View Full Version : the Love connection

Neil Templar
10th October 2010, 06:44 PM
i was aware of an almost overwhelming presence of love. a connection with something so pure i wanted to weep.
my mind told me this presence was Kryon. (a channeled entity whose material resonates greatly with me. i actually went to see it being channeled a week ago 8) )
perhaps it was the entity Kryon, perhaps my mind simply made that connection for me when experiencing the presence of God/Source/Whatever?
i became aware of myself as a human individual, and a dream scenario formed.
i was a young man, with my girlfriend. we shared a strong love connection.
then, she left me.
with her, went the feeling of the connection with Kryon.
i was overwhelmed with loss. grief took me for some time.
then, as time passed, i got used to living without the connection.
it seemed like years passed. i had lived an entire lifetime, and i'd forgotten the connection i once had.
something triggered a memory, reminding me how it felt, that connection with the loving presence.
all of a sudden i was awash with loving kindness.
once again i was connected to this Universal presence.
it became clear, it had been there all along. all i had needed to do was simply remember it, and i'd experience it again.

then the scene shifted, and i saw a being, painting a picture, of a group of people, sitting in a cinema, looking at the huge screen.
on the screen, was the being, painting the picture, of the people in the cinema...watching a screen where the being painted the picture of the people observing the being, creating the scene, of observers, observing a creation, of observers observing creation...infinitely...

i realised i was being shown the mind of God.
it was so perfect and beautiful, i was overcome.
i woke to my own voice wailing quietly "woah...woah... oh my God.."