View Full Version : god sr, god jr, and god before god

5th October 2010, 11:10 AM
ok....i just had by far the strangest dream i can recall.

It started out me going to a party on a night i'd normally have work, and i drank alot and got crazy with some friends. it came to be about an hour and a half till i had work and i was comming down and trying to get my stuff together, i grab what i remember where it was, and a left over bottle of expensive booze someone left. for some reason i walked home instead, and stopped at the store to get some smokes and found i didn't have my ID. I tried to give the guy my DL number which after some effort i recalled(accurately). the sun was started to come up, and the guy told me "i still can sell em to you with out ID" so i thought what ever, i have a carton in my car(which i do, but didn't have my car at that point) so i wasn't bothered. suddenly i'm back at the party(not sure how) looking for my ID, and it is night time again but the same night i was there. While i'm looking for it Morgan freeman walks in to the room and comes up to me. he says "son, i'm god and i have something to show you"(and mind you i'm not religious). suddenly i'm in this city, its up in the mountains(not on earth) its the only city on this planet covered with rolling hills, mountains, lakes and oceans. (note: i just remembered having two projection(exits) experiences before this dream...i think they may have led to this?) The city was all white buildings made of the smoothest white plaster i've ever seen or touched. everyone seemed happy, and went about their daily stuff(a false heaven?) i seemed to be fitting in well, and i found the house i was at during that party. Suddenly the people there weren't so happy, they started accusing me of being a homosexual(i'm not, and i'm quite secure in that so this is strange) things got crazy, i was detained and things got crazy, and really blurry then blacked out. I regain conciousness as i'm being tossed out the gate. Suddenly things are really dark and barren, not all lush and green and happen like outfront of the gate looked from inside. I see my car outside the gate, so i start grabbing stuff out of it that i need, when these little creatures no bigger then a house cat start hounding me like they were sizing me up to eat me, and these maggot/caterpillar worms started swarming me and trying to go into my ears. I manage to fight these off and make my way up the dark road to a T. off to the left i find my buddies truck sitting there, doors open, noone inside. now i'm thinking "my friends have all been here too, and cast out aswell, i need to find them" i start going through the truck looking for more supplies and something to carry it with. I find a backpack and go thru it, and i hear a phone ringing inside it. it was my buddy calling one of our other friends that was with him at the party, i answered it, and it turnes out he went the other way at the T than i did and wasn't far, so i drive his truck down to him and find him near a cliff(in the opposite direction of the city) that over looked a green valley, and the city. as i pull up to him, he falls over and i drive off and catch him. the truck turns into a helicoptor/plane hybrid and we narrowly avoid hitting the bottom of the valley, as we pull up i notice we are being tailed by two gunships from the city. we shoot one down, and chase the other back to the city. I land near the inside of the wall(friend disappeared), between it and a mote. I take a hidden path across the mote, fighting a couple guards on my way across(using 3 swords somehow haha) as i reach the end, the "king" comes out onto the path. he greats me cordialy, but i tell him i don't want the sword he gave me any more, so i throw the sword and the key? to use it at his feet. not sure how i got around him, but i managed to sneak into the city at this point, and find that the whole event was on the news, and the people there seemed happy to see someone stand up to the king. I make my way to the central chamber of the city, outside i find my gf who was still there somehow. she starts asking what was going on, and telling me to lay low. rebeliously i stand on a table and shout "It was me!!!" and everyone starts cheering. i enter the central chamber, where i find morgan freeman, and two other black gentlemen. the other two were just cleaning up, and organizing(dressed like janitors) one was about 10 years younger, and the other about 20 years younger then morgan, and all had similar features but were noticably different more than age. morgan comes up to me and says "i'm proud of you, you've done well. I'd like you to meet these other two gentlemen" he gestures towards them. "as you already know, i am god" as he points at the oldest of the other men "god" and the youngest "god before god"(the three bodies of god, or the 3 astral bodies?)....their ages and explained chronology were reversed, but it made sense. (they all had a roman-esque nose which seemed odd as i don't think morgan has one normally, but he did too)

This dream was entirely lucid, but with no control over my environment. thoughts were clear as day, except for the drunk parts.
I can't infer specifics about anypoint of the dream, but as a whole i think it was a test, and i passed, which made morgan very happy haha. anyways, i just had to share this one. Any feedback or thoughts are welcome.

