as well as concentrated thought.
i believe there were approx 100 monks involved... in a circle, in rows, each row with specific tasks, ie, horn blowing, or mental "backup"...
i've read about this a few times, but i can't remember where... :?

anyway, they were moving HUGE chunks of stone, leading to speculation concerning the building of megalithic structures all over the world, that still have us baffled as to the actual building techniques...eg. stonehenge etc...

maybe have a poke around the old interweb and see if you can find any info..

11th October 2010, 06:11 PM
there are stories of travellers in the late 1800's witnessing Tibetan monks doing this, but using sound as well as concentrated thought.
i believe there were approx 100 monks involved... in a circle, in rows, each row with specific tasks, ie, horn blowing, or mental "backup"...
i've read about this a few times, but i can't remember where... :?

anyway, they were moving HUGE chunks of stone, leading to speculation concerning the building of megalithic structures all over the world, that still have us baffled as to the actual building techniques...eg. stonehenge etc...

maybe have a poke around the old interweb and see if you can find any info..


here is another one with illustrations from a German website ("translated" by google):

http://translate.google.de/translate?js ... 81113.html (http://translate.google.de/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.igeawagu.com%2Fnews%2Fancient_w issenschaften%2F1118681113.html)

Neil Templar
11th October 2010, 06:58 PM
that's it! 8)

3rd November 2010, 08:32 PM
Neil Templar, what's interesting about this is that in the Edgar Cayce readings when asked how the pyramids were built, he replied with levitation or mental powers.

27th November 2010, 12:57 AM
i think the problem here, would be getting everyone to work together harmoniously. as a unit,,,,a band or tribe if u will.

an orchestra.

9th March 2011, 10:26 AM
This isn't possible. I like to stay open to spiritual abilities and subtle awarenesses etc, but moving things with the power of your mind alone is pure fantasy.

It's never been done, except by tricksters. This isn't some subjective ability that would be hard to judge in a scientific setting, it's very easy to test but not a single person in the world has mananged to do it. In an age of technology allowing us to record and post online easily, you'd think if anyone actually had this skill there would be proof.

I don't want to be a hardened skeptic, but this is a joke.

9th March 2011, 01:12 PM
It might be worth exploring in the end. People shouldn't stop thinking or trying because we feel like something is impossible. We would still be living in caves if people didn't strive to do more by expanding/exploring the limits of human capabilities. The limits seem pretty flexible to a degree. If someone really believes they can move something with their mind and they are willing to put in the time and energy and effort that something like that would take why not let them.

Although it might end up being easier finding a technological solution to levitation.That seems to be the pattern, what we can't do ourselves we find some way of making something to do it for us.