View Full Version : that sinking feeling

4th October 2010, 04:07 PM
I copied this over from Nick Newport's site. I wish I could have brought Nick's charts over but I don't know how to exactly do that. :(

I've deleted the last of the post as it would have been redundent to posts I've already put up here... :)

Nick's Chart of OBE Phenomena:

OBE Body Sensations

I've been, as I said, mapping my experiences according to the charts which raises some questions. You describe "compact and flow" as the deepest of the energy body sensations before "limbs separated and controllable" and correlate it to just inside "Deeply Relaxed".

As you know I don't spend much time on OBE literature and so I'm not familiar with "compact and flow" or if it relates to my own experience. So let me pass this by you and hope for some feedback.

I had gone to bed feeling about as low as a person can get - definitely in need of some help, but also hopeful that help would arrive as it has so many times in the past. I fell asleep easily and deeply until I woke, what can say?, with a new self. As I say, this wasn't the first time, but even if it had been (and I remember the first time many years ago) there is really no question in my mind as to what was going on; I was being 'fixed' by my helpers/guides - angels or what have you.

I don't know how else to imagine the scenario of going to sleep in the depths of depression and waking during the night on top of the blissful mountain. Such feelings of peace and well-being I can attribute only to some supernatural or spiritual agency. So I awake, marvel at my new-found condition, and go back to sleep.

Now comes the sensation I was wondering about. As soon as I shut my eyes - wait! The bed was in bright light, but of course, the bedroom was dark. Let me see... yes, I definitely have an image in my mind of the sheets on the bed and the impression I'm making in it and as sink back to sleep the bed deepens like a bird's nest.

This complicates things a bit, but it was the 'sinking' I wanted to describe. It felt like it was a changing of energy bodies - a rather sudden and profound sinking into a deep unconsciousness. Like being drawn down a vortex. I think that's the best I can do. This waking and falling back in occurred at least three times that night.

4th October 2010, 05:47 PM
I've had the 'light in the head' phenomenon, but not the sinking feeling.

4th October 2010, 07:14 PM
it kind of sounds like he entered a deeper stage of trance and samadhi-like state. his descriptions are vague so it's tough to tell exactly what happened.

many of my samadhi states arise out of sleep; first i spend several hours doing a whole-body-energy inhalation followed by a short nap, then i awake in samadhi, ectasy and bliss.

depression does recapture energy, sitting still is required to transmute it into bliss or other subtle states, depression is also fantastic at purifying the conscious state. we're in samadhi during much of our sleep and if our conscious awareness is purified enough we can awaken into samadhi quite easily, much more easily than doing it all in an awakened state.

this is a great formula for attaining samadhi; it works up to the highest stages of nirvikalpa samadhi but not beyond. beyond that, you must forget about energy all together.

anyway i'm rambling. Nick should check out some of Robert's descriptions of deep and full trance, from Robert's books, for a better grip on expressive lingo. I was just trying to illustrate how sometimes people stumble into experiences that they can't duplicate later. there are simple formulas of success, and the degree of success is equivalent to the degree of skill applied to the formulas.
