View Full Version : What have you discovered?

11th October 2010, 02:27 PM
Hi, I haven't mastered astral projection yet, but there are so many things that I hope to do once I have mastered it. Until I am able to, I would love to read what others have discovered and learned.

First, yes, I know that what I am about to ask is hard to be verified. There is a question of whether what one sees in the astral world is in the past, present, future, or all 3. Also, personal experience and opinions can shape what one sees in the astral, along with reality fluctuations and dream collision. I would ask you kindly to ignore this and just be open to sharing and listening to experiences. Also, I kindly ask you not to be negative about the things that I ask. I know that traveling to planets, especially in the real-time zone, may be difficult, but I'd rather not hear any negativity or "impossibility" on the subject, as I hear it a lot. Thanks.

(1) Anybody try searching out planets for life? Of course, first one must master going to the moon and planets in our solar system. I heard that you can travel by thought alone in the astral world, so this shouldn't be to difficult, just difficult for our minds to grasp (but flying and going through walls must have been the same way at first). NASA has a whole list of planets that are Earth-like and are in the habitual zones in their respective solar systems. Most recently, Gliese 581g. I think that first I would try traveling to those planets and looking around. If no success, I would then just think, "Go to the closest planet to Earth with intelligent life on it." Anybody have any experiences with this?

(2) Has anybody tried to verify "secret" places? Edgar Cayce said that there was something underneath the paw of the Phinx in Egypt. Also, you could try area 51 or any other places of interest on Earth.

(3) What specific things from the Akashic records (not just what the building looked like or what's inside it, but actual things you learned from within it or saw/read)? What other temples/building/places exist?

Thanks, hopefully someone replies....

11th October 2010, 03:06 PM
I've certainly been to other planets, but I've never known anything about their identity in astrophysical terms. One was without atmosphere - like our moon, another was actually inhabited and with atmosphere. You see, these planets likely aren't members of our dimension, existing purely in the astral.

I guess that's the catch. If you want to visit other planets you must do it in another dimension and therefore will likely encounter an 'other dimensional' planet or planets. I've tried to spend some time on Mars, but who's to say I didn't simply spend time in the pictures I've seen of Mars?

And I have a hunch that there really is distance in the astral when thinking in terms of other solar systems - they are not 'just a thought away' but actually take time or rather 'experience' which is equivalent to time to get there.

just my thoughts


11th October 2010, 03:11 PM
Is Planet travelling not possible in RTZ?

11th October 2010, 03:14 PM
Thanks for replying; that's pretty cool you went to Mars, even if it wasn't "really" Mars. I was just about to reply what ariesr said haha. Can you lower your vibration to get as grounded to the real-time zone as possible and then try going? I guess that this could provide a distance/time problem though. Can you tell us more about the planets you visited?

11th October 2010, 03:18 PM
Not in that low frequency body, I don't think so, or maybe yes but it might really take a while - quite a while. I imangine star travel can't really be done except in the astral or mental planes.

Looking forward to other input. :D

11th October 2010, 06:54 PM
Hi, I haven't mastered astral projection yet, but there are so many things that I hope to do once I have mastered it. Until I am able to, I would love to read what others have discovered and learned.

First, yes, I know that what I am about to ask is hard to be verified. There is a question of whether what one sees in the astral world is in the past, present, future, or all 3. Also, personal experience and opinions can shape what one sees in the astral, along with reality fluctuations and dream collision. I would ask you kindly to ignore this and just be open to sharing and listening to experiences. Also, I kindly ask you not to be negative about the things that I ask. I know that traveling to planets, especially in the real-time zone, may be difficult, but I'd rather not hear any negativity or "impossibility" on the subject, as I hear it a lot. Thanks.

(1) Anybody try searching out planets for life? Of course, first one must master going to the moon and planets in our solar system. I heard that you can travel by thought alone in the astral world, so this shouldn't be to difficult, just difficult for our minds to grasp (but flying and going through walls must have been the same way at first). NASA has a whole list of planets that are Earth-like and are in the habitual zones in their respective solar systems. Most recently, Gliese 581g. I think that first I would try traveling to those planets and looking around. If no success, I would then just think, "Go to the closest planet to Earth with intelligent life on it." Anybody have any experiences with this?

(2) Has anybody tried to verify "secret" places? Edgar Cayce said that there was something underneath the paw of the Phinx in Egypt. Also, you could try area 51 or any other places of interest on Earth.

(3) What specific things from the Akashic records (not just what the building looked like or what's inside it, but actual things you learned from within it or saw/read)? What other temples/building/places exist?