5th October 2010, 12:40 PM
Hello, baalixan.

I think you were taken to a higher plane than you're usually on when dreaming, but the experience was to acclimatize yourself. I think all the action happening is to clear out stuff from your energy body to stabilise you there. I think there are quite some distortions/mistranslations of what you see still, also when communicating with "god."

Also note the issues with the ID. ID is identity, and also here it is checked whether your identity is developed enough (old enough) to pass. The store clerk has a gatekeeper function. You associate your ID with your car which often represents a "vehicle of consciousness" (energy body), which would be accurate.

About Morgan and the others - the different ages denoted some sort of spiritual hierarchy - Morgan is the most knowledgeable. "God" was your first attempt to translate his role as a higher being, a teacher or higher guide. If you had a continuum between God/the Source down to you and way below that in development, Morgan (a free man, as in liberation) represents a being that is closer to God, but that nuance is lost here.

Imagine a conversation where you heard only every odd word or so because your hearing was impaired. This will improve over time. In the beginning of developing communication you just get the gist of it, or rather basic information but not the details. So, initially you could differenciate things like "big/small" but not say "that guy is probably 180 - 185 cm tall." It's a start and will deepen over time.

Morgan and the other two are higher beings of different degrees of development. Here your ability to spot levels of development comes online. They are quite probably black because black people "got soul." ;) I'm actually not kidding you - when I met members of my soul family in one dream they were all black for the same reason. Popular culture makes for interesting symbols sometimes. So, their appearance denotes their connection to your soul or the soul level of being. That would fit in with their stature as higher beings.

The appearance of the city to be in the mountains also indicates some higher plane, maybe the upper astral plane or lower mental plane. Maybe you're in the border area between the two - that could be the reason for both the mountains and the oceans at the same time. The odd combination of pictures results because the mental plane, in a way, is on top of the highest reaches of the astral plane - so you see yourself on top of the mountains (upper astral plane), but oceans are at no elevation at all (lower mental plane boundary to the astral plane).

All in all a very encouraging experience that indicates more might come.


5th October 2010, 02:19 PM
As usual oliver, i love your feed back. Your interpretation seems quite accurate if i had to guess. the ID thing was the biggest indicator to me...but when i remembered the exits i had i knew the whole thing was important...its funny that you mention both the higher and lower planes, given the light and dark, and high and low, as well as the exits i had, one felt like i was sucked up, and the other pulled down.

5th October 2010, 09:10 PM
also another side note...the things i qouted being said i actually heard said by him. i think there was more that was "said" but i only remember what was actually spoken.

i also have a sort of interpretation of the quote "god, (younger)god, and god before god" the first god of course being the source, the second god perhaps being the soul or higher self, and god before god being a being that is still in the early stages of development as in still being here in the physical...kind of a simple explaination of the stages a soul goes through, life, ascention into the astral/spiritual, and then atonement, returning back to the source(reverse order of the quote)...just a thought

6th October 2010, 04:24 AM
also another side note...the things i qouted being said i actually heard said by him. i think there was more that was "said" but i only remember what was actually spoken.

Similarly to what you see, what you hear in the astral or above is subject to the state and clarity of your inner senses. So, you actually seem to have heard something, but this does not mean it was exactly what was said, more like what you understood.


6th October 2010, 05:18 AM
i can see that. verbal communication seems crude to me, and every other experience like this i've had has had direct communication(telepathy) and the whole of the message is clear while the details were a little fuzzy..i had to think about what was said to me in this on tho, where as the direct coms ones i just understood