View Full Version : Chaos and a Higher Order of being

5th October 2010, 03:26 PM
Chris Hedges is one of the most articulate, comprehensive observers of our dystopic dis-ease. In the truthdig.com article “Retribution for a World Lost in Screens,” he says…“The great moral voices, George Orwell and Albert Camus being perhaps two of the finest examples, describe in moving detail the human suffering we ignore or excuse. They understand that the greatest instrument for moral good is the imagination.”

The visionary organ of divine imagination and accountability is the prefrontal lobes through which we envision potential futures. If the prefrontal lobes are the CEO of the brain, then our CEO has gone rouge and is professing a line of bull, bribing us with distractions, pilfering from our biogenic bank account, stifling our creativity and suppressing our genuine joy and participation. Just as we need honorable leadership in our societal affairs, we need honorable leadership within our own house of the soul. The embrace and healing of unruleliness is not achieved by allegory and laws, but by overcoming inner warfare through the integrating frequency of Gamma wave...the resonance of compassion. Then conflict is known for what it really is...a temporary madness that stands in the way of our experiencing the full potential of human life...which is beyond our wildest imagination.

The downfall of the majority of humanity was not caused directly by punitive controllers so much, but by "the peoples" own emotional distress and maladaption patterns to living within life-harming social systems. The general dumbing down and prepersonalization of populations makes them dependent and vulnerable to econo-fascist control. Once the people themselves turn back towards life and reinstate our full lifeforce, intelligence, care and sensitivity, then the manipulative, power-over structures and exploitive leadership will collapse through the lack of support for their darkness.

“Coming-towards” attentiveness or loving connectivity brings us back to life. Whole brain integration and conscious embodiment are cause and effect of “inclusivity,” or “moving towards,” thereby transcending binary polarism, deconstruction, nihilism and life-unlived. Once we return to lucidity and stop brain damaging ourselves with dominator hierarchies designed by the ruthless left-brained tyrant...we can quicken the Great Return through an ever perfecting marriage of the sexes, poles and hemispheres...and thus work-with the evolutionary force to realize and Grok more fully the great mystery that is Life. Such is The Glass Bead Game.

In the culture of separation we are all touched by addiction one way or another. Either ourselves or others we encounter can have some form of addiction that undermines lifeforce and makes us less than who we are...(alcohol, smoking, drugs, food, sex, TV, computers, gadgets, isolation, sedentarism, conflict etc...) How do we work through the addictive personality to live a deeper human life and grow up?

The addictive personality tries to make Other wrong, guilty, little or shamed etc...to ease the subconscious guilt that arises when we commit a crime against our lifeforce. This is a primitive, infantile form of control, which may throw off and unbalance those around the addict, because one normally doesn't expect a grown adult to use the tactics of a preschooler. Constant repetition of belitting, shaming behavior can destroy the health of those exposed to it. But if we can see what is going on then reassure the addict that they are safe and secure, then the need for negative-support is not needed and the addict can then start self-caring and healing.

Alpha-Theta brain waves are more present in the brain of a child, thus relaxed, open awareness allows for receptivity, learning, play and growth. Alpha-Theta is also the frequency for original blessing, that is an a priori positive appraisal of ourselves and our world. It is also the frequency for Gaia atunement, genius, gnosis, social connectivity and healing. Thus in order to emerge from the culture of separation we need to deliberately (with conscious choice) create ongoing states of soothing soft nerve-tone. The positive activation of the attachment system in our mammalian wiring is required for good digestion, good sleep and good metabolism in general. Our health breaks down and our lifespan reduced when anxiety, separation and aversion feature too prominently in our emotional life.

Because the prefrontal lobe has limited direct connection to the hot button of the Amygdala there is the need to cultivate positive thoughts, feelings and experiences deliberately in order to cultivate our background energy state towards rest and relaxation (Alpha-theta). The sympathetic stress response and its fight-flight response ensures the Amygdala tracks for negative or dangerous data and so the consensus trance is skewed toward paranoia. Thus if we allow our background state and energy levels to drop down towards the negative, our worldview and our experience tends to reinforce a negative, scary and gloomy outlook.

Implicit memory shapes our view, mood, bias, expectations and automatic responses. By thinking, seeing and feeling in the positive we generate an energetic state in which regeneration, healing and growth are possible. By consciously feeling "health" in the body, we naturally allow the body to move towards greater health and integration. For example after a meal or while in bed...felt-sense into the GI tract and feel the bliss and health of this area. You will notice that not only does your digestion improve and inflammation reduce, but energy levels and sense of well-being are greatly elevated, allowing you to maintain the Alpha-theta state with more power and Presence. Taking “time in” to absorb “the good” helps to imprint our implicit memory towards the appreciation of pleasure, beauty and goodness…and thus we move our focus out of the nightmare and into the dream.

In order to be human and be healthy we need to have healthy humans around us.

6th January 2011, 05:38 AM
How do we work through the addictive personality to live a deeper human life and grow up?
Become an artist, poet, musician. Play, create, share.