Thanks, hopefully someone replies....

it's not impossible to travel to distant planets, but it is difficult. it's difficult for me..in fact, all of my space travel has been spontaneous: either it's an accident or i got help from my guides.

you don't have to master astral projection to get to space, but you do need to commit time and effort to it. i've been shown exactly what i asked to see, by manifesting my intention and praying and meditating for hours and hours before going to sleep. that's the method i used when i was taken to see the fabric of time, which i described in another thread long ago. i did the preparation work, and the rest lay in the hands of my elder guides.

i'm hesitant to share my more intriguing experiences because they are so bizzarre and they're hardly scientific, much less verifiable. so it is sufficient to say that (in the words of the wise Terrence McKenna) "the universe is not only stranger than you imagine, it's stranger than you can imagine."

so seek and you shall find buddy.

ok i'll share one thing:the first thing i saw on another planet when i was trying to travel the universe and phase out of my body was - you might have guessed it - reptoid humanoids on a distant planet. this was more than 20 years ago and i was still a child. who would have thunk that they would be a hot topic 20 years later?

11th October 2010, 06:59 PM
I agree with sleeper in that it is very difficult to project to the RTZ of the solar system- I don't believe in 'rules' per se, but I find that the farthest I've been in the RTZ has been the moon, and not really as far as her, but very close.
I have gone to other planets, but I think these were astral versions of them. As recently as last week, but the experience was so mental it doesn't even bear describing.

12th October 2010, 02:08 AM
So I guess we're agreed? There are limitations in Time and Space for the RTZ energy body?

That was simpler than I thought it could be. :P

12th October 2010, 02:26 AM
So it appears.

12th October 2010, 04:32 AM
So I guess we're agreed? There are limitations in Time and Space for the RTZ energy body?

That was simpler than I thought it could be. :P

what kind of limitations do you think there are?

12th October 2010, 10:52 AM
I personally do not buy into these "limitations" until I personally experience them myself. Perhaps if I travel there enough times in the astral, I can at least get a close approximation. I've heard of people going to the moon in the RTZ, just by thought alone, so it could just require practice and patience, as you are still able to travel through walls in the RTZ. I try to be open-minded about almost everything and give it a 50-50 chance until I try it myself. People have said that OBE's are impossible, yet give them good resources (books and CD's) and have them try it everyday for a year and see the impossible change to possible, or at least probable. I am sure that there are limitations, but very small ones. Most people think that telekinesis is impossible on the physical plane, but have they read and researched about telekinesis and then tried it everyday for 15 minutes for a year? Most likely not. A lot of things outside of our body are also mental. I think before anyone writes anything off or even says that it's more than 50% unlikely, they should try it for a while at least, give it the practice and patience that it deserves. This isn't meant to be a cold or angry message, as statements often sound online :D I just would hope that people, especially in this type of community, would never say something is impossible or very unlikely, without trying it and giving it a chance for a year. Once I master the ability of OBE, I will try everyday for a year if I have to haha. If no results occur, I will assume that is unlikely for myself, but maybe still probable for others. I am fine with talking about the difficulties (more like just speed bumps), but I don't want to feed it a negative affirmation of difficult, a limitation, or impossible. I know that people didn't say this exactly, but it just felt that way from the conversation, so I wanted to just state my thoughts.

12th October 2010, 02:24 PM
I personally do not buy into these "limitations" until I personally experience them myself. Perhaps if I travel there enough times in the astral, I can at least get a close approximation. I've heard of people going to the moon in the RTZ, just by thought alone, so it could just require practice and patience, as you are still able to travel through walls in the RTZ. I try to be open-minded about almost everything and give it a 50-50 chance until I try it myself. People have said that OBE's are impossible, yet give them good resources (books and CD's) and have them try it everyday for a year and see the impossible change to possible, or at least probable. I am sure that there are limitations, but very small ones. Most people think that telekinesis is impossible on the physical plane, but have they read and researched about telekinesis and then tried it everyday for 15 minutes for a year? Most likely not. A lot of things outside of our body are also mental. I think before anyone writes anything off or even says that it's more than 50% unlikely, they should try it for a while at least, give it the practice and patience that it deserves. This isn't meant to be a cold or angry message, as statements often sound online :D I just would hope that people, especially in this type of community, would never say something is impossible or very unlikely, without trying it and giving it a chance for a year. Once I master the ability of OBE, I will try everyday for a year if I have to haha. If no results occur, I will assume that is unlikely for myself, but maybe still probable for others. I am fine with talking about the difficulties (more like just speed bumps), but I don't want to feed it a negative affirmation of difficult, a limitation, or impossible. I know that people didn't say this exactly, but it just felt that way from the conversation, so I wanted to just state my thoughts.

well one of the amazing things about living in this world is that we can overcome difficulty through effort.

