View Full Version : not sure what to make of this

23rd September 2010, 09:18 PM
so, recently i've had excessive dream recall for no apparent reason. i've been remembering as many as 6 completely seperate dreams when i first wake up, but there is always one that stands out from the rest and i remember past the morning.

yesterday, the one that stood out, everyone that i know, family, friends, and family of friends(including those i don't know or haven't met, and alot of people that wouldn't normally be in the same place together) were all gathered together, having fun and getting along. this one is easy to interpret to an extent. just an increased sense of unity, but there is only one thing this relates to in my life, which is my relationship with my girlfriend because we've been acting basicly as one over the last couple weeks. thats about all i can make of this one. this dream was not lucid, but was extremely vivid.

now this dream i had last night, and is the one that really brought all this dream recall to my attention. it was extremely lucid, i didn't make the connection that it was a dream, but i had full concious control of myself, physically and mentally. so here goes. it started at a restaurant that i was at with my g/f and a couple friends. we ate our meals, and they went on their way leaving me alone at the restaurant. I wandered into a back room that had stairs leading to the basement where i found a young bald man who had moderate control over fire and could create it with a thought. I knew his intentions with it were "evil" and that i had to stop him. Just seeing him use it, i learned how to do it myself, and we battled using it. the more we fought, the more i learned and the weaker he got until he had no control over it anymore. later on i somehow learned control over water, than ice, but i don't know how i learned these. For some time i used these abilities to fight people who used similar abilities for "evil". Using these abilities so much taught me full on telekenesis, and i was able to control all the elements, as well as any non living matter. Some how i knew there were a large amount of people that didn't want anyone else to know i had developed these abilities, but i rebeled and showed a woman that i picked up somewhere along the way. she was very skeptical at first and though it was a trick until i threw a vase that she told me to move with my mind. approximately 15 years passed between showing that woman and this next part. The world had become a desolate place, with only a few colonies of people spread out across the globe, and i was part of one of the two largest ones, which fought for the greater good of humanity, and we were at war with the other largest one who had only selfish desires. The technology we had was highly advanced, many times more than it is today. by this point i was in my 40's, and my abilities were fully developed and i was some sort of official in my colony, but not the leader of it. I had decided to take a young boy under my wing and teach him what i knew. He showed alot of promise even before i started teaching him, and i wanted him to be able to defend himself when the other colony attacked again. The other colonists didn't want the boy to learn, so i was teaching him in secret. we were in a docking bay, high up on a cliff overlooking the ocean when we saw the enemies warships comming in. They started firing on our colony and had people with abilities similar to mine attacking us aswell. we fought back for some time. this is where the dream ends as far as i can tell, so i don't know the outcome of this battle, but i know at this point the battle was in full swing, and me and the boy were holding our ground fairly well in this docking bay.

any thoughts, interpretations, or anything on this dream would be greatly appriciated. at this point i can't make out any clear meaning in the dream, aside from the theme of telekenesis, and fighting a form of "evil" for the greater good....

24th September 2010, 07:32 AM
Hello, baalixan.

One thing I find interesting is this - you fought "evil" but it never went away. Seems like you get caught up in this fight, and even though there's development (the high tech) the world turns into a desolate place. This poses the question whether the greater good can be served by fighting "evil."

I would take as message from this that selfishness cannot be overcome by force. You can hardly fight with all the people you perceive pursuing their development for selfish purposes. You would end up being caught up in endless battles of will with such individuals. No matter what stage your development is (whether now or in 15 years, our technology or future high tech), going the way of forcing your will on others (the battles) - even if you think the greater good is served - no good will come of it.


24th September 2010, 07:40 AM
that does make alot of sense, aside from one thing i was the one defending from the imposing will of this "evil". not just defending myself, but those around me that did not have the strength or will to defend themselves. i didn't start a single battle myself. the only thing that could possibly be taken, i think, as imposing my own will id wanting to spread the knowledge to others so that they too can understand, aswell as defend themselves.

24th September 2010, 07:43 AM
i made a connection right after posting this, and i'm not sure how much it relates. if it does, its in the fighting the "evil" with force. Lately i've been listening to a bit of talk radio, alot of which has been about the war in the middle east that seems to drag on with very little progress, but yet we keep fighting for what is thought by our side to be for the "greater good"....while this makes some sense, i can't help but feel that there is something deeper to it than something i've been hearing about

24th September 2010, 09:31 AM
Hello, baalixan.

I knew his intentions with it were "evil" and that i had to stop him. Just seeing him use it, i learned how to do it myself, and we battled using it. the more we fought, the more i learned and the weaker he got until he had no control over it anymore.

This is what I was referring to. This is clearly a battle of wills, and you're using your willpower to strip him of his power to act.

You could then even see your later battle as a karmic consequence of your earlier action. This is actually a wonderful dream symbol - see the future your actions would "create" for you.

About the war in the middle east - I'd say there are a lot of resources beyond talk radio that can help form the big picture.


24th September 2010, 09:38 PM
I am one of those people that likes to hear all sides of something from as many different sources, no matter how truthful or not any of them are, and i can usually average out the truth from there. Talk radio just so happened to be one source i listened to the day before.

As far as the battle of will, that makes even more sense, and brings about a number of thoughts as to the symbolism there and what it represents.
the first thing it brings to mind, i tend to stray away from, and fight off popular belief and opinion, and as above i take in information from all sides, even the minority of a situation and average it out to come to my own conclusion. and with having listened to that show the day before, part of it may be my resistance of the urge to take it at face value. this conclusion is too general and revolves around politics to much for it to be my only thing, because while i am interested in the political process, it holds very little weight with me.

the second thing seems to play a bigger part in this. a certain person who is both extremely intelligent, aswell as manipulative recently tried playing me, and my girlfriend, aswell as some of our friends against eachother for his own purpose. this may be the source of the "evil", and his manipulation being this battle of will. ultimately it ended with him having no power in the situation, and our close knit group of friends sort of rallying in defense of both me and my g/f, aswell as solidifying the group against this outside influence.

as its probably apparent now, the second thought as to the symbolism would be the one with the deeper effect on me and thus a bigger priority in the dream. i don't know if i would have come to this realization on my own, so i appriciate greatly your input Oliver. you got my thoughts going in the right direction :D

25th September 2010, 12:56 AM

25th September 2010, 05:29 AM
Tutor, what is your take on people who's life work is in charities? Would that count as "looking to help", and is that perceived as a negative form of selfishness?

26th September 2010, 03:26 AM
Tutor, what is your take on people who's life work is in charities? Would that count as "looking to help", and is that perceived as a negative form of selfishness?

i think the answer to that is for anyone to choose in their own right. i also think i write to much foolishness that ought not be taken seriously. imho