View Full Version : Earth Belief Systems and Cultures in the Astral

3rd October 2010, 05:24 PM
The blue ray master was described as African. The priest from the Astral Dynamics second edition had Christian crucifixes on him.

The astral knights seems to be European knights and Laurà elle sounds to be a European name.

I have a few questions:

Why are there Earth cultures and belief systems in the astral?

Were the blue ray master and priest formerly earth humans? If so how did they become Masters? (because many would like to follow in their footsteps) If not, why would they be garbed in Earth cultural stuff?

Robert Bruce
17th November 2010, 08:31 AM

The astral planes are heavily affected by the beliefs and cultures of the physical universe.

Spirit beings seem to take on a role of something identifiable from our culture.

Many of the masters come originally from earth, so they may carry some kind of identity residue from that. I think, once a person attains a certain level of realization and enlightenment, many choices appear. One choice would seem to be, to begin the path of the masters. Some living people, very rare, become masters in the flesh. Sometimes a master will incarnate as a human, for various reasons....to help the world, etc.

To begin this task, if one wanted to aim for the path of the masters, is to begin realizing the greater reality as it truly is, not how one might choose to believe how it is.