Keep us updated on your progress. in fact, you could start a personal thread called "Jedi's journey to outer space" or something and blog day to day about your efforts. that would be fun. and once you master space travel, you can teach us all how to do it.

12th October 2010, 03:04 PM
well one of the amazing things about living in this world is that we can overcome difficulty through effort.

Keep us updated on your progress. in fact, you could start a personal thread called "Jedi's journey to outer space" or something and blog day to day about your efforts. that would be fun. and once you master space travel, you can teach us all how to do it.
Ok haha, look forward to it next year.

Aunt Clair
1st December 2010, 12:28 PM
, I would then just think, "Go to the closest planet to Earth with intelligent life on it." Anybody have any experiences with this?
Yes others have done so and written about it . Robert Bruce has written about the window on the edge of our universe and being splat upon it like a fly on a windscreen. After Robert Bruce "found it" , he went through it intuitively.

I have done this with friends, too .Many of my peers also found it by smacking into it which is a bit of metaphysical humour. Anyway, we went through this "barrier" by changing polarity to become all magnetic for a time by shutting down the sun and electric energies. Once through we came to a station of sorts and met beings that took us in projection to other planets where we observed the lifeforms. We went to one where the people were like ;

*gophers ~ their ecosystem was desert and they lived underground in caves and used tools and had speech. they did not wear clothes

*locusts ~ they had a communal system and sang in long ballads , they had dance, and ceremonies, they had language and they did not wear clothes

*ants ~ these had nearly killed each other off they wore armour and were warriors
they had language and weapons and spent time fighting in communities

*humanoids~ all manner of humanoids have been found some live underground and live like primitive humans they seem albino and hairy and giant compared to us. Others are short and gray purple like ET they use tools , they have language, jewelry , art , music, technology

*spheroids blobs~ a very sophisticated lifeform that is a brain without limbs very strange

*squids ~ these are the closest to our planet they are pinky gray purple they have
humanoid heads and arms but their legs are like a squid or octupus . They live on coastlines and underwater. They have language, education, reading and writing, art, music , festivals and religion .

There is a Museum of Worlds in Shamballah which is much easier to get to. It is a golden temple that is multi storied with domed ceilinged pillars. It is a temporally stable realm in the Higher Planes. There one can learn about sentient life forms of other solar systems.

(2) Has anybody tried to verify "secret" places? Edgar Cayce said that there was something underneath the paw of the Phinx in Egypt.

We went under the sphinx on a lark and saw a system of tunnels and followed these to a pyramid . We had initiations in the sphinx and in the pyramids .

(3) What specific things from the Akashic records (not just what the building looked like or what's inside it, but actual things you learned from within it or saw/read)? What other temples/building/places exist?

In the akashic records I have read reasons for some of the suffering I have endured in this life and understood that sometimes we are at fault through karma but not always. Sometimes an incipient event occurs. We have a lesson to forgive the perpetrator of harm to us or to seek revenge and not forgive them but enter into a karmic bond. It is best to walk away and let the universe smite them . What is dished out comes back and it will bite them on the arse in this life and the next one too.

Shamballah is a lovely paradise full of temporally stable temples. This means that if you project there today and again a decade from now the temples will be in the same location and you will be able to find your way about . And you can take peer mystic magicians with you in projection to view the temples , meet the teachers there and attain attunements of higher vibrational energies there too.

There is an ocean that comes to a river mouth. On the left is a white temple of the warrior which teaches martial arts discipline, protection and energy arts. On the right is the Temple of the Dragons and a Metaphysical College for students .

Down the river on the right is a Native American Spirit Village having a smoke lodge and a campground and an ancient cave too. Here you can meet the Great Goddess and the Great Father Sky and Mother Earth as well as Silver Birch and White Eagle.

On the left is the Great Valley of Luxor with the pyramids and the sphinx and a well of time . There you can meet a number of teachers including but not limited to ; Isis , Horus, Osiris, Anubis, et cetera.

Further on the right there is the Etheric of the Wesak Valley as on Earth it is a holy place for festivals and great gatherings. Here you can meet Christ and Buddha.

Here the river biforcates on the right it runs into a Valley of Peace where one can meet with afterlife beings of different planets and above on either side are metaphysical universities. On the left is a Temple of Light Attunements and a creek bed.

Follow the creek to a liitle bridge and to the Alchemists Garden.On the right is a path into a village on the right of this path is the European Alchemists Pub and on the left is the Temple of Tao and an Asian Alchemists Village .To the left of the bridge is a valley of time with villages from around the world that delight astral tourists.

