View Full Version : Cellular Light

8th October 2010, 10:08 PM
Dream Morning 10/8/10
I was at a workshop with a bunch of people in a big building complex. The event was ending and I was moving around rapping things up. I offered to carry a guys protein powder then proceeded to lose it in the messy rubbish (chaos) that was lying around. I had broken a cell phone in half and an organizer girl was upset with me…I realized I would have to pay for it and said, “what am I doing with a cell phone anyway I don’t need one.” I got back to where more of the group was including the teacher and I guy came up behind me and grabbed me around the rib cage. Bolts of lightning went through me and I yelled “Ah don’t touch me.” He said he couldn’t be around me for 3 days without touching me.

This dream answers the question of how we quicken the process of opening ourselves to the light so that we can transform our flesh to embody the new humanity. The protein powder in the dream is most likely enzymes, for they do all the work in the body, breaking down and rebuilding and providing the energy for change. It is enzymes that would reconstruct the protein and DNA to convey more biophotons and generate more bliss (magnetic geneto-glandular implosion). The cell phone represents cellular communication…it is through unbroken cellular communication that we commune or enter into coherent communication with the cosmos and community. We inherent this potential for cellular communication from 3.5 billion years of evolution and so it is not really “ours” persay, but we just borrow it from the continuum of life. If we break it, then we get to pay for the consequences. The guy grabbing me around the back of my ribcage is pointing to the pain of separation, loss of spirit (breath) and lack of social touch. I have been feeling somewhat dead in the bottle of my lungs due to the sadness of my isolation. Enzymes provide the energy (ATP) on the microscopic level for cellular movement and then on the macroscopic level emotions are emotivation for mobilizing towards greater humanization. Thus evolution is facilitated by joyous movement…be it sex, dance, rebounding, running, yoga or touch.

9th October 2010, 05:55 AM
A very useful dream, Jananz. I was drawn to your post because of an experience with light and vibration that disturbed me yesterday when I was trying to sleep.

9th October 2010, 11:54 AM
Enzymes do the “work” of sorting out the chaos and disorder to allow the molecules and structures of the body to convey more biophoton/biophonon information. "Life force" IS "enzyme potential."

In actuality the cosmic Self is already innately there within us, with its full clairvoyance, telepathy, genius, efficacy and mission. We just have to bring the Timeless self down into the temporal zone through making our body able to convey more light (biophotons). Bio-photons orchestrate the design and expression of the DNA and control the metabolism of the cells, regulating growth and reproduction. Ultra violet coherence being the motor and currency of cell metabolism (Ettienne, and Lipton).

Spirit is downloaded into matter through life’s helical structures...through the crystallization of light into the human body. We can invoke the pure divine sovereign at the Source to let the old go and invite the new. How many wells of love do you have...countless trillion...every protein and DNA/RNA is a well of love conveying order and energy from the vacuum. That's a lot of power to sit with in grace and move with in flow. Grace comes in spades when kundalini is up. This in itself is worthy of many lifetimes of contemplation. The Light of the Body is the Eye of inspiration, love, apotheosis and revelatory ecstasy. There is nothing more powerfully transformative than pure, unadulterated human essence.