Back to the main river that biforcated to the left. The pyramids are now on your left . There is a small door to the temple of Serapis Bey there at the top of the cliff and just past them on the left is the Temple of 1000 Lights and Roses where Buddha can be met.

On the right of this river there are a variety of temples including but not limited to the Manse of Shamballah which looks like the Taj Mahal and the Akashic Hall of Records on its left . Here one can meet with the Godhead of their belief system.

Behind the Great Manse on a Peninsula is the Great Crystal Sapphire Cathedral of Christ.

Straight ahead is a mountain of Yemaja . And sort of off to the right tucked behind the Wesak Valley and The Manse of Shamballah is a Mountain of Pele and the Great Lighthouse of Alexandria in etheric . There is an Etheric Stonehenge and the Temples of Compassion where you can meet Rhiannon, Quan Yen, Khali, Mary ,Isis et al. And there is Valhallah in a great mountain of ice and snow where you can meet the Norse pantheon.

Every pantheon is there. And there is a path to the afterlife too where one can tour hels or heavens. And one can attain Kether in this manner too to dwell for a short time with the non gendered sentient light of Godhead.

This is a mud map of some of the prominent temples;
Too large to post ; a full view of composite image
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x36 ... ballah.jpg (http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x366/AuntClair/Charts%20and%20Maps/shamballah.jpg)
This simulated image was made by cutting and pasting physical temple photographic images over one bank of a river graphic shaped like the contours of Shamballah. Actually, the temples are so numerous that they dot every cliff and river bank in Shamballah. I have not been in them all...yet
a portion of composite image

Aunt Clair
2nd December 2010, 06:35 AM
This is a mudmap of Shamballah that I created today. It is too large to post
and the drawing is too crude and rough to make a decent thumbnail
so here is the link ;
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x36 ... llahbw.jpg (http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x366/AuntClair/Charts%20and%20Maps/Shamballahbw.jpg)

Shamballah has several levels;
floating cloud temples
dome and steeple balcony and chambers entrances to afterlife Heavens
3rd story
2nd story
ground floor
underground caverns, tunnels
entrances to Hels

The temples along the cliffs and riverbanks are too numerous to include . I chose prominent ones that I recall. The beauty of the temporal stability of Shamballah is that the mystic may return alone or with peers and find their way back to a temple .All manner of religions and avatars may be explored in Shamballah though it is limited to Earthly wisdoms with the exception of the Golden Temples of Wisdom which include a Museum of the Worlds . There the mystic may tour the worlds of sentient beings in the past and present. Here is a link to a website regarding the Temples of Wisdom;

2nd December 2010, 03:07 PM
Wow A C interesting post
did you know christ and buddha and others, had the same spirit

im having trouble fitting (most) of all their skills, how they are (how you explained) gophers to squids existence, in to how this universe will and is evolving, i got broad range of knowledge (knowing) where we are headed in the future at this stage in our lives (i know how these planets do what they do)(yous wont believe it yet, soon yous will) im wondering their gophers to squids purpose in this universe, can you tell us more about them or even if you know their purpose.



Hi Ether,

while i agree that 'all' is of one spirit, I don't agree that christ and buddha and "others", had the same spirit. I rather imagine that christ is all inclusive (a-z as finished), while krishna represent the upper eschilon of say (n-z as unfinished, yet bliss), and buddha represents beyond bliss, even external of (a-z as unfinished, yet nirvana) as it was not his to have finished. christ represents the struggling masses, thus is the bridge of completion (a-m+n-z).

3rd December 2010, 01:14 PM
ether, no, i dont have a clue about the planets. but, i thought that if i am going to say that i diagree, i might as well go on to say why i disagree.

i dont imagine that how i see it is the way it is for everyone. often people disagree, and i think the two of us handled that pretty well.

i like seeing someone stick to their stance when challenged. i guess it means that there is something substantial behind what is standing in it. so, being as such, i look at your replys and see that what you've stated must be so, even as it is outside of my present ability to agree. but i find you to be personally agreeable. :wink:

my pleasure ether,


12th December 2010, 03:18 AM

How do you get to this wonderful place? Is it the 7th astral plane? Or mental plane?

12th December 2010, 03:25 AM
Technically I believe some time ago AC said it was in the lower to middle astral, but my knowledge of this isn't that technical.
The way I have reached some of these places has been by going through tests in the RTZ, and then going into the astral to get 'lessons', and finishing them. I have had at least two graduations that I remember, and according to a couple of people here am 'training' to go to the mental plane.
I've been to schools, to the akashic records, to a few places of the afterlife (BSTs and the hospital), and down two entrances to the 'underworld' or 'hell'.

So it's not necessarily for me a matter of direction, but a matter of dealing with what is offered to me and getting through, and going to the next thing that shows up.